ranked dead ?

Discussion in 'General' started by mohamed_amervf5, May 17, 2022.

  1. mohamed_amervf5

    mohamed_amervf5 Active Member

    outside asia
  2. mohamed_amervf5

    mohamed_amervf5 Active Member

    hope people change minds in this game , because people are rare in this game
  3. mohamed_amervf5

    mohamed_amervf5 Active Member

    only solution to make this game playable again is to make signal strength with opponents invisible
  4. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    That is strange, because some of the people here, play ranked matches.

    A bit off note here, but as I saw the title, I remember people saying that ranked matches, in the Western PS4 version of SF 30th Anniversary Collection, is a barren ghost town. A few streamers tried ranked matches for weeks, and still couldn't get a match.:eek:
    Last edited: May 23, 2022
  5. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Nonsense, I am in ranked nearly everyday
  6. mohamed_amervf5

    mohamed_amervf5 Active Member

    me too , but region differs , ppl refuse red bars , that's what makes it dead , you can accept not the fastest connection but play
  7. Victor_

    Victor_ New Member

    yeah, it's has taken a little bit longer to find a ranked match but not much, in my opinion, I'd say that some people may have quit but there still a big player base left playing
  8. KDQlBushido

    KDQlBushido New Member

    During the week the only times you will really find anyone is late in the evening. Fridays, and ESPECIALLY Saturdays are the days to play because of the weekly tournament, everyone is on collecting their points. Community is amazing so I basically reserve 2 days out of the week for ranked, leave the rest for community stuff, league matches, lobbies, etc.
    VanguardBronze likes this.

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