Shota: Regarding aracade stick editing

Discussion in 'Console' started by Guest, May 6, 2000.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    How did you do it again? Where did you insert the plastic piping? Do you know what kinda glue is used on the button wiring? Mine's coming loose a little.
    Not too urgent...just a general question as I do want my stick to be a bit tighter :)

  2. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    I used the rubber tube to modify the stick. Its dimensions are:

    Inside radius: 6.5mm
    Outside radius: 5.0mm
    Length: 7.0mm

    Open the back of your joystick, and place the tube around the white plastic area of the stick.

    My friend in Japan told me about this method, but many players in the U.S. did not seem to like it. Arcade sticks are calibrated in a different way, and many have varying preference.

    If you don't like it, just take it away and find another method...though other methods I know involve cutting of plastics or tightening/untightening of the spring.

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