Question about Goh's Tsukami throw....

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Klandestine, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Klandestine

    Klandestine Well-Known Member

    Is it possible to buffer multiple throw escapes for this throw? Instead of pressing [P]+[G], you would press [4],[8],[6] or [2]+[G] when he begins to drag you?
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    You don't need any button presses apart from the directions. You press the opposite direction to the way you think he is going to drag you. You get one shot and one shot only at this, the game doesn't recognise multiple escapes.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    1/60th says you cannot, yet people seem to just whirl the stick and get out of it all the time when I play, and other people seem to have the same impression.

    For now I'll assume those people are getting lucky and that 1/60th's site is right.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    My opponents do the same sometimes and fair no better than when they pick a direction so I think it's just your opponents getting lucky. I don't think they'd cheapen the move by allowing it to be escaped so easily.
  5. Klandestine

    Klandestine Well-Known Member

    Thanks for replying.
  6. Cas

    Cas Active Member

    Looking at the probabilities:

    Let's assume you never go for one drag, but always two. Further assume your opponent is 'randomly whirling the stick'. They have a 1/4 chance to escape on each drag.

    Chance that first drag is sucessful = 3/4 (or 75%)
    Chance that second drag is sucessful = 3/4 (or 75%)
    Chance that second drag is sucessful cumulatively with first drag = 3/4 * 3/4 = 9/16 = only 56%!

    That is to say, if you go for TWO drags and the opponent RANDOMLY moves the stick, they have a 44% chance of sucessfully escaping the total throw.

    Randomly moving the stick takes away all Goh's opportunity to inflict nasty guessing games, too. (Argh! He just used [4],[4],[P]+[G] 3 times in a row! Surely this time I should escape it.. oh, great, now he used [6],[6],[P]+[G]... /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif)

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