Sober throws

Discussion in 'Shun' started by erdraug, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Went over the command lists to see how many sobering throws each character has. Skipping the low, side, back and wall throws...

    Characters with 2 throw directions that sober:
    • Akira [4][P][+][G] must use a sobering combo, [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Aoi [4][P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] 1DP or use an even more sobering combo near walls
    • Brad [P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Eileen [4][P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] 1DP or use an even more sobering combo near walls
    • El Blaze [4][P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Goh [4][P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] 2DP
    • Jean [4][P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Kage [4][P][+][G] 2DP, [6][P][+][G] 1DP or use an even more sobering TFT combo (bonus, his hit-throw is semicircular and sobers 1DP)
    • Lau [4][P][+][G] 1DP (since f+p,p sobers), [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Lion [4][P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] must use a sobering combo
    • Pai [4][P][+][G] 1DP, [6][P][+][G] 2DP (is there an even more sobering combo near walls?)
    • Sarah [P][+][G] 1DP, [4][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Taka [6][P][+][G] 2DP, [4][P][+][G] must use a sobering combo
    • Wolf [4][P][+][G] 2DP, [6][P][+][G] 3DP, catch throw 1DP

    Characters with 1 throw direction that sobers:
    • Jacky [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Jeffry [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Lei [6][P][+][G] 1DP
    • Shun [6][P][+][G] 2DP or use an even more sobering combo near walls

    Special Case:
    • Vanessa DS [6][P][+][G] 1DP/OS [4][P][+][G] 1DP

    So i guess Jacky, Jeffry, Lei and Shun are somewhat at a disadvantage. Vanessa too, but only if the Shun player is paying attention to her style switching.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
    Dennis0201 and Neonomide like this.
  2. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    EDIT: Nevermind, didn't notice the no wall throws. 3P!P+G hit throw still sobers 1, though.
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Just out of curiosity I looked at some of the side-, back- and low-throws.

    I didn't check everyone but it looks like no sidethrow sobers at all even if it looks like it would (like Vanessa & Jean).
    Backthrows also mostly seem to be non-sobering but there were a couple of exceptions in the chars I checked (Lion backthrow -1 DP, Shun -2 DP, Jeff -3 DP). Weird that stuff like Jean's neckbreaker doesn't sober at all.

    Lowthrows are kind of weird in this department too. Aoi doesn't sober with any low throw even if it includes stomping Shun's head to the ground...
    - Aoi & Wolf: no sobering low throws

    - Pai, Jeff & Taka: 1 sobering direction (with Taka it's from the follow-up combo to 1P+G)

    - Vanessa & Blaze: 2 Sobering directions (with Blaze 2P+G into sobercombo, 33P+G sobers 1DP and as bonus 3P+G leads to damage + guaranteed stand throw attempt which again can sober.)

    - Goh: 3 sobering directions: 1&3 both sober 1 point and succesfull tsukami continuations sobers 2 points. 2P+G itself doesn't sober though so they can still get away from it.
    erdraug likes this.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Kage can sober up to 4pts with his TFT.
    erdraug likes this.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thanks for the heads up, i updated the OP to reflect this :)
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Does anybody have a list of post-KO sobering combos? I can list some:

    Goh: KO move [K] > [6][K][+][G] > [9][P][+][K] > [6][K][+][G] -5 DP

    Sarah: KO move [6][6][K] > [6][K][+][G] > [3][P][K] > [7][K] -4 DP (sorta finnicky, i believe it only works closed stance.)

    Lion: KO Move [3][K] > [4][6][K][+][G] > [P][P][4][P] > [4][6][K][+][G] -6 DP
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

  8. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I'm pretty sure you could take 5 with Blaze.
    2_6P+K, 2P+K, dash 4P, 3K+G, 3K+G.

    Tried it sometime ago, last hit should just make it if you don't waste time with 2_6P+K.
  9. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    sorry for reviewing dead thread, but wolf can sobber 3 with perfect GS (6 direction)
  10. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Fixed - sorry for missing that, i admit i did not read the notes for every character's throw :oops:
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Do folks know of general moves that do not knock shun down after KO? Ways to end the round so you can combo him after KO.
  12. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    BTW to sobbering throws. May be worth to note that Wolfs 3P+G ground throw MAY sobber shun for 2 (face down, head forward)

    Also Gohs 3P+G and 1P+G low throws dobbers for 1. And 2P+G sobbers for 2 if you do not guess correctly in Tsukami.
  13. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    @Unicorn: Combolammas had already covered sobering low throws. You're the first one to mention ground throws though, nice catch!
  14. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I am not sure if anyone except wolf can sobber with ground throw..?

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