Rank Mode Purgatory? Hunters get more Love...

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by masterpo, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Good news is there seems to be a few more new players trickling in online VF5FS PSN. I used to think most of these were old players just creating new accounts, but I'm finding that to not be necessarily so. We're up over 122,000 (I think). Bad news is my rank is low enough so that good players don't want to waste their time on me, and high enough that some of the new players back out of the matches.

    Is there an optimum online rank? Where good players will take you seriously and new players won't back out... o_O

    Or is it that our reputations precede us:ROTFL:
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    People with the ducking mindset will always find a reason not play. Their rank is too low, they won't be good enough. Their rank is too high, they'll be too good. Or my favourite, they're the same rank as me, don't want to risk it.

    Thankfully that's not everyone and for everyone who finds an reason not to play there is another who just wants to play. Hopefully with an influx of newer players you'll have a good amount who wont really care about rank, because let's be honest, it doesn't actually mean that much anyway.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I keep hopin.... But I guess here is the conundrum, the online ranks don't really matter right? But yet I can never find players under simple Player Match or Room Match, maybe its just my timing (5:00 - 8:00 p.m. EST) If I run into players online they're under Ranked match mode. Is that just a matter of habit or what with other players. ppl go to ranked match because that's where the players happen to be, or the players are in ranked match because that's where they want to be, even though ranks don't mean much :cautious: I do think if everyone showed up under player matches, there wouldn't be any ducking going on at all, and we'd have more matches and more honest matches:holla:
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I think it's just easier to find games in rank match as the lobbies are regularly refreshed. Online would look a lot busier if you could see active lobbies in player match and room. If you time it wrong there could be literally thousands of people playing and you see nothing.

    Ranked doesn't have this problem as you'll know if no one is on as you won't see anyone for about 3 minutes. I think that's why it's busier.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    wow, didn't know that. Is there any solution? Man I wish there were a way that players could automatically broadcast when they're in player and room matches. I wouldn't mind receiving the messages. We have over a 120,000 on the PSN, it would be nice to see the average times that the PSN has traffic in Player or Room matches by time zone. Are those kind of server stats off limits or is there away to request them from Sega:unsure:
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It's the way they've built their netcode. Good stability for the most part but poor functionality. It's the same on games like Daytona and VOOT. You can't see lobbies in progress. You can only see them during the waiting period where people can join. I don't think they're willing to patch this, as they'd have to pay Sony and Microsoft. Even if they wanted to, i'm not sure they're actually able to. Their code might not allow it without a complete rebuild.

    Room matches pretty much died when people became able to skip this waiting period and start their next match almost immediately. It's very hard to find a random room now because people just play without giving time for others to see their room and then join it.
    ToyDingo likes this.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Do you happen to know at what rate Rooms and Player Matches are refreshed.
    If Rank is about every 3 minutes, then what is the interval for rooms and player matches?

    We've got so many software developers and programmers on VFDC, I can't help but wonder if there is a way that we could come up with our own Web-based Room & Player Match notification system that could somehow be tied to what's actually going on on XBL or PSN. I know its probably not likely that we have the access that we would need to do it, but it would be nice.

    Even if we couldn't see which rooms or player matches are in progress, it would be nice to know if rooms or player matches are in progress. At least then we would know whether to wait or not :(

    If we could get something as simple as
    # of rooms in progress
    # of player matches in progress

    That would be a big improvement, but maybe the netcode design prevents this kind of information being gathered in the first place..(n)
  8. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Knowing a player match is in progress wouldn't help any as it's a 2 player mode which then proceeds to the next match unless the players quit. You can't jump in on that.

    Room match search screen refreshes if you are there manually refreshing it during the lobby period of the actual room, which is a small change as the host most likely skips the timer ASAP.

    Your best bets would be to have active players on your friend list to know when they are on (and on 360 know what they are doing in game) or asking for matches on shoutbox.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    To be clear I said about 3 minutes for ranked as that's about the max time most matches will take. If you had all 5 rounds won via time out with the final round a draw and sudden death I suppose it would be about 4 minutes. Since there is no rematch option in ranked that's about the period of time it will take someone to become available again. All modes refresh when you tell the game to.

    And I strongly disagree that seeing games in progress would make no difference. Seeing 10 games in progress but currently being unable to join any is complete different to seeing no one online at all. People are more inclined to play when they know other people are playing. The same with waiting. If someone know other people are on there is far more chance they'll wait.

    As it is player match and room match usually look empty, so there is no reason for a random player to go in either as it takes 2 to tango.
    Ellis likes this.
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Showing rooms that are in progress would have been helpful for the game long ago, showing ranked matches in progress isn't something that SF does, DOA, or any other game that I can think of. I think FS and Ultra SF have the best ranked lobbies of any fighter currently, showing connections on PSN like they did on Xlive would have been nice for FS though SEGA couldn't be bothered. That being said this game is really old and 360 and PS3 online aren't going to last forever with the new machines being out. So this late in the ancient games life there is no point in talking about what would have helped it's online mode a few years ago when the game had more interest from random players passing by. If they port this game to PC there will be an influx of new players, if it gets ported to PS4 or Xbony there might be some fresh faces too as the consoles need more games currently. They eventually kill off online for old consoles once the new ones come out, so it's just a matter of time before offline is the only option for playing this game.

    As for you not getting any matches master poe... You dodged people in ranked non stop after you got rekt, so don't be in here bitching about not getting games when you're a dodger. If you didn't dodge so many people back when the game was really active you'd probably have a better friends list and wouldn't be struggling to get games now. Try not being such a bitch in the future and maybe you wont have this problem. What even is the point in anyone challenging you when you just decline every match that you can't win? It isn't like you are good enough to win many games so you end up dodging an enormous amount of people and now you wonder why people wont play you? Please don't cry about not getting matches when all you ever did was dodge and decline games in ranked, nobody's got time for that shit poe.
    IcKY99 and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    WTF? First , I have a considerable VF friends list. I now have a new schedule and Its a time zone and availability thing goes as far as my friends list goes. So Baz you are wrong on that account. I'm always amazed at how ppl can jump to such ignorant conclusions.

    2nd If I dodged everybody I thought I couldn't beat, then how did I endup with thousands of losses on PSN (literally thousands)! I may have loss more games on PSN than you've played LOL Maybe you have me confused with someone else. Or, Perhaps I thought I could beat those thousands of players and was mistaken:LOL: Aha that must be it. I guessed wrong thousands of times :ROTFL: So Baz you are wrong on that account also.

    3rd. I'm known on this forum for my lose lose philosophy its the best way to learn, again, do a search and maybe you'll learn something about me. I've never put much stock in winning, I'm the master of loss. I've always put much stock in learning through losing. I have hundreds of posts on this forum that atest to that. So dodging makes no sense in that context. You have absolutely no idea what you are posting about here. I guess RAZE you had your troll hat on today and just decided to give it a try in this thread.

    4th. I have consistently refused to play a very very small number of players on PSN less than 8 particular individuals. In case you can't count that's less than .006% of the players on PSN. But even in those instances it had nothing to do with whether I thought I could beat them or not. I had other reasons for declining those individuals and still do. It is true when the game first came out that did not want a rank different than defender. I still have it I believe. And in those days I definitely manipulated my rank LOL but that required guaranteeing that I won some and guaranteeing that I loss some. If I was a true Rank whore though, I wouldn't still be a defender. Surely I could have dodged my way past that rank in all this time :ROTFL:

    Raze., I've played you on more than one occasion, I've been in rooms that you've hosted on more than one occasion( I won a few and loss most like I always do). You seem much smarter in those conversations than you do in your post. In fact I think I recall you pulling on me from time to time (what was that all about? :)) Although I can be sure because when someone pulls, or declines I don't give it much thought and I don't read too much into it.

    With the level of intelligence that I think you have, you should be able to distinguish the difference between dodging and declining. Its simple minded to think they are the same thing. You do understand the difference don't youo_O Dodging suggests fear of something, I have no fear of anyone, under any circumstance. Online, Offline, Physically, MetaPhysically or otherwise.:cool: We can put that to the test if you would like, online, offline, physically, metaphysically or otherwise.....

    As far as VF being really active, the game is still somewhat active now, if you get the timing right, I'm not really concerned with the game being really active(I can only play one person at a time) I'm just looking for regular activity that lines up with my new current schedule, and I've noticed that when I do bump into ppl in rank who are on at the same time I am there seems to be some trepidation with respect to my rank whether I get a match or not. Herein lies the reason for me creating this thread. I didn't create it as a platform for you to demonstrate how ignorant a Vfer can be:whistle:

    Show some respect son., if not for me, then show some respect for yourself and for this forum. Stay on topic. If you don't have something meaningful to contribute to a thread then STFU. Our community is small enough as it its, without wanna be trolls trying to sabotage it. If you have something derogatory to direct toward me then PM me and I'll educate you proper behind closed doors. You really don't want to engage in decomposition in public with me because you're not equipped and I really don't have the time these days.

    Ahem... as far as bitchin.. is concerned, from what I remember that shoe seems to fit you a lot better:sneaky:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I have no idea why you are acting like you don't dodge people in ranked when you do. You sent messages to me on psn saying really lame shit about why you were dodging, you can play it off all you want. I am not reading that massive wall of garbage you posted Poe. Quit dodging people and quit bitching about a lack of games, all your dodging has lead to your frustration in FS lately with "high or low ranked" players avoiding you, the same way you avoided them.

    You enjoy the online drought you created for yourself.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    :ROTFL: Just as I thought......
  14. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I noticed that i got more matches back when i was a vanquisher. Alot of new players too, but now i hardly see anyone in rank. Its probably more popular cause you get to fight different people rapidly unlike in a room where u may get 1 match then have to sit and play with your hands for like 5 minutes until ur up or player where ur locked down to 1 person. Rank u can multi task or if youre in and out between matches a bit i guess if youre cooking food or homework on something like that.
    But yeah to anwser your question directly id say Avenger Vanquisher (and the other one after that forgot name)
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I'm thinking seriously about going back to Hunter and then staying there for a while just to really test the theory. I had some really good matches with some new players who were primarily DOA and are now hungry enough to pick up VF. They convinced me to spend a little more time with DOA as well. But its tough, I'm down with the Shaolin Kung fu and DOA only has Xinyi Liuhe Quan with the Gen Fu dude, and that ain't quite my speed :LOL:

    For some reason traffic is up on PSN lately. Don't know why but its okay with me!
    EvenPit likes this.

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