Sarah players UNITE!!! (PSN version)

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by VF2011, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Having run into very few good good Sarah players online I was hoping we could all get together once in a while and play some matches.

    This would allow us to discuss each other's gameplay and give useful advice to each other. I was hoping more for advanced players but new players are welcome too if they want to learn.

    We could try to set up a room maybe once a week and if we have headsets we can discuss tactics on the spot or leave some feedback in this topic. It would be a topic directed at specific players offering them advice or criticism in the hopes that it could help them with their game.

    I'd be interested to know what the other Sarah players think of this idea.

    I know I could really use some help in my play style in getting out of bad habits and predictable followups from flamingo. And maybe some one could set up a 360 version of this topic if they think it might be worthwhile on there.
  2. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    I'm down for it
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I think it's a great idea, i'm not good, but i'm learning. I wish more people would use her easy higher damaging combo option from FL>3K (FL 3K> 1K+G K> 8K> 3KK), there is another variation, but this one lands the final 3KK more consistently.
  4. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    I'm ok with it as long as its around the 7pm normal time.
  5. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    I'm in.
  6. Jiraiya_The_Sann

    Jiraiya_The_Sann Member

  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I'm in, I'm on damn near every night. Heck I'm on right now.

    Let's go!!!!
  8. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good time, Picked up Sarah for first time this iteration.
  9. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Ok, everyone let me know what time and day would be good for you.

    I'm thinking 7:30-8:00 start time might be best. If anyone wants to start a room earlier than that is fine and the rest of us can join as we become available.

    But we will need a day, hopefully something that we can all commit to fairly regularly. And if you have a mic, use it. It will be easier to work on things on the spot.
  10. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    What time zone are we talking about? I'm EST and I'll be lucky to get home by 7 most days.

    Someone can start a room and I'll just wander in whenever I do I guess...
  11. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I'm EST as well and I usually get home by 7 myself. So I was hoping for 7:30-8;00 start time.
  12. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    Generally I'm good for anything 7:00PM EST and on.
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Time is fine with me, I hope the two people I shared that 1K launcher combo with are getting some good use out of it. I am [​IMG]

    I borrowed Brodi's distracting Sarah custom too, it's a little different but... [​IMG]
  14. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

  15. promppo

    promppo New Member

    Sounds rad, but that's like 2 a.m. here. Any euro players up for something similar?
  16. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Ok guys I was hoping to get it going this weekend but its a long weekend in Canada so I would rather be doing other stuff, lol.

    How does Friday July 6 at 7:30pm EST sound to everyone? If people have other plans on fridays we can always move it to another day during the week.

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