Question: Wolf's Basic Tools?

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Opter, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Opter

    Opter Member

    Hi I'm fairly new to FS (though not VF itself) and I'm trying to really get the hang of Wolf. However, I'm having trouble with trying to pick out some of his most basic tools (if there are any). For instance, things like his best punishers at close/mid range, best moves to relieve string pressure, etc. Thanks ahead of time for any help.
  2. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Well [3] [P] is a mid I like to use a lot.

    [4] [1] [2] [3] [6] [P] is another mid I like to throw out at a decent range sometimes I can connect the 2nd [P] afterwards and catch people off guard

    [2] [P] is the only thing I've been using to get people to back off for a second, I'm still learning wolf as well
  3. Opter

    Opter Member

    Thanks, Icky. It seems so far that low jab is the only thing that can get you some breathing space though I haven't had much of a chance to really test it out. So far I've mainly been using quick shoulder to punish careless moves tossed out.
  4. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    oh yes don't forget about side stepping, I noticed a lot of players online don't use their mobility to their advantage. After a successful side-step I can land wolf's [3] [G] [+] [K] into his big throw [4] [1] [2] [3] [6] [G] [+] [P] for big damage and it sometimes gets into the other players heads.
  5. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Icky what you said is true, but don't forget to mention the negative effects of the Screw hook ([6][3][2][1][4][P] is the real command not the one you wrote above). It's a special mid: that means people can guard it with a crouch guard; altought that since it forces opponents to stand, the follow up is granted. Don't throw it too easily since the follow up is high and can be ducked.
    I would prefer to use a combo after [3][K]+[G] for a nice damage. I didn't know you can follow up with a crumple throw, i need to test it.
    If you need a fast mid use [3][P] since it's fast like the screw but is safer.
    Oh and if you need a tool, even if it's a little bit of a gimmick, use the RAW. Once you get used you will scares your opponents to throw single punches or single kicks that don't knock you out.
  6. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    [P] - Fastest standing attack, leaves you at advantage on all states, followup with K for the "universal punish".

    [2][P] - Fastest low attack, will interrupt most things from neutral (but not everything). Leaves you at -5 on block so spamming it will get you a CH elbow in the face.

    [3][P] - 14f mid attack, standard elbow move.
    [6][3][2][1][4][P] - Another 14f mid, half circular with followup.

    [3][K] - 18f sidekick. Half circular, +4 on normal hit, knocks down on counter, will cause stagger on backdashing opponents.

    [4][6][P]+[K] - 20f launcher. Nice big combos and can also be used after [9][P]+[K] to force a techroll.

    [9][P]+[K] - Used in combos to bound and will beat pretty much all lows.

    [K]+[G] - 24f high full circular. Can be ducked under but will sideturn an opponent on normal or counter hit. Also neutral on block and good + frames on both hit states.
  7. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You can't. I think he's mixing it up with [1][K]+[G] which causes head crumple.
  8. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Actually throwing from a crumple doesn't work, I re-watched my replay and what had happened was after the side-step [3][K][+][G] the other player blocked and he ate my throw command right after. So ignore that post.

    I did some research and you can use Low Throws after head and stomach crumple states
  9. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    If your opponent had done pretty much anything other than evade or block, you would have been hit out of it. You're at -8 on block.

    No you can't. You can use Frosion throws after head crumples, and you used to be able to do low throws after stomach crumples, but you can't do low throws after either in FS. Ground throws work after them though.
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    [3][K]+[G] is a great half-circular move against techrollers and people who whiff rising attacks. For the amount of damage you get from it -8 isn't bad at all either. I don't think it fits a strict definition of "user friendly" since it's 24f, but eh.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    It'll crush rising attacks too if done at the right time. I'm sure I've done it before.
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I love [3][K]+[G]! When the opponent is rising up after a knock down it will keep them still and when they do that a lot it's Burning Hammer time, F5 or Standing Shining Wizzard.
  13. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Awesome. I had a feeling it would. That happens when it hits on the same frame the rising attack becomes active, right?
  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Yeah, and 80+ damage is a good incentive to go for it.
  15. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Yeah he did nothing to punish he just stood there and guarded, then when I went for the throw it worked.

    And sorry If I'm getting my terms mixed up, I assumed low throws are the term for [3][P][+][G]
  16. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    It's okay. [3][P]+[G] works as both a low and a ground throw depending on the situation.

    These are what the different types of throw are.

    Standing Throw: A throw that connects on standing opponents (usually just called a throw).
    Low Throw: A throw that connects on opponents in a crouching state. You can get a one on most blocked lows that are -10 or more.
    Ground Throw: A throw that will grab an opponent that has been knocked down.
    Catch Throw: A throw that will beat strikes as long as the active frames of the throw happen before those of the strike. There are high and low versions. Cannot be escaped. [9][P]+[K] is an example of one.
    Hit Throw: A throw that connects off a strike. Usually a just frame move. Also cannot be escaped. [1][P][P][P]+[G] (on CH) is a hit throw.
  17. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Ash i Belive you meant to say [9][P]+[G] not [9][P]+[K]
  18. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Yeah, I did. Whoops.
  19. Opter

    Opter Member

    Wow I didn't expect the thread to get this many replies. My wolf has certainly been improving now that I've been making better use of 3P+K. Also I don't know how viable it'd be in higher level player (I only really play player match) but between RAW and 9P+K
    it seems you can play a pretty mean mix up game for people waking up. It's pretty satisfying when someone wake up kicks right into a RAW.
  20. Zass

    Zass Well-Known Member

    does R.A.W. work against rising attacks? A friend of mine told me yes, but I wasn't able to get it to work. It would be incredibly awesome to be able to do a R.A.W. -> jackhammer on a rising attack [​IMG]

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