PSN Beginner/training Lobby

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by RazingPhoenix, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    There is a lobby for XBOX, and I really liked the idea. I'm basically available to host a lobby for long periods of time.
    Schedule: I can host EVERYDAY (if need be. Times below are most consistent times) :) The main issue is that I can't host at the same time everyday, because my classes are different...everyday lol. So here's when I'm available. All times are CST USA btw.
    Monday 8:00PM - 12:00AM
    Wednesday 8:00PM - 12:00 AM (starting today?)
    Thursday: same as Mon
    Friday: 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM

    How do people feel about these times? Also I'll idle for 30 min when a day/time is set in stone. If no one comes during idle time then the lobby will be shut down.
    EvenPit likes this.
  2. MidnightRunner

    MidnightRunner Member

    I'm interested. In fact, I was thinking of posting a thread asking for this very same thing. The times sound good, but with school I probably won't stay for long. My interest in this game was rekindled when I saw the Sega Cup tourney stream, though I'm still unsure of which character I'll play.
  3. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    Well, since no one seems interested, you can always have a set with me lol. Just tell me when you're available. Actually, I'll be available all day this Fri and Mon really. Wed of next week is my last final so I'll pretty much be free after that. I don't know if I'm taking summer classes, so I don't know if my schedule will be completely open during the summer.
  4. MidnightRunner

    MidnightRunner Member

    I think it'd be nice to have an open room anyway. Maybe there are people interested, they just don't have VFDC accounts?
  5. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    Would you come to the open room today? If so I'll host at the time posted. Also, I don't live alone, so if there is a sudden hiccup in the connection between us, that probably means someone in my house got on the Internet.
    Also post your PSN so I can invite you.
  6. MidnightRunner

    MidnightRunner Member

    I'll try! I have some school stuff to take care of on campus (which isn't that far from my house), so I should be back in time for the room. I updated my profile so you can see my PSN. Also, I think I'm going to main Goh from now on (instead of Eileen) so I'll be a day 1 Goh (unless I have some time to hit up the lab before hand).
  7. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    Room is up.
    You're invited and I sent an friend request. If no one joins in 30 min I'll assume it wasn't meant to be.

    Edit": people joined the lobby, so I'll just close when they leave.
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I should look to take part in this room to train my subs some since good rooms on PSN are so hard to find. it will be a great change of pace too when i am in the mood to play them.
  9. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    Well the room is closed now. I know it's not 12:00 but I'm tired. But yeah, in general the room could always use more peeps!
    GG's Midnight. I need to learn Eileen's strings. Yours were so long compared to mine. I might hold the lobby again tomorrow. Most likely Fri though.
  10. MidnightRunner

    MidnightRunner Member

    GG's to you too man. Did you know the other guy that was in the room too? I'm no VF expert, but I thought his El Blaze was pretty good; I wish he'd stay longer (perhaps we weren't much of a challenge?).

    I really want to learn either Goh or Lei Fei or Lau, and I know my Goh was kind of weak (as in "do nothing") but that's because I try really hard not to mash buttons when things get hectic. I still have to break the habit of mashing ukemi whenever I'm juggled, but if I can lose knowing I didn't go crazy on my stick, I can rest easy. I'm also surprised I remembered any Eileen strings at all, I really want to break away from this character.

    Hope my costumes justified playing Day 1, scrubby Jean, Lau Chan, Wolf, Jeffry, etc. It's enough for me just to play this game; I feel I'm finally getting my money's worth seeing as I haven't touched it since August 2012. Looking forward to Friday if you do decide to host again.
  11. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I would be interested but I think the timezones would make this an issue. I'm in the UK and only available weekends mostly in the evening. However if there is a room I can attend I will.
  12. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    Hey guys I can host, but I'll have to do it at around 10:00 CST. I have to finish some business at my school. Pre-finals madness. Sorry for any messed up plans.
    Ivor, I have no problem with you using this thread for the UK. After tonight I probably won't host again until Wed evening. If you can't get anything started I'll see what I can do on the weekends.

    Yeah midnight, that El Blaze was pretty good. Only beat him once. I had been playing him for about 40 min (before you came), so maybe he was just done for the day? Unfortunately he didn't appear in my players met list, so I couldn't add him or tell him about how I would try to make a consistent lobby.
  13. MidnightRunner

    MidnightRunner Member

    Yeah, I prolly won't be joining tonight, I'm gonna check out the Pre-BT Cup. But I'll definitely be down for Wednesday.
  14. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    Room will be up tonight at 8:00 CST.

    Lobby is up.

    Room closed

    Maybe I should give up on stick. 3d games feel awkward on it.
  15. MidnightRunner

    MidnightRunner Member

    Crap! I missed it. Stupid finals got me drained... :(
  16. RazingPhoenix

    RazingPhoenix Member

    lobby will be up tonight at 8:00 CST. I'm trying to learn to play on stick guys, so if I get decimated don't leave. If you ask me to play on pad I will for a couple of games.

    Lobby now up.

    Lobby will be up later tonight (Friday 8:00 CST).

    Alright guys Mondays and Fridays will be the days I host up no matter what. I'll update my status, post in the shout box as well. I'm also going to try to get some guys from SRK in the lobby as well. 8:00 CST
  17. Brylantor

    Brylantor Member

    I don't check this site much. Only just saw this thread. I'd be happy to join up. Also a UK player. I like to play as Kage but know a couple of moves for quite a lot of chars :)

    Psn is Brylantor
  18. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    If anybody ever wants a more casual and relaxed 4 or 5 slot room setting up on PSN, do please use the Shoutbox function here, or #vfhome on IRC if you see me about. I can mess with multiple characters across like a 2 hour session, no worries. I play from the UK, on a wired fibre optic line that covers most parts of Europe and the east side of America fairly reasonably. Always looking to meet new players and styles :)

    Edit: sorry if I've hijacked anything here!
  19. Brylantor

    Brylantor Member

    I didn't notice how old the thread was before I replied. Don't think we've hijacked anything. I'm happy to play anyone as any char. I'm not very good though :)

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