Rank Hungry Anyone?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Cozby, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Lol things on XBL really started getting whack when I hit the 10th Dan/Master bump. People were pulling and dissing left and right.

    When I managed to overcome this, I thought the crap would settle, but I'm still getting shit! None Other is a great player but some of his actions are near unacceptable.

    In a PM he says:
    'I know you beat JHow77 twice.
    So, do you wanna play some in ranked this weekend?
    Because I'm sure you won't derank even I beat you all of time.
    I tried to play against you last weekend, but I couldn't...
    I wanna try to rank up, and I have more than half of bar(gauge).
    Please, let you fight me. and please don't run away from me.
    I actually don't know how to beat Lei Fei, and Lei is my weak charactor...lol
    So, I wanna try to figure out how to beat Lei, and wanna try to rank up. '

    That was cool so i respond
    'JHow77 got da skillz why y'all gotta talk about me!?!
    I'll be on late over the weekend
    If I de-rank it's because I deserved it. Hopefully I can get a round on you for once
    I must have missed you last week
    LMAO run is not in my vocabulary sorry man
    Lots of Lei-Fei 's attacks succumb to evading
    Everyone knows you da beast I'm not worried about rank I just wanna have a good time'

    he responds
    'Really cool.
    But, I just wanna say I'm not gonna make you demote. Even I didn't promote to Assasin.
    Then I'll try to find other high-rank player because I know how diffecult to promote to deffender/hunter/warrior from Master.
    So, I just make sure you know I'm not gonna make you demote. \:\)
    Anyway, I'm not beast. lol
    You can beat me if you find my pattern......which is my weak point...actually points...lol'

    For the following week, we had some games. Anytime I stopped hosting id get-

    'yo. why didnt u make room? u wanna run away from me? lets play more and more!! u said u wont run away from me...'


    'yo lets play ranked. im gonna demote u if u wont run away =)'


    'lol how old r u? u r already 18 right? r u still good boy like who always say 'yes mommy' huh? u just dont wanna fight me caz u r afraid about DEMOTE!'

    at 2 AM after playing for two hours with him and not demoting considering how low my bar is he says

    'you ran away again!! WTF!? why did u save all replies when u won? why u didnt save replies when u lost? it really pisses me off.and wtf with ur style!? u have no style man. u always stay back and do gay dance or use 8p+k+g! its really nooby.'

    so back on VFDC i say

    'I beat you more than you beat me buddy'

    then he says

    'so what?
    I told you I REALLY SUCK these couple days.
    And your style is really cheap for Shun.
    What do you wanna say? You wanna say you are better than me? lol


    'one more thing.
    You just ran away as ALWAYS.
    And you should check your XBL mail box.'

    LOL he is right this is noncense
  2. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    lol its flash i know it
  3. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    BAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    I just lost a few brain cells.
  5. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    None Other did this to me once..He asked to play Rank matches cause he figured he would Demote me... I Demoted him instead hehehe, None other lets have the fight to the death neither of us run away until one of us Demote ..That goes for you too MASA!!!! lol
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I mean its completely cool I don't mind losing to you None Other in the least it's just I'm not really trying to get into pressured situations after work and real life shitty-shit situations. I just wanna have fun sometimes. I respect your game and skittles but how can you justify childish insults?

    btw your mom is fat
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Same as how can you justify your childish topic?
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Some people take ranks too seriously. How is that childish? I fail to understand

    I cant begin to count how many players will send hateful messages over wins and losses. Please Akai try and understand what I'm saying. The bottom line is ITS JUST A GAME FOLKS.

    There's no such thing as a cheap tactic. A cheap tactic would be to unplug your opponents controller during a game of street fighter.

    I'm trying to redeem the sole sanity of VFDC here man how am I childish please explain.

    Perhaps you read through it quickly and figured I was trying to insult him. Not in the least. Id be more than glad to meet and play against Fu-unji in reality (and a whole bunch of guys).
  9. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    None Other
    I have no regret about I provoked you.

    Even you made this topic, I HAVE NO REGRET.

    Yeah, you are right, Denkai. I provoked you too and I demote, lol.

    I care my rank, but I don't care if I demote or promote. Of course if I promote, I be happy. Or if I demote, I be kind of mad for ME and lag.

    It always happened that promote/demote when I was playing VF, but it was fun. Because nobudy use cheap style. I didn't say that to Denkai, you have pretty fun style (I'm not making fun).

    OK. I understood what you are saying, but I cant make my feeling in English.

    I can write that in Japanese here, but I'm pretty sure most of American can't understand what am I saying.

    So, if somebudy can transerate(sp?) my Japanese. please let me know. I'll write that here.

    I just wanna say, you must think about if you are playing VF at arcade. Will you do same skills in arcade?

    I hope we can meet somewhere someday. I really wanna see you what kind of people you are.

    Maybe I shouldn't provoke somebudy anymore. Konjou Akira also said my cocky is too much sometime. yeah I knew that, but I didn't know that.

    maybe some people think why did I provoke to somebudy?

    My answer is I just wanna play VF like in arcade, I mean ranking match.

    I'm not thinking I'm the great VF player, I already post that in Good Game thread.(I guess...)

    Because, I can't play VF like before, I mean I just use only few skills right now. I can't think well when I'm losing.

    I wanna say alot of things, but I'll stop here.

    And you must call me Fu-unji. None Other is NOT my account, None Other is MY FRIEND'S account. My friend won't use that account when he plays VF.
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    That's cool man and as I said I'd give you matches man but please quit with the nonsense.
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    What Fu-unji did or said may have been cocky but he said it in private. Once you start airing your dirty laundry in threads you should fully expect that person to take exception. I think that's pretty basic.

    When you call someone out by name you should also expect a direct response. It's not a nice thing to do. You are basically trying to publicly humiliate someone and it's gonna cause a reaction. Don't be surprised, you shouldn't be.
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    You missed the entire point man
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I understand it's a bit confusing, but remember everything in first post occurred BEFORE the thread. I sent him a message telling him I would thread this

    Basically, when David conquered Goliath, Goliath didn't cry and call David a "stone spammer." He took it like a man. I don't see the reasoning for provoking someone, losing, and then whining about it cmon people.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I take VF more seriously than people think, and I hate losing. However, I dont send disrespective or provokative privatemails to aggro people either. I consider that to be extremely lame. Whether in privamails, forums or real life, insults are stupid. At best, I may send something like "easy with the low punches, try more throw escapes".

    I am with Cozby on this one.
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    This guy used to pull too but he cried and lied his way the good graces of the
    top players. I see he's still a sore loser afterall.
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Cozby on some real shit. To many of VFDC'er take this game to serious. Evr since i came to this site i started to stray away from VF5 more and more.

    You win its because of lag you lose its because he was better than you. Most of the time i try t be a good sport about playing with everybody but some of you dudes just fuck the whole experience up for me.Sometimes I say "GG bro" and player x responds with some ol' bullshit like "Yeah but the lag cause me to lose cause your not that good" or "You're too random" or "You use safe moves to much and its cheap because i can't get around it" or some of Cats don't even say shit like somebody's wasting your time (that's when i know you take the game personal.If i was in he arcades with you i'd Probably Beat your ass and take your Quarters.)

    Cozby Do you son. Enjoy the game for what its worth. cause in the End it doesn't really matter. Just have fun.
  17. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Basically, when David conquered Goliath, Goliath didn't cry and call David a "stone spammer."

    Someone needs to mention this. Great line Cozby. Of course had he ducked while throwing them the whole time....Goliath would have a case.

    Integrity is how you act when you think no one is looking. Don't act in a way that you'd be embarassed if light were shone on it. Cozby has every right to say what was pm'ed to him if he so chooses. Its not childish, its patriotic,lol, but really, there is nothing wrong with what he's done here.
  18. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    well said overfiend /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  19. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    o just 2 add something rank iz utter garbage in this game..
    sega fuked up the system
  20. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Rank is meaningless really and many people do take it far too seriously like those that quit to avoid loses as 1 example. If you think of it as "I have to get the highest rank possible" you are playing for the wrong reason. I play VF because I have fun playing it, ranking just takes away from the fun the game really has in my book with all the serious hotheads out there that pull and complain about things like losing like it really means something. What is wrong with these people?

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