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Questions for Gaijinpunch or other people that play in japan.

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by dark_goh, Jan 20, 2003.

  1. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    I have a couple of questions people. Im japanese and i go back to japan every summer. last summer i was play too much of Initial D: Arcade Stage and hardly had any time for evolution. And questions are:

    1) For each fight you win how much fight money do you get?

    2) What is your way of getting on to your VF.NET account? I have an AU cell phone in japan but thats like the only cell phone that does not work with VF.NET!!!!!!! So do you use the PC,dokomo,or J-phone to access your acount?

    3) When you buy stuff in the VF shop do they give you a picture of the item?

    Thx In Advance

    PWEACE v
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    1. You win fight money from missions, prize battles, and the Battle Arena minigame. The amount varies.

    2. I use J-phone. You would likely need to use PC VF.net.

    3. But of course. You can see pics of items you win, too.
  3. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    Thx zero-chan. ill be in Yamaguchi ken soo if we're close we might be able to fight.
  4. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Hey dark_Goh, are you looking for some play time while you are in the United States. North carolina is not that far from florida. Perhaps we can figure something out. We would definately love to have you.
  5. Gndalf007

    Gndalf007 Well-Known Member

    You're in North Carolina? Bu_Jasoom lives there, and he attended a little MidAtlantic gathering a few weeks ago.
  6. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    You know how much time itl take to get to Florida by car? or would it be cheaper to get a ticket?? And some more questons are:

    1)do they have VF cards there?

    2)Are they connected to VF.NET?(prolly not)

    3) Is there a machine in america connected to VF.NET?lol
  7. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Its cheaper to go by car(probably like 8-10 hours) but faster by plane. Ticket would only cost you like 100. We have places you can stay so you dont have to pay for hotel. Ask Creed and Cappo or Shou-sama on the board, they have visted us before.

    As far as evo in the states. Lots of places have them. There is an evo machine in orlando(but its not that great). The best cabinets are in NYC chinatown fair and Southern California. I dont know which arcade. The one in california has working card readers so while you cant get items( NO machine in us is connecto to vf.net) it keeps track of your wins/loss and you get diffrent outfits up to 1st dan I believe.
  8. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    guess what peeps i just got an acount on VF.NET. All i have to do is get a lion card and goh card. Then ill just put the names on them and when i go back to japan i can see my name and i can then buy items and stuff!!! yay
  9. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Sup dark_goh, I study in Charlotte, North Carolina. Maybe we can hook up and play sometime, but I can't promise for anything soon due to the always-tough college schedule (^_^; ). Hopefully we can get some time around the Japanese Evo launch since I am importing anyways...

    I am assuming you have a PC with Default Japanese language to be able to set up your VF.Net account, right? Because I tried to install the Dreampassport software in my PC here but it wouldn't finish installing /versus/images/icons/frown.gif . So I couldn't access my account.
  10. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    Damn that must suck. Yeah i had to get isao's dream passport too.it was pretty hectic. im glad to hear theres another person in NC besides me. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    Hope we can get an evo machine in Charlotte or sumtin.
  11. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    I had that same problem about the Languages but if you already opened the account then you can use IE with shift-JIS encoding to access your account.....

    One problem that I have is I want to know how to renew the membership cos my 3 months will be up soon and I don't want to lose my items and fight money since I'm planning to go back to Japan this year.

    Can you help Dark-Goh? I can't read all of the Japanese on VF.net so maybe I'm missing something.
  12. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    Ok. since it snowed here in NC we dont have school today. yay. so illl read in to it and post what ever info i get. when is ur account gonna go out?
  13. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... I am assuming you are talking about logging-in through this page (Through IE and not Dreampassport)? I tried but it still wouldn't work. And if I use encoding shifting, will I be able to display Japanese characters normally? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  14. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    Are you talking to me or yamato?
  15. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    I can't remember exactly but approximately 3 months after the launch of PC VF.net I would guess at around about the beggining of February
  16. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

  17. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Waaaaaahhhh!!! /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
    Everyone I know and in my area has quit playing VF due to poor machines, everyone drooling over SC2, those crappy VS games, and the standard Tekken crowd. Then I read here that more peeps are playing in NC. Gah! When my skills are at their absolute lowest I have legit competition in NC. I live near Greensboro, NC which is about 1hr 30mins from Charlotte. Maybe if I can get some practice soon I can hook up with a few of you for some good matches and lessons in late Winter/Early Summer. I've been playing TTT and T4 so much lately that I am beyond scrubby again with VF. Good to see more VF fans in the South.

    Are you guys/gals playing PS2 or Arcade? All of our VF machines are busted so I can only practice on PS2. Still need to buy/make some better sticks for home usage.>_<
  18. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member

    I can only play the PS2 b/c there are no arcades in RTP area... /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  19. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Replicant, do you play at frankie's? if so you should get together with one of my friends that comes down here on the weekends to play VF. Let me know if you are interested.
  20. HIGHplanzDrifter

    HIGHplanzDrifter Well-Known Member

    Hello, I'm in Japan but own an english o/s computer and had the same problem. If you just input your "ISAO login ID" in the first/upper blank field, for example: xxxxxx@sw.isao.net and your password in the second/lower one you should be able to log on to your account. Once you log on there shouldn't be any problem in displaying the japanese characters.

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