Sarah/Jacky new max damage combos

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Dandy_J, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    gay Sarah Dragon Cannon combo

    Found this one awhile back. Open stance, Pai only. Also has worked on Aoi, but it's really inconsistent on her so fuck it. As if MC DC combos weren't disgusting enough...

    (MC) [3][3]+[K], [6_]+[P], [3][3]+[K], [6_]+[P][P][K] - 91 damage.

    Jacky Heel Sword combos

    Performing the 1 frame delay with [1][1](n)+[P] seems easiest. Don't use [6_]+[P], just do [P]. When doing these from long range, the 1 frame delay isn't usually needed. All are closed stance only.

    [4]+[K]+[G], (1 frame delay) [P], [4]+[P][2]+[K] - Works on Aoi, Vanessa, Kage, Goh, Brad. Works on everyone from long range. 59 damage.

    [4]+[K]+[G], (1 frame delay) [P], [4]+[P][P] - Works on Aoi, Vanessa, Goh, and Brad. Works on everyone except Jacky, Akira, and Wolf from long range. 61 damage.

    [4]+[K]+[G], (1 frame delay) [P], [4]+[P][K] - Aoi only. 64 damage.
  2. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Jacky's pretty nasty against the girls though:

    Open stance:

    [6][K](MC), [P], [4][P], [7][K]+[G]. 80 damage
    [6][K](MC), [6][P][P], [7][K]+[G]. 81 damage

    starting from closed stance:

    [3][3][K](MC), [P], [4][P], [7][K]+[G]. 88 damage
    [3][3][K](MC), [6][P][P], [7][K]+[G]. 89 damage

  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Papi Chulo


    33k, p, k(CALL), p(ME), 2k(DADDY) <-- bread n' butter MC combo - don't be gay without it

    dandyj, do you have the green book? those combos were listed in there a while back (cool that you found them yourself though)

    here's another:

    4k+g, p, 2k+gk (Edit: sorry vs jacky)

    also another tidbit about using 1 fram delay punch: for those lazy stance watchers (*coughSHANGcough*) it allows you to use the p,4ppk combo in open or closed stance.
  4. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    Re: Papi Chulo

    cool are there any other combo you know for sarah i'm looking for a way to put some more damage on the ai with her
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Papi Chulo

    Read the documents posted here
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Papi Chulo

    [ QUOTE ]
    cool are there any other combo you know for sarah i'm looking for a way to put some more damage on the ai with her

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are more combos than you'll know what to do with available in the very game itself. For basic combos, do the tactics and advice training for Sarah and for more advanced combos, look at her command list under Free Training which lets you do a combo search.

    Unless you've exhausted those options, then nobody's really going to be bothered to spoon-feed you unless they're feeling super nice.

    Keep in mind that 98.7% of people on VFDC don't know how to be nice, period.
  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Papi Chulo

    Oh you're so nice!~ /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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