Shoulder ram's evading properties. Advance Akira players.

Discussion in 'Akira' started by danny13, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    As we all know, shoulder ram can evade certain attacks even when Akira is at a disadvantage. I think Akira must be disadvantage or else he would be MC.

    Vs Kage, close stance, shoulder ram evades kage's elbow.

    Vs Shun, Open stance, evades Chowan.

    Vs Akira, Forgot Stance, evades Yoho. Will check it out.

    So its is usefull to watch your stance after SDE or DE and do shoulder ram accordingly.

  2. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    In closed stance,
    Shoulder ram goes through Sarah's elbow.
  3. steve

    steve Active Member

    another move with evading properties which is unlike the shrm which i enjoying using is [4][6][K]+[P]+[G] move
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Since all I knew for sure was that shrm doesn't beat Lau's elbow or hopknife in any damn stance after blocked (S)DE, I went ahead and monkey'd around in training mode. Using the guard & counter quick mid options of training mode...

    Shrm beats Lei's [6][6][P] in closed & Vane's [2_](n)[P] in open.

    Had some buddies been awake this morning I woulda probably been luckier...neither of these moves have that chowan/yoho/kage & sarah's elbow ring to them.

    As an aside, last week Richard had Jeff & I Akira. He knocked me down, I techroll...I thought he was throwing, he thought I was kenkable...I go yoho, he goes kenka (stance was closed IIRC) & we whiff standing side by side! The stupidest stuff happens at my house.

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