Shun VF5FS Combo Thread

Discussion in 'Shun' started by TeeZed, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    You'll have to forgive me as I've not got a large amount of combos to put up but as many other threads already have a series of combos I figured I might as well start one as a personal reference as well as to benefit other new players.

    All combos have been tested on Jacky and as such should work on all weights excluding the manwall Taka

    Mule Kick
    [8][K]+[G] Or Tentouritsu (Handstand Stance)[K]+[G] Combos

    [8][K]+[G] , [6][P]+[K] (+5 Drinks) (No drinks required)
    [8][K]+[G] , [2][3][6][K][P], [P][P][4][P][P] (6+ Drinks required)
    [8][K]+[G] , [2][3][6][K][P], [4][3][P]+[K][P] (8+ Drinks required)

    [2][3][6][P][P], [P][P][4][P][P] (6+ Drinks required)
    [2][3][6][P][P], [P] , [6][K]+[G] , [4][3][P]+[K][P] (8+ Drinks required)

    Soukokukyuu E.G [P]+[K] (Forward facing) [2][K] CH

    [2][3][6][K][P], [4][6][P][P][P][P]+[K] (6+ Drinks)
    [2][3][6][K][P], [4][3][P]+[K][P] (8+ Drinks)

    Oushin Throw [P]+[G] (Lieing down stance, both forward and away)

    [P][P][4][P][P] (6+ Drinks required)
    [P] , [6][K]+[G] , [4][3][P]+[K][P] (8+ Drinks required)

    [2][1][4][K][K] (Requires 10 drinks, Costs 5!, However it's a low-high combo that causes a launch on normal hit)

    [2][1][4][K][K], [P][P][4][P][P] (6+ Drinks required)
    [2][1][4][K][K]:, [P] , [6][K]+[G] , [4][3][P]+[K][P] (8+ Drinks required)

    As you can see most of shuns launchers end up with the combos from them being more or less the same.

    I'll be looking into throw combos as well as other combos as time goes by. If anyone has any combos I've missed or yet to put in feel free to mention them and I'll add them to the list.

    Happy drinking [​IMG]

    Also, I've left the damage out due to drinking causing your damage to increase for EVERYTHING, including throws.
    PaiChun likes this.
  2. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    Thanks. This is definitely useful.

    I can´t get the Oushin [P]+[G] Combos to work tough. (on Sarah at least). Maybe they have a weight requirement?

    To add one of my own:

    [1] or [7][P]+[K]+[G]:[P]+[K], [2][3][6][P][P], [P][P][4][P][P]
    8 Drinks required or just 6 if you just use a [2][3][6][P] to launch.
    (should work on everyone except Taka, haven´t gotten around to trying it out on him yet)
  3. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    I'll Add your combos to the list when I can edit my post. I dunno why I can't, maybe something's playing up on my browser, not sure.

    With regards to the Oushin [P]+[G] Combos I missed out a key part in the editing

    It should be:

    [2][3][6][P][P], [P][P][P][4][P]
    [2][3][6][P][P], [P], [6][K]+[G], [4][3][P]+[K] and all combos should work on all weight excluding Taka
  4. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    I was working out a big thing to figure out what the most stable combos are at various drink levels (mostly stuff with no open/closed stance issues because I'm bad at watching stance). The most stable and universal stuff is below.

    General trends: 46PPP (P+K when possible) is usually the best straight-damage combo ender and is surprisingly good at hitting even the Wolf-class sorts. 236KP is awesome filler, but it does run into max-range issues after certain launchers like 236P.

    I didn't test all characters, but I did test all weight classes (Pai, Kage, Jean, Wolf, Taka). Some individual weirdness can arise here and there (so post corrections if you got 'em), but most of these should be pretty stable. I'm not including Taka combos for the most part, because I'm still working those out. And they suck.

    Head crumple (1P+K+G, P+K or OUS P+K)
    0 drinks: PP4P, 46PPP works on everyone except Taka.
    : 6K+G, 6PP is universal.
    6 drinks: 236KP, 46PPPP+K on everyone but Taka.
    8 drinks: 236PP, 46PPPP+K on everyone but Taka.

    0 drinks: 2P, 1PK on everyone but Taka
    : dash 6PP on Taka
    : PP4P, 46PPP works on non-heavies for considerably more damage, but hitbox issues all over the cast. [​IMG]
    6 drinks: 236KP, 46PPPP+K on everyone but Taka.
    8 drinks: 236KP, 43P+K,P on everyone but ... y'know, from here on in, just assume nothing works on Taka.

    6 drinks: 236KP, 46PPPP+K is the most stable. 236KP, PP4PP for a little more damage on anybody short of Wolf/Jeff.

    8 drinks: P, 6K+G, 43P+KP. Big damage on everybody short of heavyweights.

    I couldn't find a 236PP combo on heavyweights that did as much damage as the 236P starter. The closest is just finishing the 236KPP string.

    8K+G (or BT SOU K, which requires dash in all cases)
    0 drinks: 2P, 1PK is non-Taka universal, but 2P requires late pop-up timing for heavies. Dashing before the combo is a good idea for hitbox reasons.
    6 drinks: dash 236KP, 46PPPP+K on non-heavies. 236KPP on heavies for big damage loss.
    8 drinks: dash 236KP, 43P+KP is guaranteed damage up to roughly heavy midweights, who start to be able to tech. (They'll eat the hits if they don't roll out).

    Stomach crumple (BT SOU P+K, 33P CH)
    0 drinks: 2P, 1PK is non-Taka universal.
    6 drinks: 236KP, 46PPPP+K is non-Taka universal.
    8 drinks: 236PP, 43P+K,P works up to mid-heavy.
    : 236PP, 3PPP+K+G works on Wolf, takes a drink.

    6K / CHO K CH
    0 drinks: KP non-Taka ... y'know, just assume everything universal doesn't work on Taka. It's easier that way. Last P can be a little picky about range, particularly in open stance, but it's pretty stable.
    4 drinks: PP, 46PPP is universal.
    6 drinks: PP, 46PPPP+K is universal.
    8 drinks: PP, 43P+KP is universal.

    SIT K
    P, 1PK universal

    SIT 2K
    2P, 1PK universal

    10 drinks: PP4P 46PPP universal.
    11 drinks: 236KP, 46PPPP+K universal.
    13 drinks: P, 6K+G, 43P+KP. Bigger damage, only up to midweight.

    10 drinks: 236KP, 46PPPP+K is universal.
    11 drinks: P, 6K+G, 43P+KP up to mid-heavy.
  5. Twiggywales

    Twiggywales Member

    Been playing about and I think that this is a better follow up for wherever you have 2p 1pk

    Seems to be pretty good for extra damage and I think it's a true combo

    Starter (8k+g_66k etc)
    3kp 1pk

    If you do 8k+g 2p 1pk on 0 dp you get 52 damage
    Whereas 8k+g 3kp 1pk is 69 damage.
    Also seems to work whereever there is a p in combo sit k p 3kp 1pk Is about 74 damage
    Seems to work on all set ups and every little da,age helps right.
  6. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    When you're working on combos, make sure you pay attention to the colour of the hit number indicator (it turns green if follow-up damage can be teched) and/or set the dummy to random wake-up behaviour to test how things work with various directions and speeds of getting up. [8][K]+[G] [3][K][P] [1][P][K] can be teched before [1][P] even by the lightest character.

    Now, because the sweep is a full circular and because both will hit if your opponent doesn't tech, this might still be a reasonably valid tech trap. Of course, if that sweep gets blocked, you're in a world of trouble.
  7. Twiggywales

    Twiggywales Member

    oh ok thanks for that info. i was looking for that setting of block all after fisrt hit like in SC.

    ill keep looking and workinf on combos and just generally trying to get a fell for him
  8. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    I'm having some trouble trying to find good wall combos with Shun. There was one in the general wall combo video that was floating around a while back, but I haven't been able to do it myself. That combo was:

    [6][6][K] > W! > [K]+[G][4][K]+[G] > B! > [4][3][P]+[K], [G] > [P] > [6][K]+[G] > b! > [4][3][P]+[K][P]

    It falls apart from me right after that first bound. Hitting the slide, guard cancel, refloat punch is either really difficult to time or getting hit by off-axis stuff. An easier and more stable version can be done by omitting the slide punch and going straight into the second bound, and this still does pretty respectable damage:

    [6][6][K] > W! > [K]+[G][4][K]+[G] > B! > [P] > [6][K]+[G] > [4][3][P]+[K][P]

    The problem is landing a [6][6][K] with your opponent close enough to the wall that they actually splat up against it. In the combo vid, the cartwheel was set up by [3][P]+[K] wall stagger, which looks shakeable but not easily so based on when my dummy gets out on fastest stagger recovery. In any case, once you do get a splat (Chouwan should work too, I imagine), you do have enough time for the double bound starting with the SOU cancel.

    One other thing that's kinda neat is that you can get a combo from [6][6][P]+[K]. If you wall-splat somebody with psycho crusher to OUS cancel, HT OUS K hits them back into the wall for a wall slide. You can't get much from this, but you can tack on a [4][3][P]+[K][P], [3][P]+[K] for about 70ish damage for the whole thing. Only trouble is, this is very picky about spacing, and not reliable from the sort of range you'd probably want to use psycho crusher from.

    (So: [6][6][P]+[K] , [P]+[K]+[G] > W! > [K] > w! > [4][3][P]+[K][P] > [3][P]+[K])

    I haven't tested these on multiple weights yet, but since we're looking at splats and bounds, these combos should work universally. At most, you may need to drop the punch before the second bound in the first combo.

    Some other stuff:

    CH [1][K]+[G] or CH SOU [2][K] > [2][P] > [1][P][K] is universal and does 60ish damage from a fast low, which is not bad at all. You need the counterhit, of course, and that particular low is steppable. On Taka, it's best to just take the down attack. Nothing else works properly.

    SOU [K]+[G] > [P] > [1][P][K] works up to Wolf. With drinks, double slide punch does a sliver more damage in place of [1][P][K]. [P] > [3][P][P][K] does more damage still, and takes you into Oushin for okizeme games. On Taka, [P][P][K][K] will combo instead (it's actually pretty reliable on Taka in general as a combo ender). If you don't have the drinks, it looks like the best you can get is a slide punch.

    Finally, spit ([6][P]+[K]+[G], [P]+[K]). Risky, so only of use against a defensive or scared opponent. This costs a drink (the one you took to get into the stance, essentially), and is an unblockable high that grants +10 advantage or +15 on a counter.

    Throw attempts are guaranteed if you're in range and buffer them properly (one frame off of course means abare will beat you). The range is fairly generous. If the spit hits, you're probably but not necessarily in range for a throw. If the spit counter-hits, which is not really a likely scenario because your opponent would need to react really, really late, good options include guaranteed [P][K] (optionally into back-turned pressure), or a guaranteed [1][P]+[K] slam combo.

    Getting into spit at a range close enough to actually use it is pretty dangerous. The whole sequence takes a really long time, so it really is only of use against the hyper-defensive, or against people you've conditioned into not attacking while Shun's taking advancing drinks (whether it be with [P] follow-ups, or OUS cancel shenanigans).
  9. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    8K+G,(some characters require)sidestep to back p, 6kkp
  10. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Are you sure you were buffering this tightly enough? I was landing this on Jeffry consistently today (236PP, 236KP, 43P+KP).
  11. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    I think that's the choice of dummy at fault. I can land the combo on Jeffry fine, but Wolf, my usual heavy-test, greens out.
  12. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    I played with this a bit vs. Wolf. It's drink sensitive. At 10 drinks, the 43P+KP does green out (can be tech rolled). However, at 15 drinks, it is all a guaranteed combo. Not sure what the precise drink threshold is, but it's somewhere in that range.

    Good to know.
  13. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    Ah, that makes sense. After a fashion. Shun's wacky.

    On another note, side crumples, like full wallsplats, do give you enough time to [K][G][4][K][G] for a big bound.

    Light: 8DP, 101 dmg [K]+[G][4], [K]+[G], [P], [6][K]+[G], [4][3][P]+[K][P]

    If that doesn't work, [K]+[G][4], [K]+[G], [2][3][6][K][P], [4][3][P]+[K][P] probably will, to the tune of 98 dmg. (Slide punch needs to be buffered pretty tightly for the second hit to connect as weights start to rise).

    With zero drinks, [2][P], [1][P][K] works after a single bound (79 dmg), and [6][P][P] after a double bound (92 dmg).
  14. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    I've been trying to find some new wall combos with Shun and I have stumbled upon something.

    [3][K] (Stagger) -> [6][6][K] (Wall) -> Defensive Move (To Screen) -> [9][K]+[G] [P]+[K]+[G] (Bound) -> [K][P][K] [P]+[K]+[G] (Wall Slide) -> [6][P]+[K]+[G] [P]
    -(97 DMG, Tested on Jeffry & Wolf)

    *It also works without the [3][K] stagger needed, however damage is lowered to 75 and a defensive move away from the screen is required.

    The weird thing about this combo is the need to evade to fix the alignment of the [9][K]+[G] attack. Also this combo only seems to work at 7+ drinks as at 6 drinks the [K][P][K] string won't cause a wall slide. Additionally if you have 8+ drinks you can add the extra [P] during [6][P]+[K]+[G] [P] for 104 DMG instead.

    *NOTE: This combo does not work well unless the opponent is directly in front of you.
  15. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Tried your combo, Tiripsem. Seems to depend on timing or aligment for me, but sure is one of the better shun wall combos.

    For PP4P combo enders, one shall remember to P+K+G right after last P for 1 DP and cancelling possibilities. Itabashi approved.

    I guess 4P+K+G, P near walls is awesome, gives +21f on normal and +25f on counter hit (even on guard +3 so 1P+K beats 12f Punches, lol best frames in the game hands down :eek: ), so either a wall throw attempt or a wall stagger/combo is possible. Adds nice 25 starting dmg to damage scaler. Really up close I could connect 3K wall stagger so 66K could do it's magic too. Some spacing work might screw some combos though.

    It also makes psycho crusher combo viable by allowing the proper distance. (psycho 19f, 4P+K+G 4P 20-21f on NH). Damage is 71 at 8dp but after the slap of doom rises to 86 dmg.

    Yea Shun is no wall doctor. Honestly though, there are several nice moves like 4PP near the wall to keep up pressure and awesome (high) wall throw (6 DP) so that mediocre wall damage doesn't bother me really. Wall pressure feels great too. And his ringout game is silly.

    Time to get character specific combos going anytime soon?
  16. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Not at my ps3 right now, but I'm curious till I get to the dojo later--what if you use the [K][P][2][K][K] string from oushin instead of [K][P][K]? Would that generate a wall slide instead, or anything usable?
  17. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    No, 2KK gave only 43 P+K for me.

    Me ignorant, found lotsa awsm Shun wall combos from vids, gotta analyze them soon.
  18. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    As someone who is enjoying the heck out of pai, and plans on subbing shun in, i must say, the shun combos post could use some real work.

    It would be great if some shun user would take it upon themselves to clean this thread up, organize, include damage values on NH and CH, and generally make it the "shun bible" of combos.

    If no one does, I'll try to start a new combo thread and organize it as sozos has with pai, but that'll be a ways down the road. [i'd of course give proper credit where due.]
  19. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Agreed. I could write some, having ground Shun a lot already. It seems that Shun has relatively few character spec combos overall, perhaps since his drinks should already be monitored for most combo stuff. But since no-one else seems to be around, I think I can at least contribute. Shun's more weird combo tools are perhaps 6K kick enders, which may vary wildly between the cast, stance and timing/spacing.
  20. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Have been playing around with combos for Shun and have found a couple that might be useful:

    From [2][3][6][+][P] (6+ drinks) - [P] , [6]+[K][+][G] , [6][6] , [2][3][6][+][K][P][P] (damage is 77 on normal hit)

    Works on lightweights on normal hit, and mid-weights on counter-hit. Can work on CH for heavy-mid weights with some exceptions - For Akira in closed stance, it can't be used at long range, and for Jean it can't be used in open stance.

    The timing's pretty tight for the dash but it's doable.

    From CH [2_][3][+][P] (8+ drinks) - [2][+][P] , [2][3][6][+][K][P] , [4][3][+][P][+][K],[P] (damage 85)

    Combo works up to mid-weights.

    From [2][3][6][+][P] (6+drinks) - [2][3][6][+][K][P], [P][P][4][+][P][P] (damage 74)

    Works from normal hit for weight classes up to and including mid-heavy, so a good consistent combo.
    Neonomide and SQUIIDUX like this.

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