Replay file compatibility

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I was hoping some of you, with the game, could perform a compatibility test for saved replay files. I would like to know if the replay files can be played on any region ps3, and any region disc.

    Basically, save a versus match replay on one particular ps3 or disc, and see if it can load/play successfully on a different ps3 or disc.

    The Japanese and Asian versions of the game are officially released, and you have Japan/Asia/US versions of PS3s out there as well.

    Use this thread to coordinate your testing with others, and post your findings.

    Thanks in advance.

    p.s. For VF4 and Evo on PS2, replay files were specific to the game disc version. I'm hoping this is not the case for VF5 on PS3.
  2. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Are the replays saved as separate files on the ps3 HDD, like in Evo? Cause in that case wouldn't we be able to save the files to a compact flash card (60gb model only) and transfer those files to a PC using a card reader, then send them to each other via the internet?
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Yes, yes, and yes.

    Please read the PS3 VF5 FAQ! These questions are answered there.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Sorry if this question is a result of my lazyness, but what are some options in terms of capture cards and ways to transfer the data to your computer? If it helps, I use an iMac. I'm not really looking to spend much cash as I just shot myself in the foot with all these recent purchases for VF5 lol. But am very interested in capturing matches for all sorts of fighting games.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think this is answered in the FAQ, read the Replays section carefully. I'm not brushing you off, I just don't want this thread to stray too far off topic.

    Essentially, transferring replay files to your computer can be done via removable USB storage devic, like a thumb drive. This, however, is only useful for transferring/sharing your replay file with others who also have the game. The replay file is used in VF.TV mode to watch replays.

    You cannot watch the replay file on your computer.

    If you want to watch a replay on your computer, then you must render a movie. This is where your capture card or device comes in. You basically connect the video output of your PS3 to the cap card/device, play back the replay on the PS3, and record the video on your computer. With the raw recorded footage, you can then encode a movie (wmv/mov/mpg/etc) that you can watch.

    Transferring replay files, and making movies of replays, are two seperate things.

    Since the PS3 allows you to transfer files to and from it much easier than the PS2 could, I think sharing replay files might be more common this time around. Unlike rendering your own movies, the replay files are tiny in size, and take absolutely no time to prepare.

    My only question now is compatibility of replay files across different console/game versions.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    C'mon you greedy bastards! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Aren't there at least two of you with different PS3 systems that can test this out?
  7. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Re: Replay file compatibility *DELETED*

    Post deleted by EVM
  8. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Can't get the game data outta there unless you know how to, please inform me. This is just the file save. This is the Asain version of VF5 on a US PS3 with the English settings on. There is no replay in this file, just my game save.
    File save is the first link.
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Here is the link for a vs replay with no one playing except me. I can't believe you can not save arcade mode matches, so retarded.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  9. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    My buddy is coming over today to see the game for the first time. We used to play alot VF 1-3 in the arcade and on the Dreamcast.

    I will post some more replays of this, today.
  10. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I'll save a bunch of replays today and save them since I have a few friends coming over to play VF5. I have an american system with a japanese copy of the game. If anyone has an asian/japanese system and would like to test this out for Myke, let me know!
  11. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    White, did you try to use either of those files I uploaded? Was it possible for you to use the Game Save in any manner?
  12. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    EVM - I tried the files you uploaded. The system data worked fine, I was able to see/use your custom characters. Seems like that whole process is pretty smooth.

    The replay, however, showed up as "corrupted data" in my ps3 system menu. Perhaps it has something to do with the method you used to zip the file.

    I made a replay (by myself) and have saved it at my website:
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    (keep in mind that I'm not a Lei player and I was just screwing around to make a replay file. Don't judge me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )

    I do see a problem with replay files though. The folder name in the ps3 save data is XXXXXX-Replay0000, which means we may have to rename the folder to keep from overwriting previous files. Might not be a big deal, unless that folder name will prevent the replay from being played for some reason.

    I also don't think you can label replay files in any way. Like saying "lei vs el blaze" or "3rd round comeback!". So download my file above and try it out so we can get this figured out.
  13. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Ok, it did not work so what I did was......take one game me and a buddy of mine played today, copy it to the USB device, then "CUT" and pasted the folder labeled "PS3" to my desktop. Then I "CUT" and pasted it back to the USB device and put the USB device back into the PS3 and it read it fine. The problem might be that we are not zipping the folder labeled "PS3".

    I have uploaded the match so download this one and see if it works. Try to "Cut" and paste the "PS3" folder to your mobile storage and see if it works in your PS3.

    Oh yeah, don't judge me either. I aint no world beater but I still suck with a PS3 pad. My buddy was flailing away on my brand new HRAP3, which I only have one of until Monday.
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  14. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I do see a problem with replay files though. The folder name in the ps3 save data is XXXXXX-Replay0000, which means we may have to rename the folder to keep from overwriting previous files. Might not be a big deal, unless that folder name will prevent the replay from being played for some reason.</div></div>

    Wow, it seems as if you change anything about the names of the folders or files, it makes the replays not work. I changed the name of the "PS3" labeled folder and it would not work. I tried to change the digits on the end of the file named XXXXXX-Replay0000 and it would not work.

    I did go back and change the PS3 folder name from EVM back to PS3 and it did work so all you would have to do rename Jeffrey vs Kage to watch the replay in your PS3.

    I took the file you uploaded and put it inside a total copied "PS3" folder and that did not work.

    New link with 0000 replay
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  15. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Well I got one of the replays to work. It seems like very sensitive data. Changing anything on your computer will make it corrupted. There may also be something to the method of zipping the folder as well.
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Hey guys, really appreciate the effort so far. I'm sorry that I can't be of any more help since I don't own a PS3/VF5 yet.

    But I'll just say that it's a little surprising to hear you have so much difficulty so far. Back on the PS2, sharing replay files was easy. All you did was stick two mem cards into a PS2 and you could copy a replay file from one to the other, and it would work no problem. The only restriction was that replay files can only be shared between like-region games.

    Now, I was imagining a similar process would be involved here. Can you not "browse" the contents of your PS3 save files and easily copy stuff to and from? I don't think you should be renaming files either, unless there's the possibility that two people end up having the same filename.

    When I get a chance, I might look at one of your replays with a hex editor to see if there's any discerning ascii.

    Thanks again for your help -- and yeah, I hope you guys are making backups! I wouldn't want you to lose your system data! Not that you should be playing with your system files, but you never know.
  17. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    well we just did another test and got everything to work. I'm not sure what we were doing wrong before, but everything's gravy now. EVM might have more details about exactly what we did different, because he was the one zipping the files for me.

    Now we just need to find someone with a non US system to try this with.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    That's great!

    Can you describe what procedure you used to make it work?

    And was your setup the following?

    PS3(US)+VF5(JP) <--> PS3(US)+VF5(JP)
  19. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Guys, PS3 saving works like this..

    When you copy a save file over to any external device it makes a directory as you've already stated on the device like this


    What you can do with any archive program is keep the path or just zip the folder instead. Now the filename and path needs to be exactly the same if you decide to copy it to any other external device.

    Now I'm pretty sure PS3 saves are digitally signed meaning if you change the filename or even try to hex edit them for your own bidding it screws up the save completely. I thought you could rename the save files within the browser but no joy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    What I would like for you guys to test if its not too much trouble is to see:

    If saves from US version are compatible with JP version. You can do this by changing your PS3 language to Japanese <> USA. Please let us know how it goes!!
  20. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Ok, it works!

    Replays can be exchanged between Japanese and Asian versions of the game on U.S PS3's.

    All other game version and console versions have not been tested yet.

    First, copy your replays to your mobile storage device.
    Then take the entire folder labled "PS3" from your mobile storage device and put in on your PC. Zip the file, for labling purposes give the "ZIP" folder the appropriate name "do not change the name of the folder labled PS3" example zip folder name: White_Worm vs Myke. Upload the zip file and you should be good to go.

    For the person trying to watch the replay, you should unzip the folder and copy the entire "PS3" folder to you mobile storage device. You can then move the folder into your PS3. Once the files are in your PS3 you can choose to copy them from the mobile storage device to your PS3 hard drive. If the files you are copying have the same file names as replays already on your PS3 you will either have to overwrite them or move your existing replays somewhere else, you can not rename the files as far as I know.

    I did take a downloaded replay file folder EXAMPLE: a file folder named BLJM60016-0000and put it inside an original PS3 folder from my PS3 then moved the folder into my PS3 and the replay worked. I don't think this is the correct way to do it but to each his own.

    Anyone else wishing to test this out please do.

    Here is a beat down I put on my buddy today.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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