Proof that Kage is a cheap motherfucker!

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, May 31, 2007.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    So check this out. I'm sitting there playing VF5 with Hyunster. Lau vs. Wolf, this goes on for 3 hours. It goes back pretty even, no more than 40/60 ratio, the games are intense AND THEN.. all the sudden this shit happens..

    This shit only stopped cuz it was so late that we had to quit. Now Tell me Kage isn't Cheap... He is so fucking cheap it's fucking insane. What a cheap motherfucker, kage is cheap and all kage players are cheap. I got the proof, you got nothing.
  2. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

  3. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    *nods softly* this is a nice find. but damn that really wasn't fair.. hehe no worries i'm a sarah/pai player.
  4. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    maybe u just need a little more practice.
  5. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Actually it's Shang that's using the gay Kage. He's prolly only using limited moves, you know the gay way. Imo he's a disgrace to the ninja council =P
  6. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    that is cool! haha!
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Poor Hyun...cheaped out!
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Great one Shang :p
    Anyway, whatever you people say, this tends to happen quite often....
  9. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

  10. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    Well Shang always a great motivator. That was one humiliating night and it was the worst losing streak I experienced since. . . I don't know, can't remember losing _that_ badly.

    Not to sound too sore but here is the observation from my perspective.

    We started playing Lau vs Wolf and and actually his Wolf this time was much stronger than I remember. He started punishing my fuzzy guard all over the place using low throws. That hurt yet I was able to hold my own and exchange wins fairly evenly. Then as Shang said, he switches to Kage, and it feels like my mind goes blank.

    And all the while Shang keeps saying how much easier it is to play Kage compared to Wolf. . . saying with Wolf he has to try hard to win. (As we maintained intense matches exchanging wins) But Kage's so easy to use, he says. And constantly keep saying shit like "Kage is the ultimate force in the universe!" "You will never win! I will get 100-win!"

    Oh well that night was my night of infamy, and I bow not to repeat this again.

    Objectively speaking I would like to say Shang is the possibly the toughest VF5 player I played so far. But he is still gay. (Doesn;t matter he lives with a girlfriend.)
  11. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3

    your next new name shall be...

    (!)SHANGSTER (let's see who actually gets this joke...)
  12. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    OMFG CAGE IS SOOO FUCKING BROKEN!!11onesallaround!
  13. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    i never though any of the characters were cheap. whenever i lose i just adjust. everytime i lose i know what my opponent did right and what i did wrong and i adjust. i play VF5 almost everyday with my friends and i always know why i lost that certain match. in my opinion theres no cheap character its the fact that some people dont ever learn from there mistakes.
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Allow me to revisit the issues of Kage and his cheapness. This will be in the perspective of playing level of a non-Japanese player. First of all it doesn’t matter who you are, unless you are a Japanese living in Japan, you will not be playing at the top level they are playing at. I don’t care if you are a pro-gamer(aka pro-gaymer), a rich spoiled kid who moved to Japan with your parents money, some white dude wished you were asian and moved to JP only to find out that you are a social reject, or if you just some king of your mom’s basement vf club… You will not be as good as the top Japanese players. You will not be because you aren’t part of the culture. This a fact. Therefore before you say “Well look at Sega’s KS3 results so and so..†STFU.. They don’t apply to you, or me. It’s like buying a car based on a review of its performance at 80MPH when you never drive faster than 35. So when I’m talking about cheap, I’m talking the ease of winning at the American level. And kage is so easy to win here, it’s not fucking funny.

    First of all, all his moves have no recovery. Most of his attacks are -6 or less or with some fucked up property that fucks you even if you manage to defend it. You can play Kage effectively and never execute a move that’s -7 or more. For example, against a normal character (the one that’s not cheap), you block a f+p , you are at mid advantage. You can do some shit. But oh no.. not vs. kage, you try to punch him or elbow him, guess what he can sabaki your ass, you want to d+p, he has moves that counter hits for 80 damage, you try to delay, he has his new stance that rapes you instantly.
    Speaking of his new stance.. What a cheap pile of SHIT.. Kage has the best mid/low/throw guessing game.. Now what the FUCK were they thinking? New stance > d/f+p has no recovery, slams for combo on ALL hits.. beats p / d+p’s.. WTF!!! New stance > f+p, What THE FUCK again… gives you a combo on any hit, it’s ½ circular (WTF!), totally safe.. AND it pushes you back you can’t do shit.. WHAT the FUCK! You want to block these cheap shits? No problem… Kage has low sweep that can be followed up with another low sweep… WTF!!!, Wanna fuzzy, eat a catch throw.
    Now let’s look some other cheap shit: b+k, what a cheap motherfucking move…basically you do this and there’s nothing they can do.. first of all it’s ½ circular and you fuck people if they try to dodge your 3+p (another cheap move). It doesn’t matter if b+k hits or not you just fucked the other guy as long as you didn’t whiff or got reversed cuz the follow up on on the b+k is fucking insanely cheap, now you can first do b+kk, which is a fucking special low attack (WTF?!?!? Mid > low is this VF?), it’s 100% safe and leave kage backturned.. NOW THIS IS the CHEAPEST shit EVER.. Kage with his backturned against you.. You would think you have some advantage on someone when their back is turned against you.. well not vs. a Ninja.. Kage has this shit call u/b+k while backturned, check this shit out.. +4 on BLOCK (WTF!), combos on ANY hit for 50+ damage (WTF!!). beats low attacks (WTF!!! Need I say again!).. Not only this… Kage has a super effective mid/low/throw game against you AFTER you blocked his b+k or b+kk… remember this is after you GUESSED RIGHT once already. He has d+k this will knock you down for a combo.. so when you are trying to NOT to block that +4 u/b+k he can rape you with d+k.. if you try to fuzzy, he has backturned throw that does 60 damage (WTF!!!!). Now just when you think it’s over… it’s not.. Kage can go to stances from b+k and fuck you up even more.. b+k > new stance > d/f+p or f+p you are back to chapter 1 getting fucked by kage.. not only that b+k can go to his old stance.. which gives another MID attack that downs for a d+p,p,pppk combo, against 100% safe (WTF!!!). That’s not enough? He can do everything all over again to you with another b+k cuz you’ll be too fucking scared of doing anything after blocking a b+k, OR he can do b+k,k and do just about everything again… Now if you are lucky and guess everything, kage can do b+kkk, fucking Mid/Low/Mid (WTF!!!), and if you guessed wrong the last hit will knock you down counter or not… WTF!!!! You will have to guess all the way right to get some free damage.. now tell me this is not fucking CHEAP!!!!
    It doesn’t end here all of kage’s useful moves are cheap.. Like:
    u/f+kg, beats low attacks, combos on any hits, even on block WTF!!!.
    d/f+p, combo on any hit, 100% safe, WTF!!
    ff+pkg, now what the fuck were they thinking when they made ff+pkg???!! WHAT THE FUCK??? It’s a fucking LOW attack that evade all moves, that knocks you down and has like 10 feet range.. WHAT is this, are you suppose to block low all the time when you low life or your back against the wall now vs. KAGE??! WhAT THE FUCK iS THIS?
    DPoD: What THE FUCK were they thinking? Is this VF? The fucking DPOD basically makes so that everytime you do a -16 move and it’s blocked you lose 40% of your life. WTF!!!! Who the fuck does kage think he is?? No one has shit like this.

    And Finally…Now you would think Sega would make a character that specializes in one area such as throws (wolf), or attacks ( jeff/brad/lei/Jacky). And it’s ok for characters to be ½ attack and ½ throws ( Akira/Lau ). NOW WHAT THE FUCK WERE They thinking when they were make Kage’s throws?!?!?!?! He has the best throw in the game.. WHY??? TELL ME WHY???!!! WHY DOES KAGE has the TFT??!?!??!?! WHYYYY!Y!! Tell me another reason other than “he’s a ninja†or “it’s been there since vf1â€Â.. Why does Kage, a character with insane striking ability get the best throw in the game… On top of this it’s fucking done with only f,b+PG( WTFx100!!) WTF??!?! WTF… Wtf…? Anyone with a ½ brains know if kage is back near a ring you either back the fuck off or you escape b+pg 100% of the time. TFT = fucking KO anywhere near a ring… What the fuck were they thinking, what’s so fun about getting ringed out with all your life from half way across the ring? And of course Kage’s throwing game doesn’t end with the TFT.. b,f+pg / d,b+pg / d/f+pg all do enough damage to FUCK YOU UP since all you are worrying about is getting TFTed out of the fucking ring… Oh you think fighting in a high fenced ring saves you? How about every TFT does 30 more points of damage on your ass? How about b,d+pg wall throw? You are fucked either way. Don’t think Kage is weak in a fucking fence, he can fuck you up with a wall big time.. Let me tell you why Sega kept the TFT like this: because they were too scared to piss off their Kage fagboy fans. All the fuckheads with no skill playing kage would quit in heartbeat if they made the TFT 270+pg (WTF!! Wolf’s players’ being the Perfect GS bullshit for years). Sega is too much of a pussy to piss of they player based, cuz everything’s about profit.

    In conclusion, Kage is a cheap motherfucker. If you don’t see this then either you never played against a decent Kage or you are a kage player yourself (aka faggot). The game’s only been out the US for a few months, look at the results of the few tournaments: EvoEast: Player was losing then busted out Kage and won. NH: Kage #2. Buycom: Busted out Kage and GG. Socal: Other than people with JP experience, Kage and Kage..

    I think it’s pretty fucking clear kage is a cheap motherfucker…
  15. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Respect, man. All these f*cks notwithstanding, that's a pretty solid argumentation.
  16. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    So how do you explain the Japanese players that don't use Kage and beat other Japanese Kage players?
  17. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    Garbage, Shang addressed your point at the top of his post. You could have actually read his post before trying to post a rebuttal.

    As someone being beaten by Shang regularly, I did not want to be the one playing the crybaby or complain about the character. For the record I had beaten Kages at both Evo East and NH tourney. So I am not a player who has no idea how to play against Kage. But when I play Shang it's clear that his Kage is miles tougher than his other characters, and it's after he spent hours a day practicing other characters (say Wolf)

    This thread reminds me of an ancient character balance debates that goes back to VF2. VF2 was a pretty bad game when it came down to character balance. But people were arguing how a good Jacky can beat a good Akira blah blah. As someone who was in Korea during its last days of the VF2 craze, I had to beg to differ. VF2 Jacky didn't have a prayer against an expertly played VF2 Akira. Sure, a player of similar skill may be able to beat Akira once or twice but out of what, 10-20 matches? All these people who thought Jacky were strong didn't see what top Korean Akiras and Laus can do and how pathetic Jacky was compared to them.

    People who naysay about Kage's advanatages, I seriously wonder if they ever played against a good Kage comparable to Shang. If you have and still think Kage is fair, then more powers to you as you must be a player worthy of winning tournaments here.

    Given that we don't have that kinds of serious balance issues at the top Japanese level of play, it's clear VF5 is much more balanced then VF2 or Tekken series. And of course Kages can be beaten, even Shang's Kage. But it just seems, as Shang argues, at the current North American competition level Kage has an edge, much like how a good VF2 Jacky could dominate the American scene in the absence of expert Laus and Akiras.

    But back in VF2, trying to counter expert Akira and Lau began with the recognization that those two were overpowered. Only after recognizing the imbalance, strategies to counter them began to emerge.
  18. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Did he fuck address the point.

    He is trying to argue that one character has a systematic advantage over the others.

    I'm just asking why this doesn't play out in competitions involving the best players in the world.

    Maybe don't back him up, why not tell me why i'm wrong.

    It's not personal.
  19. DeathPunch

    DeathPunch Active Member

    Shang I agree, altho he may not be T4jin he definently has alittle
    but it needs 2be their so that it can be beaten.
  20. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    You have pics of Kage fucking Dural?

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