so, tell me about your current VF scene..

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by BK__, May 13, 2005.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Hi, i was just wondering how VF is doing around the world at the moment, is your strong players still regularly active? i'm under the impression that VF4 is pretty much dead around the western world who hasnt recieved FT, all i know is london. i dont play VF anymore, if i had to narrow it down to the significant percentage... lol, my ps2 busted up in febuary, and i dont hear about any / or many active players around ---- so we've pretty much cleaned up entirely and the remainders have continued into T5 (ryan hart, prince hatim, err... anybody who breaths), unless somebody in UK wants to correct me here, VF is just a memory. my most played game right now is Nintendogs (LOL).

    how is VF in your area, has it packed up until VF5? i am hearing that even in locations with FT, VF is already going silent.... japan's scene is getting shorter, and FT was just the last drop in the jar which has been squeezed out from VF.

    perhaps evo 2k5 is the last cry for western competative VF, i hope this year i can attend somehow.
  2. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    how is VF in your area.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It sucks, thanks for asking. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    No really, it's better then TX where I used to live. There's ZERO VF players there. In CO there's like 2 or 3 others besides me and my brother, so I'm grateful for at least that. Too bad none of them are super serious about the game though. Well, maybe 1 other is but he still needs a lot of practice if he plans to compete against the rest of NA.

    Me and my brother bought FT recently but I doubt that will change the scene any here. It'll always be just me and my brother playing the game seriously. And even my brother doesn't play as much as I would like. He plays first to 5 usually, and if I'm lucky first to 10. Then he calls it quits for the day. It can be pretty frustrating. That's barely enough to warm up.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    lol, yeah, sucks dont it, lol, seems like VF5 is gonna have to be something amazing to reserrect Vf in the mass market, for some reason T5 got attention pretty easily after T4, i was surprised about that tbh.

    i wonder how useful training on VF4 is gonna be toward Vf5 anywayz, probably not very with sega's tendancies to deface the system... but that's just pure speculation.

    anywayz, more scene reports ppl...
  4. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Picking up on a few of your points BK:

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    lol, yeah, sucks dont it, lol, seems like VF5 is gonna have to be something amazing to reserrect Vf in the mass market,

    [/ QUOTE ]
    In the west? Cause it was never mass market in any version far as I know. (which is kinda of the appeal to some people...).

    [ QUOTE ]
    for some reason T5 got attention pretty easily after T4, i was surprised about that tbh.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Suprised at the ability of the Namco hype machine? You only have to look back at their past hits, T5 = T3 with bells and whistles sure to please all namco tekken heads plus newcomers tbh
    (Btw seen that new Spikeout clone lol! Classic Namco tactics! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif )

    [ QUOTE ]
    lol, my ps2 busted up in febuary, and i dont hear about any / or many active players around ----

    [/ QUOTE ]
    There are still around, I can't count the no of session's you Norburry boy's have missed out on (Irc /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif )
    but as with the nature of not having a good permanent public location to play and people being busy etc it's was bound to thin out.

    [ QUOTE ]
    western competitive VF

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Doesn’t exist far as I'm concern due to the harsh scenes (i.e what it takes to get competitive compared to what I class as the competitve scenes in the world)
    , which is why the fun factor has to be no1 reason to play in the west imo.
  5. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Double post:
    As a side note, I know a few players probly feel down cause we aint got ft, or even a decent evo cab for that matter. I bet you though if someone were to organise a meet/torni at some point in the future there would still be selected heads there to play vf.
    So basically if you wanted vf challneges there always someone there, not like some other countries where literally 1 or 2 who play or even know about VF.
  6. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    yea basically what opti said.

    Im not feeling down cuz FT aint here, its just that in this period rite now i got exams. Usually around this time ppl aint got time to spare. Otherwise id be at a session (if you guys post details here, i dont use irc.)

    Londons still got the vibe tho. Its just that the great devil tnamco has fooled people into playing tekken. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  7. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    TexasLion said:

    No really, it's better then TX where I used to live. There's ZERO VF players there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not true, move back! And bring your shiny new FT setup with you /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Pretty shitty as far as I know. The thing is...I never tried to get a scene going. Just trying to get back on my feet(irl). Done the filnals for this semester, so I'm gonna see my grades went and start posting here more. Maybe someone else from Tucson we'll see this and want get something started, but I think the scene is dead, but I hold out hope. Should've could've been more active, but never been in a tourney scene so my "skills" aren't up to par and I'm too lazy.
  9. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    well, i disagree with the majority here, but i cant be assed /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    western competitive VF

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Doesn’t exist far as I'm concern due to the harsh scenes (i.e what it takes to get competitive compared to what I class as the competitve scenes in the world)
    , which is why the fun factor has to be no1 reason to play in the west imo.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    competative western VF doesnt necessarily measure out comparison to a scene it's individual players, who have taken up VF and sat home and learnt it.

    i think there is western competative VF, and all you have to do is ask people here about their own dedication, i know i have seen some incredable play from around the world here. and some of which i have seen in every evo 2k meet.

    evo 2k is a western-based call to mostly western VF competators.

    -- side note: how many people in the UK truly study VF? sit at home cycling through character specific move proporties or disadvantage tools, discovering that things will work through your own logic of the system?, practice basic system tools like fuzzy guard from TRs or specifically low P dis instead of ETEG?, -10 specific techniques or using RN for offense? frame delay linear moves for evade trapping? ---- why was the scene so low compared to the top players?

    after i took a good look at VF beyond the surface / fun-factor, i think that i know what dedicated VF is... and repetative meets of learning how to deal with eacthother's "bad habits" will continue to do nothing. in my honest opinion .

    that's why i wanted to learn VF.
  10. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Ohio's scene is pretty dope.
  11. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Florida scene dead and spread out. I tried to play quest mode last night. Man, that lasted 5 matches or so. Than went to sleep. lol
  12. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Here in Swe it's ok, probably more playing now then ever (15 or so). Don't know how many of the newcomers who will stay with the game though (remember, t5 isn't even officially out yet here) and so on and everybody would surely like FT aswell. 2 minor sessions in sthlm coming up and perhaps one really big one (but don't know if the big one which would be like a big Swe-evo will actually happen anymore).

    I think Norway is pretty ok aswell although it seems like everything pauses when the Twins / Gutti aren't there almost. But Gutti will be returning with FT for them to have fun with (and Swedes are jelous :cry:) so maybe that will boost things up. Pretty much hoping for Raider and Nettie to come over some time and whoop ppl as always aswell talking crazytalk (norweigan) about 'bilelappar' and what not.

  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I like the scene in SoCal. We got our FT machine back in October, 2004. People usually get together on Thursday nights. There's normally 6 to 8 people playing (4 or 5 are really consistent week to week).

    We used to have get togethers at my place (see details in the same thread, prior to the release of FT). Hopefully that will return with the next home port (PS2, PS3, XBox360, etc.).
  14. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It's hard to have a VF scene when there's a total of 4 or 5 FT machines in all of North America. There really hasn't been any VF promotion since VF4 was first released in the early PS2 days, so the casual fans are gone and I'm sure the remaining players aren't playing as much. FT is almost a year old, but there's still no console release on the horizon. I've just decided to wait for VF5, but I still play quest mode sometimes.

    Here's how I see things right now:

    1. T5 even though it's a good game has no new innovation. The early console release killed the arcade scene, and as soon as evo2k5 is over, it will be old news. I'm already getting tired of it.

    2. SC3 is shaping up to be more of the same old gay shit from character customization. It looks like there won't be an arcade release (which is obviously bad for a fighting game), so I'm expecting lots of fun new glitches to point my snobby, elitist finger at. This places it in the same category as DOA4 and Mortal Kombat......with character customization.

    If Sega of America actually promotes VF5, it could have the same huge impact that VF4 did and there should be a good scene for it, but it's unrealistic for me to ever think the VF series could become #1 in America. Gamers just view it as being too technical and that the character roster is too short, so the best thing to do is just enjoy the sequel when it comes out and just ignore what other people say.
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Baton Rouge is really just three guys who work at the same restaurant plus my dark and shadowlike brother who drops from the ceiling from time to time. There are a few more...but we're all tied more by working together and friendship than by love for gaming...hence the play can be whack sometimes but we always have fun.

    We aren't going anywhere.

    Which isn't to say we're going nowhere, it's just...if all versions of vf were to suddenly disappear, I could paint my hand like akira and richard could paint his hand like lau and we could VF 0.1 version A all fucking day.
  16. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    western competitive VF

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Doesn’t exist far as I'm concern due to the harsh scenes (i.e what it takes to get competitive compared to what I class as the competitve scenes in the world)
    , which is why the fun factor has to be no1 reason to play in the west imo.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    competative western VF doesnt necessarily measure out comparison to a scene it's individual players, who have taken up VF and sat home and learnt it.

    i think there is western competative VF, and all you have to do is ask people here about their own dedication, i know i have seen some incredable play from around the world here. and some of which i have seen in every evo 2k meet.

    evo 2k is a western-based call to mostly western VF competators.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ok yes we know there are a few exceptional players, I thought you were talking in general terms, as in the western scenes as a whole?

    [ QUOTE ]

    -- side note: how many people in the UK truly study VF? sit at home cycling through character specific move proporties or disadvantage tools, discovering that things will work through your own logic of the system?, practice basic system tools like fuzzy guard from TRs or specifically low P dis instead of ETEG?, -10 specific techniques or using RN for offense? frame delay linear moves for evade trapping? ----

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Who knows I havn't asked.
    How many, for example, semi decent japanese players have done this? I bet they'll still bang you up though

    Sometime some players may seem to lack knowledge compared to others because they don’t' articulate it but I bet you these people unconsciously know more than they or you realise.

    [ QUOTE ]
    why was the scene so low compared to the top players?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Be more specifc If you can, go on I dare you! ^_o
    Differing skill levels, experience, number of practise hours and sessions, there's a few good answers.

    [ QUOTE ]
    after i took a good look at VF beyond the surface / fun-factor

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I thought at it's ultimate layer,surface etc that’s what it is no?,
    cause unless your doing it for a living or as a sport why would you be playing? (Masochism?)

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think that i know what dedicated VF is... and repetative meets of learning how to deal with eacthother's "bad habits" will continue to do nothing. in my honest opinion .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think that’s quite harsh of you to say this, it implies that we (the uk scene) don't know what dedicated vf is, and somehow you do.
    I don't mean to nit pick your points (even though it's kinda fun sorry bk ^_^') like this maybe it's coming across wrong, but you seem to be judging the UK scene/sessions which you haven’t been to as "Repetitive meets, of learning how to deal with each other's bad habits" it's not like you were there (at the majority) to know, I've seen alot of people come in bounds and strides, often discussing tactics, frames, and the so called "logic of the system"
    and even if it were true, it's very easy to be negative about things instead of giving helpful pointers and trying to keep the scene going.
    End of day if your still complaining about someone's bad habits it's your bad luck lack of awareness, almost reminds me (to a lesser extent) of the description of the “Moral†players in Japan complaining about “Abare†style.
    I dunno maybe us guys who are just playing vf to have a fun time are too whack for you
  17. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    I don't normally jump in other people's discussions, but I feel like posting after reading it.

    BK_, as far as what you said, I know exactly where you came from and understand exactly how you feel.

    I believe that sometimes you've just gotta let em all out for your sanity, and that's what you did. I want to let you know that there are people out there who've taken the same lonely&frustrating path that you are on. You are not the only one on that road. People like that really respect you.

    Don't give up yet, my friend. You are one of the few fighters remaining out there at this point in time.

    Being dedicated is not nearly as easy as it might sound after all, and I'd imagine you've probably sucked up a lot of pains of yourself. Keep up the good work.

  18. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    i dont really think maddy that your situation is the same as BK.

    BK no offence but the stuff you write about being one of the few uk players around holds no ground really.

    when i came in the scene about 2 years ago, there was maybe about 20+ ppl in the scene.

    Now i can easily name about 10+ ppl who are still into the game. The last meet i remember was in march i think, at mikes place with the usual ppl.

    In that last sentance lies your problem. Yes you are a UK VFer, and to some point you are dedicated, but i dont really see you as one of the usual guys. I still know some ppl who play evo on friday nites on shitty troc! now THATS dedication! dedication isnt whining about why theres no players around.

    Dedication is finding them. All the london ppl do this. Well maybe not at this exact time cuzx of exams and such, but we are still active.

    come to think of it, for the last 1 and 1/2 years i been coming to sessions, i aint never seen you norbury boys. i bumped into raging silver once and played him.

    dont think of yourself as the only dedicated person in the uk when there are more people deserving it

  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    interesting thread.
  20. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    say as you wish, i told you my oppinion /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif and i wasnt trying to be rude. and i wont change it either.

    i didnt say i was the only player dedicated, i did not give you a comparative argument of myself vs the UK scene. i told you my point of view from the way i choose to look at VF... dissagree? i didnt provoke any change.. and i tried to make it brief.

    the way i see it is that players are dedicated to train up, the difference is the top players knew how, i hardly play VF, but i know the system well, i could look at a match and tear it apart and see what's going on. all im saying is that it helps you to train specific things to an accurate solidity, it's like going on a diet with the right info on food. if players slowed down abit on the playing and took a good look at the system, then the motivation, the scene, and the competition would grow even to a high-level standard. ---- UK players dont really take part in disscussion here about game tech, im not going to suggest why, but i recommend it. ... VF isnt just about frames, because move proporites can supass frame logic, that's info you cannot know unless you really dig deep. it's just a taste of how deep this game truly is.

    you wanted me to be specific about players, --- i will tell you im talking about myself. do you think i am happy accepting that there is no such thing as western high-level? no, because i dont believe it... with or without people (or a PS2 for that matter) i wanted to learn VF, because i hated being the player that i was...

    btw, take a trip to japan, the majority players are push-overs, not everybody is as great as the celebs. --- all they did was learn the game anyway -- take a good look at the player reports noodles keeps translating. they know their stuff well. not just experience based playing.

    EDIT: -- thanks maddy, players like you and shou is what really makes me wanna try harder at this game.

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