Question about Akira's double palms when facing Left (at 2p side)

Discussion in 'Akira' started by whitegrass, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    I am sorry about asking a question about Akira but not in VF5FS.

    I don't have PS3/xbox360, I recently bought the DOA5LR steam version, for those VF casts.

    I only play the training mode and practicing Akira.

    I try to practice the double palms in these 2 combo

    33p -> p -> k+g 3346p
    and 46p -> p -> 3346p

    I can perform it on 1p side (facing right) very stable but

    I cannot perform it on 2p side at all, my problem is inputing 1164p not fast enough and the input is not clean.

    especially the 1N1 [left-down] [neutral] [[left-down] is very slow and even not return to neutral before input the second [left-down]

    I understand the amount of practice is essential but after observing how my left hand control / contact the balltop of the joystick lever, I find out that I am not yet learn a efficient way on input [left-down] [neutral] [[left-down] .

    today , I try to use a new way to input 1 N 1 [left-down] [neutral] [[left-down] by only use the middle fringer to hit the balltop, it seems a bit better that my old but cannot compete the speed and clean when input 3N3.

    Please give me some advice , suggestion and share your way on how to use your hand and which part of your fingers to have a better left-down crouch dash input.

    the way I hold the stick lever is similar to the way sako and fuudo, sorry I don't how to describe it.

    I had watched the banbanmaru vs oshu akira video, still no clues to get a better method.

    Please help, thanks a lot.
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    you can use 1,1 or 3,3 to do this in either direction, meaning when facing 6, you can do 1,1,4,6+p or vice versa. also your input doesn't need to return to 5 as long as you hit 1 or 3 twice, meaning you could do 1,2,1,2,4,6+p, or 1,4,1,4,6+p (see how an input can be skipped there?), or 3,2,3,2 / 3,6,3,6.
    The best advice would be need to practice and develop muscle memory with these moves. most players play 1p most of the time vs. cpu / training, realize that and switch to 2p sometimes. there's no one best method to do it, it's whatever works for you.
  3. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Shang actually helping without insults, I'm impressed. I hope this is a change for the better? Keep it up!
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Stl_Tim you sound like a pretentious cocksucker when you talk like this. Everyone knows you are a fraud, and a crying bitch once you start losing. I was offering "help" when you were stilling shitting in your VF pampers son. Go pretend your bullshit elsewhere.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    leftylizard, Jacko and Chief_Flash like this.
  5. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    I come from the DoA community intially. While shang Isn't exactly wrong, in DoA the buffer acts wholly different. For DoA, you simply do a reverse dragonpunch motion then back-forward. He mentioned you're not supposed to return neutral but DoA treats it more lenient and I much prefer you stick to that untill you master it. However, this "neutral" may only feel like a split second. The key is to not rush out the back-forward after buffering reverse dragonpunch as it will read the 46 only and you will get single palm. However, learn from this. If your mistake is in fact, single palm, that's a step in the right direction. If your mistake is dropping palm, or 214P, then you're way off. Do it slower. Also, for his 64T, make sure to hold H after 2K+HP, as to not accidentally get the follow-up step to the foreground and background.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  6. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I knew it couldn't last long, smh.
  7. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    You're trying to do it in VF2 or DOA5?

    In DOA5 you only have to input the diagonals once then 46P, you don't need to crouch-dash buffer.
  8. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    thanks for your advice, it seems that in DOA5LR , there are shortcuts for doing double palm ,like 4623+p ? I actually want to train my hand , prepare for future I will have chance play virtua fighter again in new PC port or buy a ps3/xbox360 console.

    So I want to practice the input that will be accepted on VF system (VF2, VF4 and VF5), although I am using the DOA5LR trainning mode.
    DoA system treats it more lenient seems not a good thing to me.

    thanks for remind the 64T combo, I aware it after couple times fail, right now, I can only do it when I am on 2p side, I will practice combos on both side, this is a good combo to practice double palm too.

    thanks a lot
  9. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    thanks for your advice, in DOA5LR system, it seems not to have crouching backdash.

    you mean VF5FS accept 3,2,3,2 / 3,6,3,6 / 1,2,1,2 as crouching dash input?

    I only play less than 10 times exp on playing VF5 vanilla in Arcade game shop.

    Most of my VF playing exp was on PS2 VF4 evolution.

    do this way of input can be accepted on older VF system like VF4 and VF2?

    I understand muscle memory is very important, and I will not underestimate the contribution of amount of practice time,
    but I find out review and correct my way on how to hold the stick lever and use which part of my hand and finger also help me to breakthrough some bottleneck in a more efficient way.

    I know I am not good , observing myself during practice, learning from others methods, trial and error.

    A bit out of topic,
    during I practice the Ryu's common combo in Ultra Street fighter 4

    ex hadouken -> FADC -> UC1
    dragonpunch->FADC-> UC1

    I spend a year of fight game play time (that I was available to play fighting game) on training mode to study my hand and fingers , also watch pro players' video with their hand's close up.
    finally found a improved way to hold the stick lever, allow me to input the combo in stable , high successful rate , clean input on both side.
  10. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    I am trying to use DOA5LR to practice Virtua fighter.

    just like I use inline-skating for off-ice training of ice-skating.

    My first time exp on virtua fighter was VF2, the opening of shun di 's fung fu motion is very amazing on that era, but my actual VF exp was start on VF4 evo when I was able to buy myself a PS2.

    I don't want to use other shortcut input method to practice double palms combo, because I want to learn the steps movement on VF and it seems require fast crouching dash input.

    I really want to learn how to step and it seems a must for players how want to master Akira .

    the latest Oshu Akira's VF2 match still very amazing. watching the agility of his akira movement is enjoyment.
  11. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    Thanks all of you,

    I understanding myself better now, double palm in those combo is not my only goal, it just a exam to test whether I can perform a fast and accurate 1N1 [left-down] [neutral] [left-down] crouching dash or not.
  12. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    What you do in DOA won't transfer to Virtua fighter, first because of what you said it is much more lenient in DOA, and also because the movement doesn't work the same in the two games.
    In doa you just have to do 346P and it does a double palm, you can even buffer it while guarding without letting go the guard.

    I'm not sure I remember it well, but I think in VF2 you can only CDB by inputting 33 or 11.
    You can train in VF4/5 though, CDB in VF4 is practically the same if not easier than in FS.

    Whatever suits you is the best, the tips that were given to you aren't really shortcuts, you're not the only one having trouble from 2P side, even with training it might never be 100% perfect, so some players are just used to buffer with the same directional input no matter if they are in 1P or 2P side.

    The stepping you see in this videos won't serve in Final Showdown.
    Stepping in VF2 and 3 is nothing like what it was in 4 or 5 and is of absolutely no use in final showdown.

    The only thing you need to know in FS is fuzzy guard and evade crouch dash cancel, there are some other stuff, but they mostly link to CDC, so maybe Evade CDC is what you want to train instead?
  13. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    Thanks a lot

    I try 346p/ 164p today, this input not works during combo or recovery time of previous move.
    I ignore input method only works on DOA5LR.

    today's got a little bit improvement on the 2p side double palms.

    I require myself must using the 1N1 for the crouching buffer of double palms when facing left, that's why I ask for some tips that can input 1N1 / [left-down] [neutral] [[left-down] in a fast and accurate way.

    How you input 1N1? how many finger you use to touch or hit the balltop during input 1n1?

    I think I also want to train the Evade CDC, it seems the same thing as VF4evo ?

    Is the step in vf4 era still exist on vf5 but not in vf5 final showdown?

    one more question for Lei Fei but not akira

    The fast different stand shifting/canceling of Lei Fei no longer available in VF5 and vf5fs?
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Disclaimer: I don't know anything about DoA movements. And Frankly the series started as a VF for scrubs with tits and ass,which is ironic as the core designs for FS and DoA are now basically the same. When DoA first came out it was labeled as a VF rip off, and since VF5, Sega basically copied DoA on simplifying the gameplay. Sad and pathetic.
  15. cruzlink2

    cruzlink2 Well-Known Member

    Give me a break please, nothing is hard about akira all it takes is just practice practice practice. No shortcuts!.
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Dude the whole "akira is hard" shit is so 15 years ago...

    Akira is hard in VF5/FS? No.. How hard is to just 66p, 666p all day? If you want to win, 90% of the time it's 66 buffer.

    Akira is hard in VF4? Not really...
    666p MC > Singlepalm Elbow.
    SR > stance check > pp 66kk or p > SR > DP.
    66p MC> stance check > AS3 or DP.

    Literally if learn the basics (which are non-char specific) and do what I said above you can beat. 99% of non-jp players.

    To say Akira is hard you have to go back to VF3, where command inputs were actually fucking hard. I mean I'll toss this out there, the most impressive shit I've seen is how Akira kid moved and played with VF3 Akira. That shit is mind blowing, cuz i could've practiced all my life and still wouldn't be able to do what he does. kids today dunno what hard is.
  17. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    thanks, would you mind share your method on input 1N1 [left-down] [neutral] [[left-down] ?

    I am not yet find a good way on this input.
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Chief_Flash and Seminasuke like this.
  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member


    If you can't pull his shit out during a real match and win, By all means please keep practicing................................
  20. cruzlink2

    cruzlink2 Well-Known Member

    If you want to her good at buffering double palm do it in stages. Start by practicing crouch dashing in both directions, when you feel comfortable enough doing that then you introduce the back to forward punch input. Mind you no one on here is trying to discourage you, but akira does require lots of input practice.

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