Recovering from a Stagger

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Myke, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The following has been extracted from an old VF5 (vanilla) thread called Programmable inputs / Esoteric frame data Q&A by @KoD. While it was written for VF5 (i.e. before VF5FS time) where staggers were more prevalent, VF5FS still uses the same stagger and recovery (aka "struggle") system. I find myself linking to that single Q&A that explains the best ways to recover from staggers so much that I thought it warranted its own thread.

    Q: Do the inputs used for struggling matter?
    A: Technically yes, but the most important thing is the window for struggling.

    Tested using akira vs akira programmed to do sidekick ( blocked ) lowpunch ( I counter with a sidekick to cause stagger, then a followup attack ) followed by various struggling motions.

    Against sidekick stagger ~ another sidekick, a single input of any kind (directional or button, even just pressing guard) is sufficient to guard the second sidekick. However, it must be within the struggle window, which in this case is 14 frames (tested by variable 1-frame increment delay after lowpunch, then guard). You can verify that the dojo ai wont guard sidekick stagger sidekick, even on fastest struggle, but it's really easy to do yourself; this must be because the cpu is struggling and / or guarding outside of the window.

    As is fairly common knowledge, this window visually corresponds to when the joystick icon turns from green to red. Simply holding guard won't work, nor will doing even a full joystick circle while the icon is green. You are not penalized for struggling at the wrong time, it just doesn't count at all (tested by doing [4][6][4] ad nauseum during the wrong part of the window, then single input or not during the window). You aren't penalized for holding guard early either (although you don't get the benefit of that extra input). Some players feel like there is a penalty for struggling early, this is probably because its physically hard to struggle at fastest input speed for very long.

    So the most important thing here is the size and timing of the struggle window; it's comparable to timing a reversal correctly. As for which inputs are used to struggle, it looks like button inputs (tapping [P],[K] while holding guard) are worth the same as a single directional input, but scraping between nearby directions (e.g. from [3][2]) are not worth as much as a single clean directional input:

    Against sidekick stagger ~ jab, the following inputs will guard the jab (all are in addition to pressing and holding guard at the beginning of the stagger window):

    [6][K][4] ([P] also works the same)
    [P][+][K],[P][+][K],[P][+][K] (one frame or more gap between)
    [P]~[P][+][K],[P] (i.e. tap and hold p, press k while holding p, then release both for at least a frame, then tap P again)

    Notice that you don't get credit for more than one input in a given frame, and there is no "negative edge". In other words, [P][+][K](release [P] so just [K] is held),(release both),[P] doesn't get you out of the sidekick ~ jab, because its only 2 distinct inputs. Common theme for success here seems to be 3 inputs.

    However, 3-input motions like this are not enough:

    Some 4-input motions such as these work:
    [4] [7] [8] [9]
    [2] [1] [4] [7]

    but motions like these fail:
    [3] [2] [1] [4]
    [1] [4] [7] [8]

    It's not just a matter of diagonal motions not being worth as much; not only are there equally 2 diagonal directions and two cardinal directions in all of the 4-input motions listed above, but 3-input diagonal motions like [1][7][9] work (not that a human could actually do that motion). It looks like maybe diagonal directions before or after a cardinal only count as the direction they're moving "towards", i.e. [8][9] counts as [8][6], but [7][8] only counts as [8].

    Still, the question of shaking vs smooth circling vs square circling probably comes down to how your hands work; if you can do [6][3][2][1] in the same time as [6][2][4], it's just as good; [4][6][4] is just as good as either one (and also doesn't involve ducking).

    One last thing - it seems like you need an extra input in order to do struggle - evade, even if the first struggle motion is inside both the struggle window and the command buffer. Simply tapping [8], even late in the window, won't get out of the struggle and evade a second sidekick, it has to be e.g.[8][8]. This seems to be also true if you're using an attack button; [P] late in the window wont come out, it needs to be [P][P].
    akai, Chanchai, cobratron and 4 others like this.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    just found the new optimal stagger inputs for the hitbox using this. thnx. It's actually super easy to mash-up/down than side/side on HB. You can also use the same button tapping rhythm for directions and buttons to get max inputs in the window. I can finally break staggers. thank god
    Chanchai, jimi Claymore and cobratron like this.
  3. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Jesus Christ! Good find Tricky. Can confirm this works absolutely perfect. While holding block just hold down while tapping up. Its so easy you dont have to be so anal on the timing.

    Its like an early Christmas gift lol!!

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    Tricky likes this.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Even with the new tactic I can't break that specific stagger you're doing there but I can beat the 15f mid punch followup. I'm uploading a vid with the handcam showing me looking for optimal hand positions and choices for it. I'm trying to do it without changing my resting hand position to minimize the potential for errors mid-match when unexpectedly hit with a staggering move.
  5. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Ok your right on this one. I'm off on Goh's combo timing by a frame or two. I was able to do it by adding a PP in there but its really tight. Most other staggers in the game should be easily doable though even without adding attack buttons
    Tricky likes this.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    word, I'm sad we can't break that stagger, but also glad I wasn't just failing to pull it off. Here's my 20 min vid trying your initial approach and the one I went with. I find holding up then furiously tapping down with a few P's to be fastest for me.

  7. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Oh so your doing opposite of me. Are you using the traditional SOCD cleaner or the Gaffro type?
    Tricky likes this.
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm using the preferred last input setting for SOCD.

    I find it operates closer to a regular joystick would for slightly off mistimed inputs like if I"m going 43 I can input it at 4 2~3 or 4 6~3 and get the game to read it at 43 but the stock SOCD setting turns 4 6~3 into 4 . . 3 which if the game doesn't get the inputs in the right time frame (i.e. 10 frames) can be read as just 3 instead of 43. You get 10 frames between each individual input of buffer window for multiple directions commands so you kinda have 20 frames to input a 43 properly so long as you've hit either 2 or 6 before getting to 3. You only get 10 frames otherwise.
    cobratron likes this.
  9. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I unlisted my vid. Gonna upload a new one using a updated tactic against that Goh stagger. Its similar. Just hold block with right thumb. After stagger hold down with middle finger then furiously tap up with left thumb and P with right index finger. Its still hard but you get the added benefit of comfort since your rhthymically drumming between up and P. Give it a try.
    Tricky likes this.
  10. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    To make it even easier: Hold both down and up which for SOCD equals up and keeps you standing for the stagger. Then letting go of up provides you with down as your first input in a negative edge sort of way. And if you can end while holding down and up you can block any mids such as that 15f launcher.

    In musician terms its like ending in a sustain
    Tricky likes this.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I like that idea. My thumbs might be friggin potatoes, but I'm gonna try it a bit later for sho.
    cobratron likes this.
  12. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I get the most mileage out of this input:

    hold G, hold down, tap up, tap P+K, hold up, hold P+K

    It feels good and comfortable to do unlike the old school finger slide technique. This is a total of 7 inputs since releasing up in the middle gives you a down input.

    The only way I can stop the Goh 46P follow up somewhat consistent is if I do the slide across left down right which if you do enough times will give your finger blisters. But its only good premptively since you will waste frames getting your finger in position to start the slide.
    Tricky likes this.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    bro I was breaking staggers like a boss last night holding down up with my thumb, making down with middle finger and plink mashing between P and K at the same rate. SO basically I'm holding up, then plinking Down~P~K~Down~P~K. For the last input preferred SOCD setting (what I use) I think this is optimal.

    I think @cobratron method is optimal for SOCD set for Up preferred for sure!
    cobratron likes this.
  14. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I changed it up a bit. I use only right and up. Totally avoiding down so I'm not open to mids in any way. And my index finger is slightly quicker so I can plink G into right so that those first inputs are out of the way in 2-3f which helps out my slow thumb on the next input. Anyways I was able to break 8 in a row which is new record for me.

    Its G, right, up, P~K, hold up, hold P~K
    Tricky likes this.
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So i was doing more practice today and I actually was finding a ton of success using 46 P~G and just holding my fingers rigid for the left hand and using my wrist to alternative the button presses. Was able to get it a bunch of times in a row too against Goh's 3P after the stagger.
    cobratron likes this.
  16. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Thats a good tactic. 4-6, 6-8/4-8 are all good options on the hb. Just avoid 2 at all costs since you could successfully break it and still get hit while guarding.

    I'll give the wrist shake a try to see if i like it more
    Tricky likes this.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Here's me practicing both methods yesterday with the hand cam
    cobratron likes this.
  18. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Here is the thing I took away from messing with this the past few days that line up with what @Myke is saying.

    The most important thing is the timing or when the window begins for when valid inputs are accepted. Shaking furiously and mashing on the buttons before this window is just not smart because your spending energy on this rather than doing it smart by starting when you should be starting.

    I find that using the first input, G, at the correct time allows the rest of the inputs to come in optimally and in my experience doesnt even need to be done super crazy unless the follow up is like 12-14f.

    Now I can break that Goh stagger > 3P no problem. It just depends on getting the G right. Too early and you can just forget it. Just right and you only need 4-5 more inputs in before the attack. Slightly late and you must work harder by entering those same inputs even quicker.

    So I say the best practice is to find out the best time to press and hold G for all the different chars hard to break staggers. Then work on the input sequence you feel most comfortable with.

    Needless to say I feel this is super sad its taken (me) 10 years to figure this out lol.
    Tricky and Myke like this.
  19. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Btw I have another new input i'm using. It works great. Not sure how or why but it does. I may make a vid.

    6+8+P+K x4

    Don't even need to enter G first. You can keep it held down the whole time from before you get staggered.

    Try it out its pretty braindead easy
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    Tricky likes this.
  20. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    As you can see from the input display I am just mashing 9P+K 3 or 4 times.

    Lord_Hollow and Tricky like this.

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