Saint Louis, Mo. Gathering (Dec.23-27)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Stl_Tim, Oct 29, 2005.

  1. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone

    I know it's short notice, but Yosuke has confirmed to make it out here on these select dates of December 23-27. If anybody is freed up for that weekend to get some games in with us please pm me and we will workout all the details etc. Don't you think Santa can wait one year without you? Show your love and help me in welcoming Yosuke to his first gathering here in the states.

    We look forward to your replies...

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    nobody answers lol
  3. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    People who have confirmed:
    Akira PH(chicago)<More players in chicago that don't post up on here. Derrick, Where are you?
    People that might:
    10% chance...

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    hello. kaminari_oyaji.

    I am thinking about Amarican players vs yosuke.....

    if you guys 5 people, you guys play each 3 times(3 characters or one character 3 tiems etc), for example, you use AOI,KAGE, Venessa. so you use AOI, KAGE,and Venessa each 1time, or AOI 2 times and KAGE 1 time or AOI 3 times.

    to put it sinply, 15 characters(the same character is OK. AMERICAN team) vs 4 or 5 characters (yosuke. I use differnet characters each time. )

    How about it?
    I guess much fun! However, I don't know. I guess I might lose.
  5. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    sadly, I do believe neither myself nor maddy will be able to make this one, it would be hard with our work / studies, but the timing makes it impossible.

    We'll try our best to make it next time something like this happens but this one we can't make it to.
  6. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member


    Sounds like a good plan. If you can play all these characters strong like jacky then it's good. If you can't then please stick with playing only jacky. Also, please understand that Christmas time is very hard for players to come. I will try my best to get more, but don't be upset if I can't.

    Thankyou for understanding
  7. 4gotten_kazama

    4gotten_kazama Active Member

    Tim I am just posting to ntify you that I have officialy logged in . Please be ready to kick my ass tommarow I call when I get the Mirc thing set up Later

    OH YEAH!!!!!!

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member


    I am so sorry.
    I can not go your house because I am going to change my school and location. I am going to leave this town on December 3th and go to PA (?)philadelphia .

    in other word, I can go there only thanksgivng or I give up to go.

    so sorry some players.........
    I hope someday we get together and play VF4FT(EVO)
  9. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member


    Sorry to here about you having to change schools. I hope everything works out for you in PA. Goodluck and have a safe trip.

  10. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member


    No problem. I am sorry, too. I'm still intedested to play VF4FT with U S players, but it is more important for me to change my school than I go to your house to play VF4FT because I am a student. I am not sure whether I might stay in the United States next summer. If I exist, we can meet and play VF4FT(VF5?) together.

    thanks for thinking my plan.
    I hope you get goot point on your tests
  11. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Saint Louis, Mo. Gathering (Dec.23-27) *DELETED* *DELETED*

    Post deleted by YOSUKE
  12. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    I am going to ST . Louis on NOVEMBER 23th to 27th
    If you are interested in this plan, please call KAMINARI_OYAJI, and hurry lol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I saw your post on your personal website and it seems you didn't have a goodtime, but I did. I learned alot and am very appreciative.
  13. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    what is he saying? I can not understand.

    I don't know he tried to make fun time or not., but! He made me a lot of insult!!!

    he said Jacky was strong and useful!!
    when I used LAU, he said Lau's PPP is cheap!! but I never used Lau's PPP NITAKU. I used just 6P...hit check If counter or YOROKE, then P, 3P ...hit check then PK! and I used while standing K in the medium position.


    when I used SA, he said why I usually used P2K!! that was cheap! this meant he had no frame knowledge. SA, PA, and AO have very strong P.

    he also said I was strong about ''tossing a coin'', My play is no morals, my Jacky's combination was cheap, I was a luckiest player in KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI 3.... etc


    his friends were very good!!
    then while his friend and I were playing VF, he taught his friend my weakpoint? I don't know ,but his teaching was like he was stronger than me lollol
    He said I always used throw after P. I used because he alwasy stopped after my P. However, I did not use throw after P when I played with his friend because his friend had good reaction.
    when I used it combination, his friend still attaking, so I used P then 6K, hit cheak then if yellow counter I used throw and If red counter I used combos.

    I was disgustedat him.

    I told him to study about AOI before the others, but he said he already knew. I did not think so,but I could not say and more......because...


    He had about a hundred times as pride as me and He had about a one hundredth as knowledge as me .

    How should I have done? I have no idea....

    I don't know how strong I am in the United Utates now. HOWEVER, before coming to the United states, I was called for making JACKY team for 5on5 by mask do hijitetu!!!
    (he is a really famous and strong Jacky player)
    (this tournament is famous.And someone is called by this character team is very prize.)

    This is my pride because Mask is famous , My pride was badly insulted by he said a lot of such fool things!!!

    I will never go his house and I really don't want to meet and play VF again with him!!!!

    sorry ,If every plyaer thinking is like him, I will never be able to play VF in the United states.

    If he could win a lot of times, what is KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI 3???
    before I went to his house, he said KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI was really good ! don't say I was weak myself!

    but when I played with him, he said completely different. I think that was making a fool of not only me but also all VF players!!! if he said so, what should OKAIMONO LAU do? he has no position!!!

    If he hates LAU ,he should quit VF.

    I hate it when people criticism one's play.If It was a bug, I agree.
    If someone want to critism, he should do for SEGA! DON'T tell person!
    Anyway, he mad me really mad!I had never gotten like taht before.

    by the way, it was Ok that he never seid I was strong even though when I used Jacky I won more than 200 and I lost 0 game.
    When I usd sub characters,I lost 4 or 5 games because of his mad. I can tell you any more. please make guess.
    I lost just few round.
    Jacko and Chief_Flash like this.
  14. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    what is he saying? I can not understand.

    I don't know he tried to make fun time or not., but! He made me a lot of insult!!!

    he said Jacky was strong and useful!!
    when I used LAU, he said Lau's PPP is cheap!! but I never used Lau's PPP NITAKU. I used just 6P...hit check If counter or YOROKE, then P, 3P ...hit check then PK! and I used while standing K in the medium position.


    when I used SA, he said why I usually used P2K!! that was cheap! this meant he had no frame knowledge. SA, PA, and AO have very strong P.

    he also said I was strong about ''tossing a coin'', My play is no morals, my Jacky's combination was cheap, I was a luckiest player in KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI 3.... etc


    his friends were very good!!
    then his friend and I were playing VF, he taught my weakpoint? I don't know ,but his teaching was like he was stronger than me!
    He said I always used throw after P. I used because he alwasy stopped after my P. However, I did not use throw after P when I played with his friend because his friend had good reaction.
    when I used it combination, his friend still attaking, so I used P then 6K, hit cheak then if yellow counter I used throw and If red counter I used combos.

    I was disgustedat him.

    I told him to study about AOI before the others, but he said he already knew. I did not think so,but I could not say and more......because...


    He had about a hundred times as pride as me and He had about a one hundredth as knowledge as me .

    How should I have done? I have no idea....

    I don't know how strong I am in the United Utates now. HOWEVER, before coming to the United states, I was called for making JACKY team for 5on5 by mask do hijitetu!!!
    (he is a really famous and strong Jacky player)
    (this tournament is famous.And someone is called by this character team is very prize.)

    This is my pride because Mask is famous , My pride was badly insulted by he said a lot of such fool things!!!

    I will never go his house and I really don't want to meet and play VF again with him!!!!

    sorry ,If every plyaer thinking is like him, I will never be able to play VF in the United states.

    If he could win a lot of times, what is KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI 3???
    before I went to his house, he said KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI was really good ! don't say I was weak myself!

    but when I played with him, he said completely different. I think that was making a fool of not only me but also all VF players!!! if he said so, what should OKAIMONO LAU do? he has no position!!!

    If he hates LAU ,he should quit VF.

    I hate it when people criticism one's play.If It was a bug, I agree.
    If someone want to critism, he should do for SEGA! DON'T tell person!
    Anyway, he mad me really mad!I had never gotten like taht before.

    by the way, it was Ok that he never seid I was strong even though when I used Jacky I won more than 200 and I lost 0 game.
    When I usd sub characters,I lost 4 or 5 games because of his mad. I can tell you any more. please make guess.
    I lost just few round.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    First I will address this subject from the view point of everything outside of vf and then cover what I said about vf to yosuke.

    After yosuke canceled the christmas event he pmed me and asked about thanksgiving. Being strapped for time from taking care of a child, attending college and the holidays I tried my very best to fit this in. After some time passed I finally found a free spot and asked my relatives and family if it was ok to have another at our family function. I felt he wasn't so fortunate to have his family around this time, so everyone sympathized with yosuke's position. They responded no problem and then I sent an e-mail to yosuke saying please come, because I have some freetime.
    When the day finally came I picked yosuke up from downtown greyhound bus station and I made sure I was on time, because it was a bad area and was worried for his safety. Upon picking up Yosuke my first inital impressions was quiet, cold, and didn't want to socialize at all. I thought to myself he just dosen't know me yet, so I tried to break the ice with questions not pertaining to vf like what sports do you play, what music do you like or what has america been like for you while you have been here? He just said nothing. I was like, ok? So, I ignored this situation and just started talking about the landmarks as I passed them in St. Louis if he was listening I don't know at this time. I then had to go to my family home and pickup my child, because I thought it wasn't safe to bring down to the station at that time. Upon doing so, I introduced yosuke to my parents and picked up my baby. We briefly spoke and said our goodbyes until we met thanksgiving day. At this time, I thought things might be looking up for the event, but boy was I wrong.
    As we reached my home, I showed yosuke around and told him to please relax from your long trip and if you feel not so tired let's play some vf later. I put my baby to bed at eight and asked if he was hungry?
    As time passed that night he continued to ignore questions and replied I don't talk to people I really don't know. I thought how is this gonna work for 3-4 days? I blew it off and said let's eat, so I made some pizzas and really did not talk much only until he felt like talking. After dinner I showed ft and proceeded to play. After some matches I felt his strength and was shocked. I thought wow, I really lucked out to play against a vfer this strong, but on the other side of things, is it really worth it? I stopped playing and asked if he would teach me like he said he was going to do from his pm's. I knew that at my best I would come out 10% to 90%, so I asked. He then replied I don't like to talk about vf I only play to teach and that's how I learned. I said cool and proceeded to watch and try to learn, but it proved semi-worthy from only playing. I felt my input speed get faster, but that's about it. When we finshed I commented your really strong and now I understand what it takes to get into KS3. I also mistakenly commented your the luckiest guy I know at guessing. My choice of words were wrong and he said that I insulted him. I meant to say your good at making educated guesses in 2 way and 3 way guessing games. I apologized and he said it's ok. At that point, yosuke started talking to me like he had been looking for me to screw up somehow or someway. He said a vfer named shou sent him an e-mail three hours prior to going to Saint Louis. He said to look out for me and that I will have a nasty attitude when I lose. Shou also commented that all vfers outside of Japan have too much pride and that he was pleased to meet yosuke. I was dumbfounded. I knew something was up from the begining and now I knew. It seems from planting this seed in yosuke's head that yosuke already was looking for a confrontation. I then thought to myself, you already used the wrong words to describe something and that's one against you and now shou's e-mail is another just proving his point. Right then, I decided to prove shou wrong that I could in fact control myself from becoming angry. This was my motivator and goal. After that I was tired and showed him to his room and said goodnight see you in the morning.
    Day two came and my baby was up at eight in the morning crying. I took care of her and chilled out downstairs excited like a child before christmas, because I knew I could get in some great vf matches for the next few days. I then thought, will his attitude change towards me?
    around twelve yosuke awoke and I asked if he was hungry? I told him that thanksgiving party would be around one and that he would have a goodtime. Shortly after my wife awoke and met yosuke they seemed to hit it off, but what I didn't know is that yosuke hates small parties. My wife didn't tell me until later. Before leaving yosuke says I have to study and have forgotten some of my english homework back at home, so could you help me buy a new ticket to return home earlier. I was like ok whatever. My wife looked pissed and so I sat on the phone for two hours debating with the bus company about changing his ticket.
    Twoish rolled around and we were really late I took them up to my brother's home for thanksgiving. I introduced everyone and it seemed to be going well. Your typical laughing and eating and drinking and we all made sure yosuke was included. Somehow, he decided to wonder around not caring to talk with anyone like he was unsatisfied with what was presented to him. I then tried to understand his position again, but it just seemd he didn't care. It was obvious he only came to my hometown for one reason, vf. As dinner was served we all dug in and ate to our hearts content. I looked over at yosuke eating and he is eating like a freaking caveman. Feeling embarresed as everyone was sneeking a peek I just chose to ignore it. For god's sake use a fork I was shouting in my mind. Even my wife knew and she comes from the same culture, so I knew it wasn't something related to that. After dinner, my wife had to rush to bed before going to work to catchup on her sleep. My family offered dessert, but it seemed yosuke didn't want any, so I decided to take him home. My family feeling offended didn't say anything until later to me. So, I was in a no win situation trapped in the middle of yosuke and my family. They tried to sympathize and open their door to a stranger on a family holiday and in return felt insulted from the reaction of this person.
    I took him back home and felt really like not doing anything at all. I was stuffed and tired from the night before and felt like just chilling, but that was a no go, because I had to take care of my baby.
    As the night went on my wife awoke and left for work. As usual we didn't talk about much and just played vf. I thought to myself the only real way to learn what I am up against is to play the same character. I decided to play jacky versus jacky and watched what he did. Some matches I got excellents only to hear mummbles of a displeased person. Most of the matches seemed close and others he applied great traps I didn't know of. I was actually starting to learn what jacky was all about at high level play. Then out of the blue after yosuke losing he comments don't mimmick my style. I thought ok your losing and getting upset, because I am learning and using your tactics agianst you. I still kept my cool and played on. After about 50-60 matches I took a break and said I was kinda hungry and asked if he wanted some leftovers? I heated them up and we ate. While eating he replied many times I am weak, because I don't play since KS3. I thought wow, how fucking rude to blame your weakness on being away from comp and make me feel smaller than I already am in vf compared to you. He didn't do this once, but all throught the night.
    I then get a call from my friend nate and he comes over to play against yosuke. Nate seems really excited only playing shun for one month now, so I decide to let him play all night to get his experience up. As they play nate starts learning quickly and starts taking matches. Yosuke knowing that this guy only plays for one month and is actually taking matches from him starts to mummble again everytime he loses. I am busting up on the inside so proud of my friend nate for not only winning, but getting better in the process. After the matches nate says good games and nice to meet you. I give him major props and say later. By this time, I am really tired and feeling the need of sleep, so I just crash and say night. I lay in my bed thinking what has transgressed these last few days and what is to come in the next? I drift off and...
    Day three I awake to screaming baby once again and take care of her. Wife is sleeping as usual and yosuke awakes a little earlier than usual. Vf can't be played until the magic hour of six or seven. I make yosuke breakfast and don't really care at this point what this guy is thinking or what he is saying. I just want to get through the day and drop him off the next morning.
    After breakfast we have a small conversation about what he wants to do today and during that conversation he walks away and goes to study english in the guest room. I'm like wtf, ok. He then comes back later and says can you take me to the game store you talked about. I replied sure not a problem. I packed up baby and yosuke and headed off to the local import game store.
    When we arrived I saw the usual cast and was happy to talk with them while yosuke browsed the store. It was my one chance to get some breathing room in this whole mess. Couple hours passed and he made his selection I then introduced him to everyone there and told them why he was here. They were all happy to meet him and I invited them back to my house, so they could see his skills. We then said thanks and left. For once in the whole trip he looked happy to buy some new games. I was thankfull for that moment, but it wouldn't last long.
    As we got home, my wife awoke and made us dinner she seemed very upset and I have never see her that mad before. She didn't say much and left for work. During our dinner yosuke didn't talk much except to comment about my wife's specially made mashed potatoes and how they sucked. In my mind, I almost reached across the table at this point and rung the fuckers neck after all the bs I had to do for him. At that point, I imagined shou in my head laughing knowing that he won and was right, so I cooled my jets and marinated on it. Finishing dinner He seemed the same and didn't talk too much. He asked when my friends were coming and said please call them. I did and as usual nobody has a car, so it makes it hard to hookup. I talk with my friend steve and he says he can make it out. Unfortunately, it took a longtime for them to make it out, because their ride crapped out on them. We tried everything and brainstormed to find anyone to bring them out. I could have, but they had too many people that wanted to come and my car is full with yosuke and the baby already. I even contemplated leaving the baby there unguarded for this yahoo, but thought I couldn't trust him. Eventually, steve found a ride and came out.
    As we were waiting, yosuke again and again like a broken record asked where are your friends at? I said they are on their way. He kept annoying me as we played vf by asking this. Finally, steve comes in with friends and company. All of a sudden youske pops up and turns into this different person. His english becomes 50% better or so I thought. He is smiling and laughing at my friend steve and follows him around like a puppy dog. He then starts to teach vf by talking to everyone and showing them step by step frame by frame and what this move is good for and whatnot. I sit back and think to myself what a fucking lying piece of shit. All the stuff and bs I had to endure for the last couple of days and now this. He lied about everything he preached to me. I was hurt and shocked. I wanted to boot his ass out on the street, but I knew my boy steve needed the experience, so I let him and mo play all night with yosuke until the morning. I just sat back and watched. During some matches yosuke couldn't clearly explain to steve what was going on, so I tried to help and everytime steve didn't understand I told him.
    Five twenty rolled around and we packed up everythng and took yosuke down to the bus station. At this point, I was in the twilight zone with really no sleep a half asleep baby a dead tired friend steve and a yosuke I wanted to drop off. I got to the station and walked him to the proper boarding area. I said thanks shook his hand and said goodbye. At that moment, my job taking care of little yosuke ceased to exsist. For three days I felt I had to take care of two babies and it was hard. My wife is pissed, my family is pissed and I am just blown away by your never ending stupidity yosuke.

    Just to sum up what I feel about yosuke and mind you I would have kept this all inside, but he drew first blood and I am just defending myself.

    Superb vfer in most every way. I give this 10 out of 10 possible points.
    As a human being. I give him a -1000 out of 10 possible points.
    You are:
    -You peed on my bathroom carpet and clooged my toilet bowl on to have it leak to the first floor.
    -You left towels lying everywhere.
    -You never once helped out or offered to.
    -You left the guest room in shambles.
    -Your non-appreciative towards anything I did or my wife did for you.
    -Your an all around grade A asshole.

    Just a little something for the audience to know about myself is that I have a short temper when it comes to selfish, cold, wierd people. I have a long history of getting in peoples faces that try to pull bullshit over on me and think they can get away with anything. To the people that know me and understand me thanks and to the people that tried to bs me in the past, piss off.

    Yosuke, you are never welcome here ever again in your lifetime or the next. You displayed everything a rude person is capable of doing. Did you really think I was going to kiss your ass, because your a strong vfer and then turn around and treat me like a piece of shit. You are wrong and the worst part of it is that YOU have to be YOU the rest of your life. I won't even wish you goodluck in life, just don't ever! I have met many Japanese vfers and they are nothing like you and for that I am gratefull. You really disgust me in every possible way.

    Time to address the quotes:

    -I said I felt lau p is strong and he has good tools to make him an annoying character if you don't know how to deal with him.

    -You said you had bad habits and I said like you crouching everytime you tech roll and you replied yes. I said like you always punching when I want to throw you and you said yes.

    -When we spoke of sarah I said her having 6+p,k and 6+p,4+k is too good now. I don't know where you got the other idea of p2K.

    -Toss of a coin? I said I apologized about my wrong wording and you understood. I said your strong at making educated guesses. I compared it to janken you moron.

    -If I am guilty of wording something wrong and then apologizing for it does it still make me insult every known vfer. I think you insult humans for even exsisting.

    - To me I enjoy seeing the real you hiding all along and now exposing your true feeling. Your a vfer that demands respect and cares nothing about the person's feelings. You are the lowest.

    Welcome to the next level...
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  15. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

  16. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    good golly miss molly
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    i still want to play vf against yosuke /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  18. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    ok i do not post on this site very often these days but this is a problem that appears to have been hurting the STL scene for a while.


    first of all i want to say thank you for introducing me to VF. the game has been one of the few constants in the many travels i have had and it has been hugely rewarding personally. it gave me the motivation not just to learn the game itself, but to study japanese and meet players here who have since become friends.

    i was living in paris when you showed me the game the first time back in 2000, and since then have only been in STL for maybe four months total over about 10 trips. thus i cannot say that i am extremely informed about the stl scene but i have seen some patterns emerge when you play vf:

    when you start losing:
    1. at first you nod your head and vow to start playing better
    2. then you start getting mad at certain moves, characters, etc.
    3. then you start attacking the person themself as though they are to blame for getting throw every time you pause/evade, or whatever the issue is.

    i will admit that in 2003 when i played you in EVO at my parents' house, i did not know why after you guarded my 3P i could get mule kick on you when you tried doing kage's 3P back. i now know the stats on it an d why it works, but what does not change is your reaction:

    1. noticing that i was doing it every time, yet not changing your reaction
    2. getting mad at the move, character (shun is so weird)
    3. calling me cheap or saying i didn't know shit (which although at the time the frame knowledge was certainly true, you didn't know either so who is to blame??)

    a similar thing happened at beat tribe in 2003 spring when i angered you by doing lion's 8K, K over and over again. even when i told you the second kick was high so you could duck it, you instead just started blocking the second kick instead of ducking and getting guaranteed damage. you got super mad so i just changed characters.

    you may remember summer 2003 when my best friend who i had not seen in over 2 years came to the house. in the middle of our session when i switched characters you got mad, like i was trying to "take it easy on you" by using subs. then when my friend started talking to me (we had not been speaking even though he was watching matches for over 40 minutes) you actually said "shut up, i'm trying to concentrate here," which my friend found rather insulting but i let it slide because i knew you had not played in a while and were probably excited to get some comp. by the end of the night my shun, lion and vanessa were all cheap/annoying/BS, which didn't really offend me because it is just a game, and i do not take such critiques personally.

    i had the chance to speak with yosuke for the first time the other day, and the story he told me was fantastically familiar to my own experience.

    nobody questions your dedication to the game, as you have proven time in and time out by buying boards, picking people up to play, flying to tournaments, hosting sessions, etc etc.

    that does not excuse you from the outbursts you have that have distanced so many people from you.

    i will admit that i, too, get angry when i lose. i have been seen hitting machines at multiple arcades. i have been told to chill the fuck out. and sure enough, because people have come forward and told me i was able to step back and look at it in a more objective light and see how childish my behavior was. i am still not perfectly able to keep my cool at all times but i can say that i have not lost friends due to my temper (though i am sure i have distanced myself from people, including some people on this board possibly).

    for whatever reason it does not seem to be the same for you.

    i am not telling you how to live your life but if this game is such a source of stress for you then maybe you should do what i did, invest in a frame book, learn the kanji you need to read the thing properly, and see where you are taking damage the most and eliminate those parts from your game as much as possible.

    if this game causes as many problems for you as it seems to, maybe you should either:

    a) invest your time in something more fulfilling
    b) get a hold of your temper

    i do not mean to put 100% of the blame on you for the many incidents of which i have heard but incidents such as this one really do not have to happen.

    yosuke has told me that this alone has scared him from ever playing VF in the states ever again.

    who knows, maybe its just an "stl thing?"
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Tim, I'm shocked at what has apparently transpired. I mostly concur with m_shun's post. I too have seen you lose your temper when you're losing, I've been in situations where you have made it feel awkward among the group, I've been in situations where you'd pack up your joystick and just leave. In fact, I remember the first time we met and played at phoenix's house, and I recall how mad you were getting from losing to me. It made me feel really uncomfortable and I wasn't sure how to approach you. When you cooled down, and was away from the game, you were much easier to get along with.

    Anyway, I don't think it's particularly cool to post all these things about Yosuke, a young guy whom you invited to your house, just to play VF with you.

    Just to give you an outsider's perspective, I recall you being the one to approach Yosuke, someone whom you had never met, and invited him to your home. If I may be so bold, I thought your approach toward him was quite direct and maybe even over-eager. In fact I found it mildly amusing when Yosuke would reply to your PMs via his public posts. Obviously, a lot was going on behind the scenes.

    So even though you (eventually) had opened the invitation to everyone else on VFDC, the initial date was probably the worst time of year for most people (just before Christmas). I understand that the date was constrained by Yosuke's availability, but it seemed to me that you were the one willing to sacrifice that time to accomodate him. A time traditionally spent with family.

    But then the dates changed, and it was instead over Thanksgiving? I won't pretend that I kept up to date with all the developments of this first encounter, but again, it seemed like you were willing to sacrifice your time to accomodate Yosuke's schedule.

    Just so you know, I do see this as an extremely kind gesture, but to be honest with you, I don't think it was the smartest thing to do. I know that you have huge responsibilities with your family, and over a busy time like Thanksgiving (Christmas, etc), it sounded like you were over extending yourself. It's probably not my place to say, and as much as I love VF, I think you should have put your family first.

    I'm sure a chance to meet and play with Yosuke will have presented itself in the future. Maybe during an occasion where many other players could have attended, thereby lessening the burden and responsibility on yourself. I just think a group environment would have helped to make Yosuke feel more welcomed in a foreign country, where he doesn't understand it's traditions, customs, etc, instead of being the sole guest in one man's home. But maybe you felt that you wouldn't get a chance to meet him again, and so tried to force this encounter?

    Remember, you're the one that initiated all of this. You invited him in the first place. It just doesn't seem cool to make out as if he set you up and just used you.

    And honestly, if you weren't assured to have many people coming to meet and play with him, how can you be surprised that he became bored and detached? Shit, if I were stuck in someone's home for 3 days straight with nothing else to do but play VF with them, I'd be crying to meet other people too. This is not an attack on you, Tim. Just think about it for a minute and put yourself in his shoes. Again, with the difference in skill level that even you admitted, how much fun do you think he was having?

    I'm disappointed that this experience was such a negative one. I know your post was in response to his, which basically expressed his disappointment, but you said a lot of things which didn't ring true for me.

    You take his shyness, lack of social skill (in a foreign language/country) personally as a sign of disrespect towards you?

    But if he's making an effort with your friends, again, you take it personally?

    You describe his eating manner as caveman-like? I'd like to see anyone not familiar with Japanese traditions/customs eat with a Japanese family. Not cool, man.

    I don't know, but it seems that you're expecting him to act and behave like someone who was brought up in the US would?

    And I couldn't believe it when I read that you think Shou has setup Yosuke to confront you?

    I really don't want to comment on how he treated your home, or his comments about your wife's cooking (if it's even true).

    But given the whole ordeal I kept asking myself if there was something lost in translation? What the hell went wrong? Communication difficulties? Was it the cultural gap? I don't know, but that's the risk you take when you invite a stranger into your home. Maybe you shouldn't have pushed for it so much, and instead, waited for an opportunity to meet him on neutral ground?
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  20. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    "But given the whole ordeal I kept asking myself if there was something lost in translation? What the hell went wrong? Communication difficulties? Was it the cultural gap?"

    These are the biggest issues people need to understand when dealing with and guests from other countries. Things are not seen the same way across the board and it is very important to look at things objectively.

    When I visited Japan I felt awkward and nervous about meeting new people. I'm an open person, but I honestly did not know how my mannerisms would be perceived in the eyes of the Japanese. (racism and discrimination exists everywhere people) Of course the experience was great and I made some nice friends, but not everyone was so peachy. From the stares on the subway, and brutal treatment from a few players that taunted me at arcades - to a man forcefully shoving me out of the way walking on the sidewalk.*

    These small things can make a person feel like an alien in every sense of the word so it's imperative to allow some slack for a foreign guest to understand their cultural differences... let's educate ourselves before making judgements based on this country's mindset.

    *I'm aware of Japanese behaving this way on train platforms, but believe me this incident had some connotation to it without a doubt.
    Chief_Flash likes this.

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