Popularity list

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Sindelian, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. Sindelian

    Sindelian New Member

    When I'm new to a fighting game, I like to learn who are the most popular characters, and who are the least popular characters. Personally, I like to play as the least popular characters in a game because I like the originality and the minimum competition, I don't like losing to my own characters XD

    I'm planning on playing as Brad, El Blaze, and Akira.

    So who do you think are the most and least popular characters?
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Depends where you are. Example: In SoCal I was the only Vanessa player and there were 3 Sarah players (Goatcheese, Unsafe, AY) and 4 Jeffry players (Goatcheese, Sweep!, PheonixDTH, me).

    The fact you're playing VF is a sign of originality so pick a character YOU want to play, don't fill a weird niche just for the sake of it.

    Learn Mormon Shun; drinking is a no-no.

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