Sarah: Final Tuned

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Myke, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Use her refined leg techniques to deeply confuse your opponent.

    Increase the number of moves from flamingo

    Amongst her changed moves, as you'd guess the basic attacks of [P][2][K] and [P] to throw if used well form a powerful nitaku. Also, a move that is easy to take the initiative with is her [P][P][K][K]. The third hit is a fully circular special high, and on normal hit a elbow throw is an effective mixup. The fourth hit gives guard advantage even on block, so pressure from flamingo. It's a convenient move that you can keep on attacking with until the opponent avoids it with a crouch guard.

    The main juggle move that she has is her dragon smash cannon ([3][3][K]), which can be countered with elbow class attacks on guard. Also, the refloating during air combos has been removed, so you should use [K][P] combos when the drangon smash cannon connects. The serpent cannon ([2][P]+[K][K]) is now throw counterable if the first hit is guarded. Combos connect fairly much as per previously.

    Increase the number of attack options from flamingo

    You want to add the reverse high kick (flamingo [K]+[G][K]) to your attack option for when advantaged in flamingo. The first hit is a full circular high attack, and is particularly strong against sabaki attacks. It can beat out middle weight class punches when used from the normal flamingo advantage (+4). Also, the properties on hit are pretty much the same as the combo reverse high kick (see above.)

    About the Change Moves

    Choice A's spin edge kick ([4][K]+[G]) is at medium range a easy to use defensive action. The cresent heel can quickly change to flamingo stance by guard cancelling, so you should use it as a main attack.

    The B choice spinning scare crow ([K]+[G]) is easy to use a sweep after guard getting guarded, where as the fully circular mid hitting spin kick is easy to pressure with okizemi after a hit.


    - The dragon smash cannon's launch is essentially the same as in the last game. But you have to reassess combos.
    - The cresent heel is an important move, as it can switch quickly into flamingo with guard cancelling.
    - If you focus on okizemi, then the spin kick is recommended.


    Details on the combo reverse kick - if the second hit counter hits, it combos into the third hit. The fourth hit will combo from the third, even if it is delayed to the maximum. Also, the fourth hit, if it counters or better will combo into a cut-in chop (flamingo [3][P]) or a back knuckle (flamingo [6][P]+[K]).
  2. mall

    mall Active Member

    thanks a lot man!
  3. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    hey cool /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Cutting Middle (FL [3][K]) combos
    On counter hit, causes stomach crumble. Damage listed assumes light counter hit.

    1. FL [G] - [1][K]+[G][K] - FL [P][P][K] (64 pts)
    Heavy weights up to Brad.

    2. FL [G] - [1][K]+[G][K] - FL [3][P][K] (63 pts)
    Mid weights up to Akira.

    3. FL [G] - [1][K]+[G][K] - FL [P][K] (61 pts)
    Heavy weights.

    4. FL [G] - [1][K]+[G][K] - FL [8][K] (58 pts)
    All characters.

    5. FL [P] - [6_][P] - [2][K][K] (58 pts)

    6. FL [P] - [2][K][K] (56 pts)

    I'm not 100% clear on the character requirements, so I'll update these later.

    Setups for the Cutting Middle to beat (counter hit) a [2][P]:

    [6][P][4][K] (ch) : +6
    [3][P][K] (ch) : +6
    [4][K] (nh) : +6
    [4][P]+[K] (nh) : +8
    [K]+[G] (nh) : +6
    FL [K] (nh) : +7
    FL [8] or [2][P]+[K] (nh) : +6
    Step [P][K] (ch) : +6

    Source: Arcadia 54 (Nov 2004)
  5. GoatCheeseBlues

    GoatCheeseBlues Well-Known Member

    Thanks myke. That answered pretty much every question I had. I think i'm going to like her new p,p strings. So far i;ve liked all of sarahs new moves other than her p,d+k, and thats still not bad.

  6. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    What about sarah's jumping knee? Is it still any use at all? [2_][6][K]+[G] Can you still do 2 and delay and all that? Does it hit in juggles? Does it work more like VF4 or Evo?
  7. GoatCheeseBlues

    GoatCheeseBlues Well-Known Member

    From what i've seen, her knee's are the same as evo. You can still delay it, and from this ft combo book i've looked at, her knees will hit after an mc k,p on Jeffrey. I could be wrong though, I barely use that move other than after tech rolls.
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    <font color="white"> Sarah Bryant </font>


    <font color="white">Overview</font>

    In EVO, Sarah had a set of highly effective floater moves such as the dragon cannon and serpent smash cannon. She was a character with high damage and easy combos as long as you are pretty good at hit checking each hit. In FT, the properties of her moves remain largely unchanged, but the damage potential has been decreased overall. Instead, she gained a lot more variations in her flamingo stance, and many of her useful moves have been revamped. Being able to control her new flamingo stance is the key to Sarah in FT.


    <font color="white">Change moves</font>

    A1 Crescent Heel [4][K]+[G]

    The motion and property remains unchanged from EVO, you can combo from this move after it hits as before. You can now, however, [G] cancel in the middle of the animation as a feint or go into flamingo to confuse your opponent.

    A2 Spin Edge Kick [4][K]+[G]

    This execution of this move is rather slow but it has a very long reach. Similar to VF4, you can use this move against an approaching opponent as a defensive tool at mid distance. Even though the recovery on guard is large, if it is guarded as a long distance, it is very hard for the opponent to counter attack.

    B1 Spinning Scarecrow [K]+[G]

    Full circular high attack that goes into flamingo. On hit, you can follow it with [P] from flamingo; on counter hit, you can follow with [3][P] from flamingo. Furthermore, if this move is guarded, Sarah is at minor advantage, so you can continue to attack.

    B2 Spin Kick [K]+[G]

    Full circular mid attack. Since the move is slow, you should try to only use it when the opponent is tech rolling. On guard, the move is elbow counterable, but since you can use this move to train the opponent to stand and guard after risking, it is very useful.


    <font color="white">New Moves and Key Changes</font>

    [P][P][K][K] - The third hit is a full circular special high, the fourth hit gives advantage on block. Even if you delay the last hit to the highest extent, it is still a true combo.

    [P][2][K] - Standing punch followed by her new [6][K] knee. The knee is basically the same except if you do it after the punch, on guard it is -5 instead of -3.

    [K] or [6_][K] - [K] on LC or above, and [6_][K] on mC and above will float.

    [3][3][K] - Elbow counterable on guard, and the reach has been shortened, otherwise, the float remains mostly the same.

    [3][P][K][P]+[K]+[G] - Second hit on guard leaves Sarah at -2, but you can go into step afterwards.

    [6][P][4][K] - High kick after the elbow, if you input the [K] immediately after [6][P] normal hit, it is a true combo and gives Sarah advantage. It goes into flamingo or you can input [P]+[K]+[G] to step.

    [1][K]+[G][K][P]+[K]+[G] - The second hit seems to have been slowed down but you can go into step afterwards.

    [2][K]+[G] - This move does not crumple on LC, you now need MC or above to combo.

    [6][K]+[G] - The animation has been changed from EVO but otherwise the same move as before.

    [2][P]+[K][K] - The first hit on guard is now throw counterable, the combos remains the same as EVO.
    (back turned) [K]+[G] - Full circular high that gives advantage on normal hit. It goes into flamingo or to step with [P]+[K]+[G].

    (flamingo) [6][P]+[K][K] - High mid series that’s similar to [P][2][K] in EVO. It causes stagger when hitting a crouching opponent.

    (flamingo) [6][P]+[K][2][K](on hit)[K](on hit)[K] - on the second low kick of the series, you can input [K] on hit two more time for a four hit string. The timing is very difficult, and it’s not possible to execute this series by pressing [K] repeatedly.

    (flamingo) [K]+[G][K] - The motion and properties are the same as the last hit of [P][P][K][K]. Two high kick series that goes back to flamingo after the second kick.

    (flamingo) [P]+[K]+[G] - Special movement that makes Sarah to step, from which you can execute moves from the step stance.

    (step) [P][K] - Second hit is special high, when executed quickly, it is a true combo.

    (step) [K][K][K] - Mid high mid series. When executed quickly, the first two high combos, the third hit causes a vital area crumple on counter hit. You can also [G] cancel the first hit or the third hit to go into flamingo.

    (step) [K]+[G][K] - High special high series. The first hit gives advantage on guard, you should mainly only use the first hit.

    (step) [2][K]+[G] - Full circular low sweep that goes back to flamingo.

    (step) [2][K](on hit) [K] (on hit) [K] - Same as (flamingo) [6][P]+[K][2][K].

    (step) [P]+[K] - Low punch sabaki same as the one in flamingo, goes into flamingo afterwards.

    Other Notes: (flamingo) [8] or [2][P]+[K] can now be [G] canceled, it goes back to flamingo when that happens.


    <font color="white">Execution Frames for Key Moves</font>

    [P] 11
    [6][P]+[K] 12
    [6][P] 14
    [K] or [6_][K] 14
    [2][K] 15
    [3][K] 16
    [3][3][K] 16
    [2][P]+[K] 16
    [4][K] 17
    [K]+[G] (B1) 19
    (flamingo) [P] 10
    (flamingo) [6][P]+[K] 12
    (flamingo) [K] 14
    (flamingo) [K]+[G] 16
    (flamingo) [3][K] 18

    <font color="white">Counter Table</font>

    [P][K] -11 (Can only hit standing opponent)
    [3][P][K] -12 (Can only hit standing opponent)
    [6][P]+[K][P][K] -13 (Can only hit standing opponent)
    [6][P][4][K] -14
    [K][P] -15 (Can only hit standing opponent)
    [2][P]+[K][K] -16
    [3][3][K] -16

    Source: Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Master Guide
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Srider, I think the first kick in Step [K][K][K] is mid...otherwise, it doesn't seem like she has a mid attack from that stance.
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Thanks, it's been corrected.
  11. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    Spin Kick and Scarecrow have same input?
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    It's a change move, so you pick one out of the two to use.
  13. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    im an idiot, and still haven't figured this out yet. how exactly do you "choose", or is it just stance specific?
  14. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    You can choose either of them when you are registered in the VF-net. It's a new feature in FT.
  15. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    so you can change any time in between matches?

    sounds... interesting :p

    Mostly because i haven't seen any threads where anyone has said, "oh yeah, A is much better!!11", because i'd think it would have some impact. or really, is it just insignificant?
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Vanity, no, read about Final Tuned in this section of the forum, it doesn't apply to you if you are playing VF4: Evolution. It's a completely different game.
  17. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    I'm perfectly aware that it only pertains to FT, but im just wondering why there hasn't been any commotion in the media section. I haven't seen anyone go, "Yeah, -----'s choice of A really worked here".

    just ignore me /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    That's the whole purpose of threads like this one. The moves are analyzed and their strengths and weaknesses are explored, the only thing that's left is up to personal choice and style. If you would read through other character's threads, you would see discussions about whether one was better than another or vice versa. The whole point of the change moves is that both of them are useful and most have been actual moves in previous versions, but you have to pick one, and that's all.
  19. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    I have to say Srider, you seem very grumpy today. cheer up charlie... /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  20. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    36 combos, phew.

    Sarah Combo Maniacs
    Orange Mook
    Text - H.L.
    Translation - Noodalls

    1. [6_][P] [3][3][6][K]+[G][K]
    2. [6][K] [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[8][K]
    3. [6_][K][P] [6_][P] [6][P][K]
    4. [6_][K][P] [2][K][K]
    5. [6_][K][P] [6][K][P]
    6. [6_][K][P][1][K]+[G][K]
    7. [P] [2][K][K]

    The basic combos from [3][3][K] are 4 for closed stance, and 5 for open stnce. This is possible up to Kage on normal hit, and up to Akira on counter hit. On the relatively lighter characters, 1-3 will connect on counter hit. Combo 6 will land on Shun to Akira on normal hit in open stance. Against akira do the [1][K]+[G][K] as fast as possible, whereas on others it requires proper timing. On heavy weights, regardless of hit property combo 7 will connect, or in closed stance on normal hit the [P] can be swapped for a [4][P] and it will still work.

    [2][P]+[K][K] or [6][P][K] (second hit counter hit)
    8. [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[8][K]
    9. [1][1][K]+[G][K] [P][2][K] (one frame shortened)
    10. [6_][P] [6_][P] [2][K][K]
    11. [2][P] [2][K][K]
    12. [4][4][P] BT[K]
    13. [4][K] [P][2][K]
    14. [2][K][K]
    15. [2][P] [1][K]+[G][K]

    For the combos from [2][P]+[K][K], against lightweights combo 8 will connect in closed stance, combo 10 will work in open. For middle weights, 12 in closed stance and 13 in open stance. With this combo starter, there are many character specific combos. Against kage and brad in closed stance, combo 9 is guaranteed, against goh in closed stance and Shun in open stance go for 11. Combo 9 will connect against wolf in either stance, whereas you should use 12 and 14 against Jeffrey depending on his foot stance. The combos from the [6][P][K] (second hit counter) are fairly much the same as the [2][P]+[K][K] combos. Depending on the hit conditions, the float height might vary, but while considering foot stance, try out the combos.

    16. [1][K]+[G] [3][P][K]
    17. [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[8][K]

    A combo started by a smash attack, 17 is the basic combo, but on relatively light characters where you are in closed stance after the move hits, 16 will connect.

    18. Flamingo[3][P][K] Flamingo[8][K]
    19. Flamingo[P][P][P][8][K]
    20. Flamingo[P] [2][K][K]
    21. Flamingo[P][P][P][8][K] (second hit doesn't connect)
    22. Flamingo[P] [1][K]+[G][K]
    23. Flamingo [6][P]+[K][K]

    If the first hit of the [4][P]+[K] hits a crouching opponent you can go into a combo. First, against Aoi, Pai and Sarah, if after the first hit you are in closed stance you can go for 18, if open stance 19. For vanessa to Kage, combo 18 works. For Lei Fei, Shun and Lion, in closed stance only a Flamingo[1][K] or so will connect, whereas in open stance 21 for Lei, 20 for Shun and 22 for Lion. For Lau and Jeffrey, go for 18 in closed stance. In open stance 22 will connect, but you must delay the [1][K]+[G][K] by one frame. On the remaing Jacky, Akira and Wolf, use 23 in closed stance and 21 in open stance.

    [2][K]+[G] (medium counter hit or larger)
    24. [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[8][K]
    25. [1][K]+[G][K]
    26. [8][P]
    27. [4][P]+[K]

    When the Leg crumple stun from the [2][K]+[G] occurs, 24 will connect in closed stance on all but the heavy weights, and 25 will connect in open stance against the same characters. 26 works against the big characters, and if you want to focus on ukemizeme go for 27.

    [6_][K][P] (first hit is minor counter or greater)
    28. [3][3][6][K]+[G][K]
    29. [P] [2][K][K]
    30. [2][K][K]

    [6_][K][P] on minor counter, where your foot stance is closed is closed after the second hit leads into combo 30, whereas 29 is guaranteed in open stance. Also, if the first hit is a counter hit, 28 works in most case, but against only heavy weights in closed stance go for combo 29.

    Step[K][K][K] (3rd hit is counter hit) or Flamingo[3][K] (counter hit)
    31. Flamingo[G] [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[P] [3][3][K]
    32. Flamingo[G] [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[P][P][K]
    33. Flamingo[G] [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[3][P][K]
    34. Flamingo[G] [1][K]+[G][K] Flamingo[P][K]
    35. Flamingo[P] [6_][P] [2][K][K]
    36. Flamingo[P] [2][K][K]

    When foot or vital point crumple occurs, you can generally go for the same combos. 31 works on lightweights with vital point crumple. For combos 32-34, divide them by weight classes. Be carfeful though because you can only land 35 on Pai when she is in open stance. Also, 35 and 36 are combos where you don't cancel the flamingo stance. Combo 36 hits on heavyweights, whereas 35 should work on the rest.

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