Question for Akira players....

Discussion in 'Akira' started by danny13, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    How do you do a standing single palm([4],[6]+[P]) after a lp or his [4],[3]+[P]? I find this flow chart rather useful but cant seems to do it fast and smooth enough. After lp or [4],[3]+[P], if you do [4],[6]+[P] immediately, you will get double palm instead. Even if you do [4][4][6]+[P], you will still get double palm.

    I have tried doing [6][6][G],[4][6]+[P] but it is not as fast nor smooth as the way I have seen Ohsu Akira and Mukki Akira does it.

    Any idea?

    Oh, Btw, it is the same concept as lion doing his[3]+[P][P] to knock down his oppon after blocking a sweep but when i tried it out, I get his from crouching [3]+[P][P] instead.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hmmm is it possible to cancel the crouch by just doing a back/forward dash without the guard?Off hand I can't think of how you would do it.I dunno would [8][G] or something like that work?I'll have a mess around and see what I find.
  3. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    If you dont input the guard and you do either[4][4][6]+[P] or [6][6][4][6]+[P], double palm will be executed. Plus also high chances you will see akira dashing back or forward first before doing anything. The way ohsu or Mukki does it is instantaneous.
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Ah ha I see...I'll go and try some stuff out now and see if I can find anything new.
  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Dude...good question! Is this on any of the ps2 evo replays? I tried [6][6][4][6] and I'm getting a little dash out before the standing palm cause I just ain't quick enough...if you're the same danny I've seen from some replays then you sure as hell are /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif Perhaps it is just a matter of being spot on with the standing palm when you are out of the crouch...this is what it feels like to me...since you are wanting a high move to hit after you've forced your opponent to crouch with [4][3][P]...shit...somebody knows /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I'd have to say you simply hold [G] and wait just a few moment for the move to finish recovering and for the character to stand back up and just do it normally... that's the only thing I can think of to do instead of inputting dashes...

    This is sort of similar to what I do with lau where I do standing palm after his [2][P]+[K]. Lau recovers crouched and I simply time the [4][6][P] to coincide with him standing up. The moment he is beginning to stand I can execute standing palm and not his [2_][4][6][P].

    Hope that helps..
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    sanjuro said:

    Perhaps it is just a matter of being spot on with the standing palm when you are out of the crouch...this is what it feels like to me...since you are wanting a high move to hit after you've forced your opponent to crouch with [4][3][P]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, after [2]+[P], and [4][3]+[P], you are left in a crouch position (and your opponent on [4][3]+[P]).

    Buffering in a Standing Palm is only going to get a dblplm, and once you throw eithe dp, or b,d+f+p any input is registered as FC. So for Akira if you did, d+f+p+k and then his b,f+p+k immediately after, the result would be a shrm.

    You most likely just have to wait until you are in a fully standing position(if you buffer in forward/back dashes before doing the command inputs, odds are you are going to get an FC move, is the commands are inputted fast enough, this happens even though it looks as if you are standing), and then input the commands for what you want, in this case sngplm.
    - - - - - -
    Does know where we can see this in action, like in a video etc.?
    - - - - - -
    the input is something like:

    [4][3]+[P] (or lp etc.), [G] (during the previous command, enter and hold down [G], this is all timing, you need to release [G] before he is completly standing, or else you should go into high guard instead), [4][6]+[P].
    - - - - -
    Here are two vides from 1/60th that show the "FS" dblplm:
    He back dashes from crouch, into dblplm, the video is labled with the inputs [2_][6][6][4][6]+[P]
    Same as above, with, [2_][4][4][4][6]+[P]
  8. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I use [4][4], [6], [4][6][P].

    In closed stance it's tough (against Lau especially) to low punch, then use this technique to punish elbows (this is against the cpu Lau). In open stance it works fine. It's not an instant standing palm though. You still see the backdash. Normal human reaction time is slower, so it might work in a real match in either stance anyway.
  9. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    So for Akira if you did, d+f+p+k and then his b,f+p+k immediately after, the result would be a shrm.

    [/ QUOTE ] bullshit please. Before POSTING something like this, at least PLAY a little or go to TRAINING mode. [3][P]+[K]>[4][6][P]+[K] will get you the DFS & not the shrm.

    Also, I think we're all clear on the fact that the crouch eats the [4][6][P] and gives you dbpm instead of stpm so your waxing on game mechanics only gives us more detritus to sift through.

    The 1/60th links were a nice aside though...I have no interest in turning this into another empnova thread so let's just see if some more players respond & if'n you wanna wrestle PM me for my address, 'kay?
  10. DeLune

    DeLune Well-Known Member

    I try a bit and found out something. Try this
    [4][3][P], hold [G] (as usual) , [4][4], go to neutral ,let go [G],[6][P].
    The important part is letting the joystick goes to neutral before releasing [G] and do[6][P].
    I try this and it work quite fast. Not sure if it is the same speed as those vids you mention. Can't find it.
    BTW the Lion's move work against most sweep. The method is what you had described. Seem impossible against Lei's sweep though.
  11. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    I have tried waiting for Akira to come into full standing position and then execute [4][6]+[P] but it is too slow. Taking that your lp or [4][3]+[P] hits, it is suppose to give you advantage but once you wait too long, you loose the advantage and [4][6]+[P] is no longer a good flow chart. You can try this in training mode by recording akira do [4][3]+[P], waiting for him fulling stand up,[4][6]+[P], replay, you try to counter attack with a p and u'll get what I mean. Its jus not fast enough.

    Buffering [6][6] or [4][4] makes your character go into standing position faster. It is jus like to do a [4][2]+[P]+[G] for Akira after a lp or [3]+[P]+[G], you buffer in a [6][6] first. [4][2]+[P]+[G] is the kind of throw that you have to do from standing postion.
  12. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Doing a [4][6]+[P] after a lp or [4][3]+[P] is rather a good option to throwing your oppon especially if you are playing someone defensive as [4][6]+[P] gives you 1 frame advantage after blocked.

    I am the same danny you see in the Singaporean players replay. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  13. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'll go try it out.
  14. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    This seems to work pretty well...
    Timing is a little weird...when it comes out there is no visible backdash, just the stpm.
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Try not worrying about the magic stick stuff & just think stpm. I turned display on like a good little boy and it looks like if you delay the [P] input for something like 6 frames after the [6], you'll get the stpm rather than the dbpm. [2][P],[4][6](gimme a sec)[P] seemed to work for me /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    And yeah...standing palm (lau's too) is the hand that rocks the cradle. Or something.
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Heres what I found though I doubt it will add anything new to the problem:

    I tried [2][P]>[G] ( as soon as lp came out )>[4][6][P] and found that holding [G] for about 8 frames got the stpm out but any less and you get the dbpm but doing this probably loses you any advantage you had from the lp.
    Then I did
    [2][P]>[9]+[G] ( 4 frames )>[4][6][P]
    and for some reason the stpm came out real quick though I haven't been able to recreate it.
    did get the stpm out but inevitably with a guard cancelled kick animation which was quicker than others way I found however.I looked on the disc at Ohsu s replays but could n't find an example of him doing it.I'll check Homestays as well just in case.Any hows sanjuro you'll be able to ask him yourself in a short while!

    Actually i'll go and check out BMFs method.
    God damn I just can't co ordinate my fingers and keep getting jabs or elbows out!
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Yeah, according to GE this was the trick to use in VF3. Tapping up made you instantly standing. So you would do i.e. [2]+[P] --> [7] --> [4][6]+[P].
  18. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the help guys.
  19. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    I don't want to beat a dead horse here isn't necessary to do anything to get the standing palm after lp or [4][3][P] apart from [4][6](delay)[P]. The [4][6] is buffered into the recovery and all waiting for the [P] does is tell the game stpm rather than still comes out instantly. You don't wanna wait too long to [P] lest you just get the good ol' jab. I'm sure a visit to 1/60 & their lovely frame data would bear all of this out, but I'm cooking cheeseburgers right now so y'all will just have to trust my dumb ass.

    Again...Danny...thanks for asking the question...I learned something. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Damn, this beats the hell out of my method! This is probably the best technique mentioned so far. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

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