Rank Characters by Difficulty to Learn/Master.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by DaSuperFunk, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. DaSuperFunk

    DaSuperFunk Member

    I was wondering if you guys could rank the characters by the difficulty to learn or master the characters.

  2. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I think most people consider the system in general to be where real mastery of the game comes from. That is, techniques like ETEG are among the hardest things to learn to use consistently and effectively, and they're univeral to all characters. I also don't think a straight ranking is really possible, most characters have something difficult to learn, but it tends to be a completely different element of play for each character, so there's no real quantitative comparison there.

    Some examples... Akira is known to have by far the hardest execution in the game, to the point that almost noone else is worth mentioning when talking execution difficulties. But that said, he's also considered to have fairly simple gameplay to master once you have all his moves down.

    Brad relies more heavily on knowledge of open/close stance than other character, which makes him very difficult to initially pickup, but he's got great depth once you can make it past that initial hurdle.

    Jeffry is the opposite... he's a straight up brawler, no sabakis, inashis, or any other weirdness, making him one of the easiest characters to pick up and understand. But, the flipside is that true mastery to the point of winning tournaments and such with Jeffry is considered very hard to achieve.

    Goh has his sabakis, shun has his stances... every character has something difficult. It really just comes down to which character you enjoy playing, and which techniques you think are fun enough to really put in the time to master.
  3. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    i agree. it isnt that easy to determine which char is easier to master. all of them can be difficult. to get a good start just check out the movelists to see what is easy to perform and what isnt.

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