Site Crash

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Myke, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    For a second time in 24 hours, the site crashed and has necessitated a restore from backup. The exact cause of the crash is as yet unknown.

    The most recent backup available, unfortunately, is dated at 26th January 2008 which is over two weeks old from the date of this post.

    All data added or updated to the site since then has been lost. Specifically, between the dates of 26th January 2008 and 12th February 2008:
    <ul>[*]All posts and replies made have been lost and cannot be recovered.[*]All PMs sent and replied to have been lost and cannot be recovered.[*]All new accounts created during this time have been lost. New users may recreate their accounts via the normal process.[*]All display name changes have been lost. You can request a display name change again via your My Profile page.[*]All Xbox Live Gamertags[/size] have been lost. Once I apply the mod again, you'll be able to add it to your Profile. (Watch for the announcement)[*]All wiki updates have been lost and cannot be recovered[/list]
    I'm doing all I can in the time I have available to rectify the situation and ensure it doesn't happen again. While the cause is as yet unknown, I do not believe the problem to be server specific.

    I appreciate your patience and undertstanding. If you're considering making a valuable post or wiki update to VFDC in the short term, then I strongly advise you maintain a personal backup.

    Finally, in an effort to recover that which is unrecoverable, I have found Google searching VFDC and visiting their Cached result to be very helpful.

    Use the following Google search strings:

    For VFDC Forums:

    For the VFDC wiki

    For example, I was able to recover the Kage Strategy wiki from Google's Cache with the following search string: kage strategy

    Remember, visit the Cached link! You can also use Google's Advanced Search options to limit the time range on the search (past week, month, etc).

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