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Discussion in 'General' started by Liquid_MAX, Nov 28, 2003.

  1. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Wow...just remembered this reading a post on Sega-based stuff by Zero Chan. Who else has played this game, and who else thinks it totally rocks? I loved Shenmue and Shenmue 2, and I was wondering if and when the third installment is coming out, and on what platform(s). to be honest with you, I really can't thikn of any other gae that's had me so emotionally invested in the characters. Yeah, some parts were a tad cheesy, but a I felt as though that was part of the charm.
  2. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    No official word from Sega on the release of the third (...fourth... fifth.... sixth.... seventh) chapters of Shenmue. Would be a crime if they weren't made though.
  3. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Do you know a place where sailors hang out?
  4. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Do you know anything about the 3 blades?
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    why are you always looking for seamen?
  6. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    hehe...do you remember anything from that night; the night of the accident?

    Yup...Mr. Suzuki coudn't just leave us with Virtua Fighter and Ferrari F355 Challenge, but he had to giveus a killer RPG as well!
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I don't want to hurt u
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SummAh said:

    I don't want to hurt u

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You dont but I do.
    It aint coming /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Oh my Gawd!!! I just had a really freakish dream last night that I was in the middle of a QTE!! I had to press the A button on the Dreamcast controller as some woman rode up behind me on a motorcycle...weird. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  10. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    max314 said:

    Oh my Gawd!!! I just had a really freakish dream last night that I was in the middle of a QTE!! I had to press the A button on the Dreamcast controller as some woman rode up behind me on a motorcycle...weird. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see.
  11. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jackeh said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    max314 said:

    Oh my Gawd!!! I just had a really freakish dream last night that I was in the middle of a QTE!! I had to press the A button on the Dreamcast controller as some woman rode up behind me on a motorcycle...weird. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which turned into "so desu ka" in Shenmue2 in the Japanese language only Pal version. It was funny hearing all the same lines but this time round in Japanese. You could pick up some useful JP sentences and it was a good aid to learning the language.

    The first game could be really dull at times but that reaction based arcade game was good with it's online ranking. Super expert level really tested your reactions and concentration. The sequel was great especially for those with an interest in the martial arts and the orient. The environments were huge and the story compelling.

    It be a real shame if we never got the chance to take on Lan Di after all that build up but a sequel could happen in the future. For now I suppose none of the current consoles are suitable. The PS2 probabley wouldn't allow them to progress much beyond SH2, the GC would need multiple discs and the Xbox isn't popular in Japan which is the most important territory for this game.
    PS3 aught to be perfect for this.
  12. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Yeah, my DC is broke, which really pisses me off because it would get more play than my PS2 if it was still running. To be honest with you, I still have a level of resentment towards Sony; I'm really a Segaphile at heart and hated Sony's PlayStation with a vengence because it kept upstaging Sega. I mean, feel free to laugh, but I really loved my Saturn (which is now broke also...anyone else have the same problem of it going as far as the boot up screen and then just freezing?) with games like VF2, Sega Rally, Nights (which reminds me, Sega came up with the analogue controller first, and made the first 3D games, one of which was in fact VF1), Sonic Jam, yadda, yadda...and then my Dreamcast with the likes of Sonic Adventures 1 and 2, Soul Caliber, VF3tb, Power Stones 1 and 2, yadda, yadda.

    Eventually, however, the Dreamcast took its last breath, released its last game and died a death that was profound enough to make news reports. All because its 'image' wasn't up to it. On top of that, my DC decided to die on me too, and soon, PS2 and GC were getting all these great Sega games. Fuming with anger for ages, I came home one day only to see that my sister had gone out and bought a PS2 with one of those God-awful dance-mat games!! Anyways, I didn't play it for a couple of days, and then I started to give WipEout Fusions a go (my brother bought that) and pretty soon, I was hooked back into the gaming fix that I hadn't had for ages. Yeah, it didn't compare to the Dreamcast experience, but hey, it was gaming. VF4, of course, took my attention, as did the likes of MGS2 and Tenchu and I was pretty soon back into the swing of things.

    Even now though, I still feel a sense of bitterness towards the Sony console, but I've jut started puttingit to the back of my mind now. Rest assured, IF Sega decide to release another console, you can bet yer bottom dollar I'll be at the front of the queue!

    I'd love to fight Lan Di...I mean, I remember the 'learning' Ryo had to do, and I totally loved the Virtua Fighter-esque engine that was used in the fight sequences. The environments, especially in the sequel, were sometimes unnervingly huge. I totally loved it and pretty soon, I was dividing life between the real world and my other 'real world', where I would train by catching fallling leaves and get into street brawls! Hope we get to see this great game concluded, and preferably with a re-release of the older editions (maybe even vamped up) so a solid collection can be kept on one console.

    Okay, I'm off now!

    Happy Virtua Fighting!
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Sega didnt come up first with the analog button, wasnt the first with 3d games etcetera etcetera
  14. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Ooooooooooooooookay, that's fine...but mind telling me who did then?
  15. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Starfox on the SNES was pre Saturn. There are PC games that have been 3d for years (e.g. MS Flight Sim 1, from the 80's).
  16. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Oh and the first analogue controller was invented in 1964.

    It's name?

    The MOUSE!!

  17. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Hehe...okay, okay! But seriousy, I am talking about console analogues, as opposed to PC ones...and StarFox wasn't actually '3D' per se...I'm referring to polygon-based 3-dimensionality, not pseudo-3D like Sonic 3D...in which case, VF really was one of the first ever 3D games, which was a product of Sega's development, and Sega did have the first ever console analogue controller with the Saturn.
  18. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    MS Flight Sim was a part of that generation of 3D games that VF belonged to...remember the VF arcades of old...I still got the mags that were raving about it and how great the 32X was...ah, the nostalgia...of course, I was just a wee tike at the time, didn't really understand everything, but looking back at them when I'm older, i really see what sega was so great for...and yes, as someone said on another post, Sega really do have all the marketing instinct of a corpse...hence the death of the Saturn and the Dreamcast (interestingly though, the Saturn was ahead of the PSX for a while due to (a) the quality of games and (b) the success of the Mega Drive/Genesis...but then, where'd the marketting go?).
  19. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    You're mistaken - Starfox was true 3D, it utilised the SuperFX chip. It was released in 1993. Also, MS Flight Sim was YEARS before the Saturn, etc. I'm talking about the very first version - we are talking 1980's here.

    Granted, the mouse isn't a console controller. But Sega hardly invented the concept of analogue input.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I you want to be really pedantic, the first true analogue joystick was years before that, on the Dragon 32. It had a full analogue range but no spring, so you had to manually re-centre it during play.

    As for the argument of first true 3D game, that's going to be hard one to settle. However, Sega deserve credit for bringing fast 3D technology to gaming. In that sense, Virtua Fighter was the first "true" 3D game - mass appeal and running at a fluid frame rate.

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