Shun sucks and I hate him and he sucks

Discussion in 'Brad' started by deathsushi, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    I'm having a lot of trouble fighting Shun. Now that I've gotten a better handle on the logistics of using P as a means to start an offense, I'm relying on it more. One of the big problems I have with Shun is his wonky hitbox. It seems like trying to catch him with jabs is a coin toss.

    So, aside from using moves that reduce his drinks (e.g. 46K+G), do people have any other advice? I'm hoping for some general rules to follow, like the top four things that make the fight easier, and the top four things to avoid (for example, I find 6P+K almost never connects in this match-up).

    Spread the knowledge!
  2. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Well, Shun's fighting style is very strange. Most of his moves have evasive properties. A lot are high evasive properties so that is why [6][P]+[K] does not land often. If the Shun you are fighting loves to center his game around these moves, make him pay with quick mids. Brad excels at this with moves like [3][P] and it's follow ups ( [K] if they like to evade and [P]+[K] if they stay ducking.) [K][P][K] and [1][P]+[K] are amazing in this situation due to their sobering properties and [6][6][K] will crush any evade, crouch, or attack from a distance but it is also very unsafe. His [4][K] is also a nice ranged mid that can transition into his stances and create a guessing game between combo starting mids (Ducking [K]+[G] or Slipping [K]) and Ducking [P]+[G] throws. Also, try learning some of Shun's punishable moves. His [1][K][K] is extremely unsafe and so is his [1][P][K] (This one allows a launcher on block). Work this in all together you'll find Shun should be a little less annoying and a little easier to deal with.
    Rip_Torn likes this.
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I haven't been trying to avoid this thread necessarily, but it was kind of difficult to answer because I don't know Shun's commands. I know what I do against him, but have trouble in communicating my tactics. I can say from experience that it's important to know how to punish Shun on the ground. [9][K] works very well for that. The hit box is lower than it looks. Also, on his mule kick, punish it with [P][K] on guard.
  4. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Great - thanks a lot guys. This is helpful. More than any other character, Shun gives me a ton of trouble. These are some great starting points. I didn't know that 1P+K sobered... I should have looked that up.

    What launcher should I be using on blocking his 1P,K?
  5. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    No problem! The go to launcher to counter Shun's [1][P][K] would be [6][K]+[G]. It launches him really high so you can punish him for up to 87 damage!

    I'm not too positive on combos, I think Lib knows max damage combos but here are the ones I've experimented with.

    If Shun doesn't have to many drinks:
    [6][K]+[G] -> [4][P]+[K] -> [4][4][P] -> (BT) [2][P] (Slam) -> [3][P]+[K][P]
    87 Damage & -1 Drink

    If you want to sober Shun more:
    [6][K]+[G] -> [P] -> [4][P]+[K] -> [1][P]+[K] -> [3][P]+[K][P]
    85 Damage & -2 Drinks
    R_Panda likes this.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Ending that first combo with [P] [9][K] should do more damage, plus it will still sober Shun by one drink.
    R_Panda likes this.
  7. VirtuaOdeon

    VirtuaOdeon Member

    yeah, I'm in the lab with Brad practicing against shun and 46[K][+][G] doesn't sober Shun on hit or CH. it is good for punishing him when he falls on the ground though after 1 [K][K] and 3 [P][P][K]
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    [9][K] should also work for that. It sobers Shun by one point.
    adverse and R_Panda like this.
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Make damage NH combo from Closed on Shun which sobers by 3 drinks:

    [6][K][+][G] -> [6][P][+][K] -> [3][P][P] -> [9][K] = 83 Damage

    You can probably use it after a KO from Open, since the last part of [9][K] should still hit. It's also the element that sobers.

    This combo will also work from Closed against Shun on mC when he's in the crouching state.

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