Punishes and Nitaku form Wolf's 9f throws

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by NecromancyBlack, Feb 2, 2025.

  1. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    I'm working on lists and potential guide around what wolf can do with his two 9 frame throws.

    As you know, one of the 2.0 changes was [4][P][+][G] was buffed to come out in 9f. This means Wolf now has two 9f throws on different directions, meaning he now has a 50/50 throw situation to punish at +9 and start nitaku 1f earlier at +5.

    This thread is for discussing practical uses of this (if any) and testing stuff.

    To start off, here is the untested list of -9 moves across the cast:
    Consistently punishable from nearly any range, and no followups to worry about
    Consistently punishable from nearly any range, but with small caveats
    Punishable, but with strong caveats
    Not practically or possible punishable

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)

    Too much push back, requires Wolf's back to the wall


    El Blaze
    Impossible to punish due to distance
    [7][K] (on hit is -9)

    Very tight spacing, at round start distance this will be -8
    If the first P would wiff, expect this it be safer than -9
    Ending in BT makes this effectively +8


    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    From Tenchi In'you [8]/[2][P]
    [P][P][P] (has followups)

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    From Flamingo [1][K]
    From Flamingo [K][K][2][K] (has followups)

    Shun Di
    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    [4][6][P][P] (has followups)

    Consistent if the [K] is also blocked, otherwise you will be out range

    From Choukarou [K][P]

    Fairly consistent, max range might not be punishable

    [K] (has followups)

    Not possible due to how far backwards Shun moves

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    [P][P][4][P][K] (has followups)
    (opponent behind) [2][P] (has followups)

    Would require wall behind Pai to be in range for punishment
    [7][K][+][G] (on hit)

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    (opponent behind) [2][P]

    Fairly consistent, max range might not be punishable
    [K] (has followups)


    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    [P][P] (has followups)

    Spacing dependent, but consistent from round start range

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    [P][K] (has followups)

    Lots of pushback (especially from Kokei), need to be close when blocked for consistent punishment
    (opponent behind) From Kokei [P][+][K]
    (opponent behind) [P][+][K]

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonjibashiri [6_][K] (has followups)
    From Shippujin Mikawashi (forward) [6_][K] (has followups)

    Recovers crouching, not punishable
    [3][P] (has followups)

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    From Dokuritsu Shiki [6][P][+][K][+][G][K] (2nd hit)

    Requires to be slightly closer then round startor consistent punishment
    [4][K][+][G] (has followups)

    Requires you to dash up between the 2nd and 3rd hit in order to be close enough to punish, otherwise move will be safer then -9

    Too much push back, requires wall behind Wolf

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    From Sway Back [P][P][K] (has followups)
    From Slipping [P][P][K] (has followups)

    Spacing dependent, want to be slightly closer then round start from where Brad starts the sway
    From Sway Back [K]

    Tricky spacing, can easily be -8 even at ranges closer then round start
    [2][P][+][K][P] (has followups)

    Impractical to be close enough in practice for this to be -9 instead of -8 or safer
    [2][P][+][K][P][P] (has followups)

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)

    Max range is +8, but punishble from round start

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    From Teirou Kanpo [K]
    [3][K][+][G][P] (has followups)

    Max range is +8, but punishble from round start

    Punishment wiffs if blocked from round start range, consistent if closer. BT version seems far more consistent to punish from range
    (opponent behind) [P][+][K][+][G]

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    [3][K][P][K] (has followups)
    [P][+][K][K] (has followups)

    Punishment wiffs if blocked from max range, works from round start

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)

    Consistent punishment (if no possible followups are used)
    (while running) [6_][P][+][K]
    From Deadly Move [P][+][K]
    [P][6][P] (has followups)

    Is -8 at long ranges, but otherwise consistent punishment

    Consistent, but leaves the opponent sideturned, resulting in sidethrow (no mixup)

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2025
    Zass and Mister like this.
  2. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    Moves that give wolf nitaku with his 9f throws.

    These are the moves in character movelists that are -5 on block or hit, and thus allow you to now gain a nitaku situation via the use of wolfs 9f throws.

    Not including [2][P], as while they are -5 they recover crouching. Other -5 moves that recover crouching will be listed as such.

    [3][P] (has follow ups with interupt stances)
    [6][K][+][G] (has follow ups)

    Required to be closer then round start to make it -5, else it will be -4.

    While this is -5, it recovers backturn, making it weird. The pushback is enough that a CD away from the opponent still avoids even 9f throws, but long range attacks will be guaranteed to hit
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2025
  3. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member


    • Test all the -9 moves are actually punishable
    • add small overview to each character to explain how viable/general strategy for using the 9f throws
    • compile list of -5 moves for nitaku
    • explore frames on moves blocked on sideturn (ie, a move normally more punishable than -9 becomes -9 if wolf blocks it from the side)
    • explore frames from wolf hitting the opponent in the side (need to confirm if these will be 9f still but obviously not a 50/50, probably not practical)
    • Get a better colour scene for the move rating that's compatible with colour blindness.
    • Learn how to format for readability
    • Learn to proof read for spelling mistakes before posting threads....sigh...
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2025

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