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Quick Quiz #2

Discussion in 'General' started by Chief_Flash, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    ok im jumpin the quiz wagon!

    bout to fuck y'all up tho [​IMG]

    so here's the scenario:

    you're playing as your main character vs a very skilled wolf player. it's the final round in The Island stage. the wolf player has a knack for ringing players out! although offensively you've dominated the match, the wolf player has won 2 rounds by way of clever ring outs. wolf has 10 pts of health left while you still have a full health bar! you're back is near to the edge of the ring, you block wolf's elbow butt [4]+[P], and you retaliate with [2]+[P]. the wolf player has just successfully reversed your [2]+[P] with Low Punch Cut. however, due to input error, he was unable to execute Shining Wizard which would have resulted in a sure ring out! instead, your backfoot is literally outside the ring. YOU NOW SEE THAT WOLF HAS CROUCHDASHED FORWARD. you're sweating bullets and must make a decision...

    hint: LPC gives wolf +13 advantage. however, due to distance after execution, nothing is guaranteed and a throw attempt can be ducked.

    what would you do next?

    **there may be multiple answers. i just want to see what you would do. please state your character first before you answer**
  2. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    [7] [K] [+] [G]

    Thank you I'll take my F+ [​IMG]
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Double Dragon.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    <span style="text-decoration: line-through">OM [P] preferably to Wolf's back</span>

    EDIT: wait, Wolf has 10pts of health? DS [3] [P] [​IMG] Also, if i happen to be in OS DM [P] [+] [K] will get me out of the tough spot (even if wolf low throws me) since i don't think he has a low throw that can ring out to the side.

    Unless i'm playing Kage, then i'd definetly go for [6] [6] [P] [K] [G] instead [​IMG]
  5. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    so let me get this str8... you screwed up shining wizard but due to obvious hit on low punch cut you get +13 but not enough space to punish properly...
    this puts you into a situation where you crouch dash towards me to get a mix-up...
    well you have played me enough to know that my execution isnt GODLIKE but i can respond to at least 1 gimmicky crouch dash towards me... and since (thanks to those damn LRC vids) i know that a crouch dash takes 7 frames to execute that cuts your advantage from +13 to +6

    i can fuzzy but damage wise it wouldnt matter if u hit me so no point...
    you know your throws all too well so knowing you in that position you would go for F5 which if i recall makes me step back and you step to the side.
    i could evade but again, no point trying when you don't need to attack me in that position...
    so my only option...

    (in the announcers voice) KNEE PUSH BOTTLE CUT!!!
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter


    I'd assume wolf would either be throwing or doing 236P (linear) or 63214P(half circ. covers the back?) both of which are 14f. No point in doing CD fuzzy as blocking either would push me out.

    I'd have to gamble on 2_3P+K,which goes under screw hook and will clash with throw. I'd almost certainly then see Eileen thrown out of the ring by 236P.

    My answer a few months ago would have been to P and hope for the best. Hopefully in a the future i would ETEG into CD guard. I suppose DMPK wouldn't be a bad choice either, but i don't use that.
  7. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    using lei i'll crouchdash and input 1p+k+g ,2p+k+g ,3 p+k+g as low throw escapes and if no low throw appears my low p appears. i failed the quiz if wolf will 33p+ k me or jumping shoulder or cd then backdash gcancel whiff my 2p then wolf use running shoulder.
  8. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    If I was Blaze [8][P]+[K] perhaps? to knockdown on crouch and crush throws. but not sure about the frame disadvantage I would be in or if that move would ring me out.

    If it hits, then go for an easy [9][P]+[K] to escape [​IMG]
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    very skilled wolf player + unable to execute Shining Wizard = LOL
  10. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Akira: dmpk away from my dangling foot or towards wolf's back if there's no better direction given my char's position.

    This move has magic at low-medium disadvantage vs throws, linear attacks, half circular attacks to the wrong side AND circular attacks when you evade in the same direction of the swinging limb.

    Even if I get hit I might go off axis enough to avoid RO. If I miss I avoid RO. If I hit I get my 10pts damage and perhaps RO wolf.
  11. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    OM towards Wolf's back. Hoping that because of his low health he'll freeze, and even if he does attack my threat of RO has dropped just a bit.

    With Shun I might Mule Kick, but with El Blaze I might go with a [3][P]+[K]+[G] low throw, since the Wolf would really only need to crouch dash in one more time to ring me out.

    But honestly, there's not enough information in this quiz for me to give an accurate response, or for ANYONE here to do so for that matter. There are just too many thing that might have happened throughout the course of the fight: conditionings, move choices, risk-taking trends, etc, for me to know which move I'd be willing to use in that scenario.

    More than likely though, I'd be doing something ridiculously risky, because if it works I win, and if not, well, I should have lost anyways [​IMG]
  12. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I COULD use a [1][P]+[K]+[G], but he could high throw me so... nope... now, that player would have to be really good (which like Shang stated wouldn't make him miss LPC->SW, but let's say he was nervous due to low health) to not waste any frames after missing the Shining Wizard, so I'd probably go for either [6][6][P]+[K] simply 'cause I spam it... a lot [​IMG]
    or for [6][P] and if it gets blocked and I see him flinch, I'd finish with a delayed [P]+[K] to be sure he doesn't throw me.
  13. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Hey, shit happens, i'm sure even the best of players have messed up an execution before. I don't think noone in the world could say they've never ever in their life messed up on some execution before. Sure they'll get it 99% of the time probably, this just happens to be that 1% they fucked it up. Anyway, doesn't really matter.

    So many things to do for the Wolf player, he has advantage, I apparently know this, he thinks I may evade cause of that knowledge, i'm sure he's not coming in to block or throw but simply to push me out by continuing to dash in thinking I may evade since I would know he has advantage on attacking. So many things I could talk about what the Wolf player may have in mind so i'll just cut it here.

    It's in some tournament? DMP muthafuckin K lol, evading towards Wolf's stomach to avoid that spinning elbow incase he bust that out, I think that's the move he'd go for since it's mid, half circular and would beat 2p, I think. Or maybe even that uppercut move he has, who knows. All types of stuff could be done. Fuck honor and all that, DMPK. Move is magic and Akira's damn near goes behind you, evade and attack at same time with magical properties ftw. So even if you block it i'll be out of the RO dilema (I think), and could buffer some TE. I think that would win me the match cause he'd be trying to throw out some move that would beat my fastest move, a 2p (I think that's the fastest). And I think Wolf's only full circular is that spinning high kick thing, and I don't think he'd bust that out incase I went for 2p since that's all it would take for me to win. And i'm pretty sure he wouldn't be coming in to block, but attack, and my DMPK would win that exchange. Guessing.

    But hek i'm a scrub on VF knowledge, knowing me with the knowledge I have about VF i'd probably try to evade (or not even evade) and show him some southern hospitality and start droppin bows on em lol. I really don't have any buisness even trying to speak my mind on this, but I figured why not
  14. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Ah yeah wouldn't that then ring the Wolf player out?

    ( If not I guess you could then go for a [1][K] for a cheeky ringout [​IMG] )
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    from the -13 disadvantage i think the CD might have finished before the active part of the low throw. I'm not sure.

    Are we going to get some feedback on our answers? I'd like to know just how wrong i was or wasn't so i can take it onboard.
  16. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    With Wolf, I'd probably try something crazy like Frankensteiner. With any luck, it'll connect and hopefully ring out the opponent Wolf.

    If it doesn't connect, hopefully it'll push them back a bit and leave me on the ground a little further from the edge. From there, I'll prepare for the [2][P]+[G] down throw because I'm face up and will be pushed out if it connects. If it's the [3][P]+[G] down throw or a down attack, I'd take the damage, as it's better than the ringout. Whatever happens after that, I'd try and roll round to the side, hopefully to get as far away from the edge as possible.

    It probably wouldn't work, but who knows.
  17. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member


    ETEG would hold the highest probability of success, or a 66p+g throw (if I were to take a guess) to push away from the edge of the ring if your CD was part of fuzzy.

    With one foot right at the ring edge it's pretty much do or die. You can't afford to stand still and defend an attack for fear of anti-evade tactics - you'd get pushed out either way. With an ETEG you gain the possibility of not only surviving the ring out, but also switching places with the aggressor if he used a linear attack.
  18. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    wolf will crouch dash fuzzy guard his way for the win. i remember playin konjou on live i was in a scenario where my back is at the edge of the ring and my health was really low and konjou did the unexpected he kept crouch dashing,crouch dashing, and i continue to guard thinking an attack will appear => Oh snap WTF i got Ring out [​IMG]

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