Same Area vs Worldwide

Discussion in 'Console' started by jijilip, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. jijilip

    jijilip Active Member

    what are you choosing when you are playing online?
  2. MasteringAkir

    MasteringAkir Member

    worldiwide. Local is pretty much dead.
  3. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    I've been choosing "same area" and almost all my matches have been very responsive almost no lag, 0 bar connections are bad but 1 bars are playable compared to 2 bar mvc3 connections.

    i havent tried "worldwide" yet for matches
  4. jijilip

    jijilip Active Member

    oh damn yeah, its "Same Area", not "Local". oops!

    ive been doing Worldwide for the most part. i like playing with people from around the globe. hit lots of countries so far.
  5. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    And lag with worldwide hasnt been an issue?
  6. jijilip

    jijilip Active Member

    it was only noticeable (to me) on a few matches. it felt mostly pretty smooth.

    odd thing is, playing Worldwide i got matched up against the same player 5-6 times in a row at least twice. seemed a bit extreme.
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I use "same area" and it seems to imply Europe as a whole. I get mostly really good connections, the worst has been 1 bar.
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I tend to focus on "same area" to get as good a connection as I can because my internet at home in general isn't consistent all the time. I might try it some just to see how bad the connections get playing people worldwide I want to see how good the people like Blossy or the other people in Europe I played with in vanilla are though at some point.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I switched to worldwide for the first time tonight, was actually pretty nice, there was plenty of 2 - 3 bar connections about. Played Rod and a few others and the connection seemed better than I remember it being in vanilla.
  10. synapse

    synapse Well-Known Member

    Always worldwide. When I choose "same area" I find no opponents. Nobody, zero, nada.
  11. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Me the same.
  12. jeax

    jeax Member

    Always worldwide, if i choose same area only japenese are showing up and and is too laggy vs them.
  13. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Just tried online today. Same Area was completely empty.

    Unfortunately, all I had were really laggy games when I tried Worldwide, so my apologies if I played anyone here. Hopefully I'll get a good connection soon.
  14. Leson1

    Leson1 New Member

    I'm not having 2 many problems either way...thanks sega..
  15. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Question 1: which determines "Same area" in online - i.e. by Game region or by PSN ID region or by my IP?

    Not my IP - i'am sure about this: i have US PSN ID and US game, but my IP is russian (in Russia now), so with same area on i meet US/JAP players with 0-1 connect.

    So, which then: Game region or PSN ID region?

    Question 2: Then i created UK PSN ID and bought UK version of the game - and meet only UK players...
    Why, other Europe and Russia are different areas with UK?
  16. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I'm on a US account as well, but I'm currently based in South East Asia, and I only play "same area", and I get a ton of people from Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Australia (unless some of the Western-sounding ID's were from the US, but that doesn't make sense because the connection was good).

    Regardless, VF is alive and kicking on this of the pond. [​IMG]
  17. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    worlwide..and i have to say that fs netcode is awesome!!!
  18. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I have it set to Same Area. I live in Atlanta, GA and I can find a good match in less than 15 seconds most times. The netcode is superb on this game.

    I have yet to try it on Worldwide...
  19. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    I'm is SoCal and I use Same problems. I haven't tried WW yet...
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Always same area on XBL, I meet people from Europe and tons of them with good connection. Im loving it.

    On PSN I dont know if it works the same, since I havent yet seen a single soul in PSN online.

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