Shadowloo Showdown 2K11 VF5 Exhibition

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 19, 2011.

By Myke on Jun 19, 2011 at 9:41 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]Most hardcore 2D fighting game fans may be aware of the Shadowloo Showdown 2011 tournament to be held this coming weekend of 25th and 26th June 2011. Famous guests such as Gamerbee, Itazan and Tokido will be present to compete for cash prizes in various 2D fighting games.

    However, on Sunday 26th June 2011, Australia's best VFers will be throwing down the gauntlet to challenge the international visitors in a VF5 Exhibition. Thanks to the good folks at, this event will be streamed live! Stay tuned for more details!

    ยป Shadowloo Showdown Live Stream


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 19, 2011.

    1. Tiripsem
      Looking forward to the live stream, haven't seen a VF tournament in a while.
    2. Shidosha
      Japan has proven so far that America is free - will they remove the Australian price tag as well? Tune in June 26th to find out!
    3. Berzerk
      No it's just the Shadowloo logo/character.

      Maybe I should have put myself forward for this just so I can get my pic associated with these guys [​IMG]

      Will be commentating. Time isn't locked down but should be middle of the schedule in the 2pm exhibition slot.
    4. Myke
      LOL @ "remove the price tag" [​IMG]

      I've got personal beef with Tokido for taking me out in the Evo 2K7 finals, so I want my revenge! But the hardest part will be to convince him to even play VF5 again! I know Gamerbee played a little last time he visited Melbourne, so hopefully he'll indulge us again. As for Itazan, it'll be interesting to see how FS has affected him, if at all! But I know he's always willing to remind anyone outside of Japan just how free they can be!

      If time permits I'd like to conduct some interviews with these guys.
    5. AlexMD
      damn, the only way I could win a game is to play Dural or maybe I'll fake a seizure to get out of it [​IMG] also WTF Tokido plays VF!!!??
    6. Myke

      He played briefly years ago, and I doubt that he still plays, but you never know! I'm <span style="text-decoration: line-through">sure</span> hoping we can twist his arm to play again.
    7. Slide
      Get 'em, Myke!
    8. El_Twelve
      Yes! Thanks for making this on Sunday so I can come watch! I'd like to play as well, but I'll just embarress myself I think.

      I think we did ask Tokido if he would play with us last year but he politely declined. At the time, he said he doesn't play anymore because the community was a bit small.
    9. Myke
      Berzerk and El_Twelve, you fools better be prepared to play, unlike that girl Alex! [​IMG]

      We'll need all the help we can get!
    10. AlexMD
      sounds like Zerokage wants to join as well, would be cool if we could get all the regulars involved.
    11. Myke
      Absolutely! Depending on the final numbers, we may be able to get a number of teams going.

      The alternative, depending on how we are for time, is to succumb ourselves to a "Star Player" Kumite against Itazan! [​IMG]
    12. ZeroEx
      Excuse my ignorance here, but is this Vanilla 5 or Final Showdown?
    13. Myke
      Vanilla all the way.
    14. Berzerk
      I'll play depending on the format - its been tricky to get something for VF locked down. They suggested doing this partly because they lost the footage of the finals with Gamerbee last year; so to make it simpler to execute I felt an exhibition will go well.

      But I'll make myself available for casuals, teams, whatever works!

      Glad you're on board Mike.
    15. Cozby
      Let's go Moikey!
    16. ChiefGutti
      Alright, Mike! I'll be rooting for you, all the way! By the way, what time will the stream go live? Need to figure out the time difference between you Aussies and central Europe.
    17. Myke
      Thanks Gutti! I've heard that it will occur at around 2 PM Sunday afternoon, but that assumes everything is running to schedule. In any case, we'll post up stream information in this thread as soon as it becomes known.

      To help with time conversion, I like to use Here's a link that converts our Sunday 2PM Melbourne time to London time: - 2 PM Melbourne to London

      You can easily change the target location to yours via the dropdown menu.
    18. Dennis0201
      That's good advantage.
    19. Plague
      ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! That's one of the reasons it's small!

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