Question about Goh

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Niebeer, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. Niebeer

    Niebeer Active Member

    What's his strongest Tsukami Throw?

    I use [4][4][P]+[G]

    That's the strongest I know of.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hate to sound like a broken record - check my goh guide, it explains them all.

    When deciding where to drag them, there are some things to keep in mind:
    -Dragging back twice leads to the most damaging throw.
    -Dragging forward twice is also very damaging.
    -Dragging up twice or down twice is the next best option.
    -Dragging forward and then back.. or back and then forward is pretty strong.
    -Dragging up-and-down or down-and-up is also strong.
    -Dragging in unrelated directions twice is mediocre damage (i.e. forward to up)
    -Dragging only once is crappy damage.
    -Not dragging at all is a waste.
    -Dragging up and down is generally less damaging than dragging back or forward.

    When you do the crappy damage drags, you often have a guaranteed ground throw, so they're not too bad.
  3. Niebeer

    Niebeer Active Member

    Oooh, yes.

    I forgot to check your guide.

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