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SF Anniv. (XBOX) All Regioned. and XB Live

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    already ordered my copy...game works on all XB systems even without a chip and can be played on XB Live.
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking about ordering it myself considering I'll know for sure the hardcore players will be playing off the bat.

    Looks like I'm finally getting an Xbox. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  3. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    aparently, it has got bugs, but not as much as the crap ps2 version!

    what are they? well, you'll just hav' to wait till a tourny!
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    SF on an xbox pad? Ouch. Are there any hori/namco sticks for the xbox?

    Thing that bugs me is that 3rd Strike is out on the disc too and yet on the PAL version of Anniversary Edition on ps2 we just get Hyper, nothing else. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  5. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    i heard capcom has recalled the game in japan, coz its code free!
  6. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    mine is already on the way. So if thats true then I will call my self lucky

    LuckyBrisal73 /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I have a copy and it's great. 3rd strike is the meat and bones of this package, haven't really bothered with SF2 yet.

    Works great online btw. VERY tough competition however. I'm holding off going back online until I get some more practice.

    Anyone want to hook up drop your tag here:

  8. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    unfortunately i've only just got my hands on the crappy PS2 version, but it's been long since i digged on a 2d fighter that bad. was wondering if anyone knows wher to find some vids of the game (exept 4 the Daigo one..)
    thx-btw i've read that the box version wouldn't have the unblockables & some other gameplay changes-this true?
  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure but I hear in options you have a choice to play the original arcade version(w/ Urien and Oro unb) or the updated version.

    Actually, I hear even the original isn't so original because Urien can get an extra hit of his unblockable combo.
  10. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    I'm not quite understanding this, here. What's so bad about the PS2 version? From all accounts I've heard it's spot on, even moreso than the DC version.

    And even if I had an Xbox, I'll be damned if I'm playing a game like SFIII online. The lag would destroy most of the more complex combos.
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    tbh, I'm a huge fan(boy /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif) of SF2 and have been ever since WW came out (tho I did go off it a little when Super Turbo was released) and I can't get enough of the game. I've also got both SF collections on psone and Hyper is better than both imo.

    That said, there are dozens of bugs in it and sometimes fighting chars from differnet versions can really affect a fight (damages differ, re-dizzy combos maybe easier, moves that don't come out/miss when they shouldn't etc etc...) unfairly. Oh and some of the ai is insanely good.

    Still, overall, it's one of my most played games atm.
  12. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    SF2 (Hyper Fighting on the SNES) was the reason I started playing video games so count me squarely in the SF fanboy group.

    I do, however, have one serious issue with the recent PS2 AE version. I'm mainly a pad player when it comes to 2D games (the only time I use a stick is when I wanna RC with charging charas in CvS2, or when I play Urien in 3s).

    But when it comes to playing the dp and fireball charas I use a pad. Now, when I play CvS2 or GGX2 for that matter, I can do those moves at will (as you would expect after all those years playing SF). But for some reason, I have REAL trouble doing a dp in the PS2 version of AE. My main peeps Sagat and Ken are useless. It is KILLING me!

    One day it got so bad that I had to put in CvS2 training mode, A groove (infinite max), activate and see how long a juggle i could get with a dp. I managed 129.

    Now I know that in overall plying skill with SF I still suck but nonetheless, I CAN DO A FUCKING DP ON A PS2 PAD! Why THE FUCK am I having so much trouble pulling it off in AE?

    Any comments (yes, I know I suck) would be most appreciated.
  13. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I haven't played AE but I've heard stories at SRK of people who couldnt perform certain special moves consistently on AE. It seems Capcom made the movement for moves stricter for characters in their different versions. The most obvious is Vega's(claw) Wall Dive in Super Turbo mode. I heard he must charge directly down for 2 seconds then up and kick to come out.([2_]2 sec, [8][K]). This causes a two-fold problem because, A: He can't block if charging for the move. B: He can't charge his anti-air reverse flip which has always been to charge [1_] 2 sec,[6_][K] He was before able to hold[ DB] to block and also charge and ready to do either move when he felt like.

    Its not sure if Capcom did this intentionally or not. But it sure pissed of Vega players. Which version of Ken and Sagat or you trying with? There are several ways to apply a dragon punch. The move is technically [6][2][3]+[P], but it can be modified, also some games(non Capcom) need [6][2][3][6]+[P] for a dragon punch to come out. I like to do the move from crouching forward position like this:[3_]center[2][3]+[P]

    I'd like to hear your feedback. Experiment more and tell me whats up. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  14. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    the reason some moves dont come out all the time (flash kick) is for some silly reason you have to press the stick b4 the button.

    basicly there is certain times in the game (ps2) where it dosent read your buttons but still reads your controler.

    basicly it cant take a simultainious input of stick/buttons!
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I have this problem on a stick too...

    Using Turbo, Super, and ST Ken I can get DP from p2 side flawlessly but mess it up a little on p1 side. As for CE and WW, I find it a lot harder, same for other chars like CE Sagat, I can mess up TU loads on p1 side and sometimes on p2 side but with ST Sagat I can nail it no probs.

    I have no problmes with charge chars at all, just some DP chars ( Akuma I have no probs with at all...to me it seems I have difficulty in using the older versions of chars).


    I didn't know about alternate DP commands, cheers I'll check them out too!
  16. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Cheers for the feedback boyos. Ok, so it seems I'm not the nly one with difficulties concerning AE.

    I'll get back to the game this week and will post a breakdown of the character versions I am having most difficulties with.

    Overall, however, I can already state that it has annoyed me to such an extent already that I do not really play AE at all anymore.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I'll look further into it too...tho like I say I can tell you for sure now I have a hard time getting DP out with older versions (WW, CE) of characters (I always play on turbo 4 as well btw).

    It's a shame that you don't want to play the game because of it but I can understand your reasons. I guess it's swings and roundabouts for me tho, it's out and out one of my fav all time games yet some mad stuff can happen in AE. Me and SlimAdey were tooth and nailing it yesterday and here's somethings that were going down:

    He jumps and does Air Hurricane with Turbo ken but I jump at the same time and air throw with CE Guile. The sound for HK comes out but it doesn't execute and he gets thrown.

    Turbo Ken vs (WW) Guile, he does Fierce DP which I block, start animation for Flash Kick as he's landing and he throws me out of it!(??).

    Same chars, I crouch jab into fierce SB but he hits me thru the sonic boom (which passes right through him) with a strong DP.

    Another instance, he whiffs a fierce DP and I managed to air throw him right out of the top of the punch, almost off the screen JUST as the move was recovering.

    There was loads of craziness things happening in all the other fights we had, these ones stick in my mind the most. Even tho I was on the end of some bad glitches, so was Ade and overall the fights were just about even.

    Bugs in games can be annoying but in this one, my rose tinted glasses are ignoring them LOL.
  18. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Man, I love SF. As I said, Hyper Fighting on the SNES was what got me into videogames, period. And I'll be a Ken and Sagat player till the day I die!

    But when I need a 2d fix, I whack on CvS2 or bring out the DC for some 2k2 or Garou. The collision detection for all these games is FLAWLESS. What THE FUCK where Capcom smoking when the programmed AE? It is fucking killing me.

    Seriously, I'm a mellow guy. I don't get often get mad. But when I lose several matches during a night due to my fucking Tiger uppercut not coming out and I KNOW I can do this move, I wanna HURT somebody!

    I am sure you know what I mean. We've grown up with these games. You could deprive me of sleep for a month, give me a good beating, throw me in a cell, leave me without food and then, in the middle of the night place a SNES, PS2, DC controller in my hand and tell me to do the special moves for all SF2 (any edition) Characters, and we'd be able to do them all. So it pisses me off when due to some can't-be-arsedness of some Capcom programmers my experience of what should have been a great game ends up being sth. guaranteed to get my anger-levels to unhealthy levels.

    PS: Those bugs you mentioned are well odd. Again, that's all fun when you are playing a buddy and you are both just having a laugh. But when I play this wanker whom I can't stand and who can't stand me and I lose to him due to a messed up DP... Holy shit, dude, that's GBH territory!
  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah with the bugs stuff I just have to laugh at it...me and my mate have some really good games on it but the competetition is good and friendly so I don't worry about it, same for VF.

    Last night I was using WW and CE ken/ryu...and have to say that when on p2 side I had no worries with DP at all for some reason...TUs with CE Sagat seemed a bit hit and miss but overall I guess they were ok. I was messing up p1 side DP and I do find that easier with Turbo, S and ST chars for some reason. *shrugs*

    May have to look into it a little more (btw I was doing the pure [4][2][1][P] motion on p2 side but I find I mess it up on the p1).

    I do love a bit of C v SNK2, tho I only have it on GC and using a pad on that can seriously damage your thumb!
  20. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Sorry, my testing out of the different chara versions in AE got delayed a little due to Halo2, but I'll post up as soon as I have sth. worthwile to say.

    CvS2 on the GC. Dayum, you must REALLY hate your thumb...I think the PS2 version goes for a tenner these days, so it's almost rude not to pick one up...

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