PS2 VF4 replays suggestion

Discussion in 'Console' started by Legend, Feb 11, 2002.

  1. Legend

    Legend Active Member

    How about hosting PS2 replay matches, I mean they are really small in size like 36k or something for a whole match. The only downfall to this method is that one will need a mean to download the files from the PC to the PS2 memory card(shark port will do that nicely). I believe by doing so, more and more people will be able to enjoy VF4, say every now and then one can create combo exhibitions for certain characters and post it here somewhere.
  2. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    I m good with computers, but when it comes to this I would but how do u? Sounds okay, I think it would be good to exchange tips and stuff. Sounds immature but, I'll do it if u do it.
  3. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    If you do this, do not get the sharkport. It's rather limiting and pretty piss poor device. You should get the EMS memory card adaptor instead. It's not only cheaper, but it gives you by far more flexibility with what you can do with it. You can find it on and A couple people are already picking this up, so it's probably best to push this version of the memory card adaptor. One advantage is it will be easier to convert files between US and JP so that everyone can share.
  4. Legend

    Legend Active Member

    The EMS thing looks sweet .. unfortuanatly its not avaliable where am living.. I picked up the sharkport though.. and thought its good too .. maybe not as sophisticated as the EMS thingy but okayish none the less /versus/images/icons/smile.gif .

    And hey marcel, I am willing to share my replay matches with you or anyone else.. but don't expect anything special from me ( not yet atleast : ) ). I have barley made it after the switch from Tekken. :p
  5. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    Legend: The problem is the sharkport is its own format and you'll need to convert it. It's more likely that someone will develop a converter that converts the sharkport format to the data format that all the other adaptors use rather than the other way around. That's why I think we should push for this one standard on this board. The same thing happened during the PS days between the dex drive and all the other adaptors. It's a lot easier to hack the other data format as well. If you can, I honestly suggest you return it and try and get an EMS adaptor.
  6. Legend

    Legend Active Member

    So what you are saying is that if I use the sharkport to upload data from my PS2 memcard, to the PC, the thing will convert the data type to some format exlusivley used and understood by sharkport?! so like no one could download or play the replay unless he uses a sharkport to download it from the net.. right!?
  7. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about you fellas but I'm using my VCR for the upcoming Singapore Tournament. My TV has 2 AV inputs. PS2 goes into AV input 1 and the VCR is connected via input and output 2. So all the plays will be recorded into VHS tape. After all that is done, it will be converted to MPEG via a TV tuner card I have. I will then dub each play piecemeal with headings and the such.
  8. Legend

    Legend Active Member

    Genie47 Your method is great for those who don't have a PS2 .. but the method I was talking about only works if you have the PS2 and a copy of Vf4..limiting but the good thing is that even slow modem people won't be put of by the size of the file.
  9. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    legend: Correct. Plus as far as I know, you can't use a Sharkport on a Japanese system. You can only use it on a US system. Also I don't know how to convert Sharkport save files between US and JP where as I do know how to convert the other format.
  10. Legend

    Legend Active Member

    I have returned my sharkport.. but now I am stuck with another problem .. Where can I order the EMS adaptor? and how much does it cost?
  11. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    Legend: The two links I supplied lets you order from them. Or what you could do is try to get a group of people on here and make one bulk order and distribute them that way. I just ordered five. I may have an extra, but I think they're all spoken for. I'll know in a couple days. They just arrived yesterday. Only takes two days to ship from HK.
  12. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Hey can Howard, Jason and I buy 3 off you? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  13. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    Chris, heh yours and Jason's is already taken care of. =) I'll see if I have an extra though.
  14. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Ah, cool. Thanks!
  15. Legend

    Legend Active Member

    yeah I visited the site.. and will most probably order 3 or more.. depending on the number people I know who want one of these, though I will have to wait untill next week .. coz of work and school.

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