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Presidential Debate Plz Discuss

Discussion in 'General' started by kungfusmurf, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Bring it baby. Bush "I want to keep them on a lish."

  2. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Kerry was all in Bush's Butt.
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    I thought that Bush did pretty well considering he'd had only one answer for every question and that he lost it during the middle. But once he calmed down at the end he did well and caught kerry a few times on his facts.

    Now if only kerry can increase the ownage we're good.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I missed it due to the time lag. How was it overall?
    Bush fucked up some good Engrish?
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    I can't believe this mofo went to Yale, nuff said. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  6. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I thought Bush looked like a stammering, blinking nervous chimp that had done too much coke before taking the stage.

    Yeah he went to Yale, but only cuz daddy got him in there. Apparently none of the education stuck to his teflon brain. I thought Kerry soundly thumped him tonight and I'm happy about it.

    Let's show that corporate whore the door in o four!
  7. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  8. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Definitely, have to agree that Bush was majorly outclassed tonight. Although, Bush did find every chance to call Kerry a "Flip Flop", but in other ways since he couldn't use the term. It's was quite enjoyable watching Bush get verbally knocked out tonight.

    Kerry/Edwards '04
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I thought Bush looked like a stammering, blinking nervous chimp that had done too much coke before taking the stage.

    [/ QUOTE ] /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Kerry definitely looked strong last night, while Bush looked nervous at times when he had to think quickly. For the past few months I've been convinced that bush was going to be re-elected, but maybe the debates will change people's minds.
  10. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I missed it, but I'm so glad to hear that Bush got ran, that I will now celebrate with a tall, cool glass of tropical punch (/me imagines Bush getting a hawaiian PUNCH!!) /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Is there anywhere on the net where i can download a video of the debate? I really wanted to see it but I missed it. Or is it being reshown any time soon?
  12. MonkFish

    MonkFish Active Member

    If only it was a proper debate.

    My understanding of it is Bush demanded that Kerry could not ask him any direct questions or vice versa.

    If Kerry could ask direct questions Bush no doubt would've been completely destroyed. It seemed as though Bush was given two or three cards with set phrases on them that he could resort to whenever he got in trouble, and from what I saw he resorted to them on every single question! That and the age old conservative tactic of playing on people's nationalistic sentiments.

    Kerry on the other-hand looked to be completely in his element, he's obviously had far more practice in debating than Bush (no surprise there).

    The only bad thing I could say about Kerry is that he directed his responses more to the Mediator (Jim something?) as opposed to the viewing public.

    However, in terms of the clarity of answers he gave, Kerry looks to be the one with the most substance to his policies, its just a shame that in western democracies the public cares more about personalities than the substance of their policies.
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    doesn't the uk have a special tv program where people off the street can question the prime minister?

    forget the debates, and regardless of how well screened those people and questions might be, if you had a similar show in the U.S. our retarded chimpanzee of a "president" would probably have been impeached years ago. he can't even handle our corporate bitch media once every eight months with their few bullshit question, and i'd so love to see him asked real questions by real people.

    wouldn't it be funny if some disgusting obese faux-xtian republican sperm sponge soccer mom asked bush directly why her son got shot to shit in iraq? oh wait, that's not a real person, just the classic american prole. ok, how about an angry young college student asking just why the fuck he practically has to sell one of his kidneys AND be a subservient bitch to loan companies for the next 10-30 years to get through college simply for a chance at getting a job that maybe, maybe just maybe might be decent. and also if he's gonna be drafted if/when bush gets re-elected. or maybe a hard working man who would ask just why the fuck he works his ass off in three different jobs but has no fucking chance at getting health insurance? and so on.

    but that'll never happen. we're nothing but a bunch of cheeseburger eating budweiser swilling illiterate war mongers - and fucking proud of it. and most of us are happy to swallow and believe everything our glorious leader says. GO USA!


  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just pictured the vast majority of white american males on a sunday afternoon after that statement.....
  15. MonkFish

    MonkFish Active Member

    I'm not aware of such a program, but the govt did have an intiative called 'The Big Conversation' where supposedly ordinary members of the public could directly put questions to cabinet members.

    Of course it turned out to be nothing more than a multi-million pound (tax payers money) PR campaign.

    Politics over here in the UK is pretty much the same as in the US, though I'd say there's probably a little more scrutiny in criticsims of the govt (depending on effective opposition) and a lot more cynicism on behalf of the public.

    This was the first of three televised debates, right? When is the next one?

    I can't wait
  16. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    You can watch a streaming video of the debate here. It's in three parts. There's also a full transcript of the debate, in about nineteen parts (18 questions and closing statements), a little further down the page.

    re: Monkfish
    The other debates start off with the vice-presidential debate on October 5. There are two other debates, one on October 8 and another on October 13.

    Edit: You have to have CNN Newspass to watch the clip. Sorry I didn't mention it earlier.
  17. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Awesome thanks a lot ghostdog!
  18. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I don't know when the next debate is, but it will only get worse for Bush. Nat'l security is suppossed to be Bush's strong suit. He's the manly protector, at least that's his role in the fairy tale that the republicans want us to believe. Pepole have even less faith in the way Bush handles domestic issues.
  19. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Bush didnt do well in this debate. In fact he got pwnzored in my opinion. Kerry reamained calm and cool through the debate while Bush at many times got flustered, and stammered his way through many of his reponses. It was awesome.

    Also did the pres made a new bushism when he said : Mex Mistages. (mix messages ala dyslexia)
  20. Aoiscrub1979

    Aoiscrub1979 Member

    I didnt watch the debates last night, because I dont really watch television. But for the poster who said that Kerry may win because of his competence in the debate, I have to disagree. You have to understand why people like Bush. They like Bush because he is a very simple president. Bush is pretty much concise, short, and simple. To the average joe, that makes him relatable, and that is a quality most Americans are looking for. Either way, presidential debates are for the most part rehered, and even the session where the speaker has to "think on his feet", the questions asked by the moderator goes no further than overly simplified versions of major problems in society:classism, racism, democractic fundementalist, multicultral pluralism, etc. Presidential debates really dont get that complex, and only people who have taken the liberty to study various social and economic systems like communism and capitalism will understand the above topic beyond a few sound bites and empty lip service.

    What I do not like about debates is that there is an absence of a third party. As a matter of fact, on C-Span a few months ago, a guest for Washington Journal went into how both parties actually take extra steps to prohibit the absence of a third party speaker. So it is pretty apparent that it doesnt make a difference whom you vote for, they will eventually implement the same ideas. Kerry may be more convert about U.S. unilateral foreign policy, but he wont do things drastically different from Bush.

    Either way, America's psuedo democracy tends to be pretty annoying. America is obviously a republic, as politicians can basically make empty promises to people with no real obligation to fullfill them. And for the posters who say that Bush is a moron because he lacks certain eleqance in the way he speaks, that is just mindless bashing. While I do agree that Bush is not that intelligent, his speak style is no direct indication of his abilities. But false perceptions of intelligence always annoy me.

    end rant

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