rank bar question

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by social_ruin, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    if ur a 9 dan does it take ur rank down more to lose to an 8th dan than it takes it up to beat an 8th dan?
  2. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    nope, not at all. If i'm not mistaken, losing to an 8th dan doesn't even take your rank down more than beatinga 10th dan takes your rank!!
    also losing to a 7th is the exact same as losing to an 8th.
  3. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I am not certain on exact numbers. BUT I have thought for the longest time that losing to a rank closer to yours causes mroe of a loss then the one furthest away.


    You are 8th dan.

    You lose against an 7th or 9th dan and receive equal loss in experience. But more so then you would from 6th or 10th dans.

    You win against an 7th or 9th dan and GAIN equal experience. But more so then you would from winning against a 6th or 10th dan.

    You will lose/gain the most experience from an equal level opponent.

    ...The only fact I know here is the equal level loss/gain, the other two are estimations from my experience in game. If someone can validate or say otherwise, please do.
  4. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Also, some people have been saying that if you are ninth you can gain/lose bar from Masters. I tried it and it's simply not true.

    And, to further answer the original question, you lose what you win when you fight a given level. Lose to 3 7th dans when you're 8th dan, win against 3 7th dans right after that, and you are back where you started.
  5. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    None Other
    you are right.

    it is 100% not true.

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