Some advanced stuff

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by yusbang, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. yusbang

    yusbang Member

    Translated from
    Original post written by BeBop, the black book strat was translated by morigan.

    This post was translated by me! :D(without their permission though...)


    Just to share with you guys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    -Simple guide on how to use 44P+K-
    44P+K is very useful after certain moves.
    1. After 2K+G hits from a distance(from my experience below knee to the ankle is the safe distance. If you hit with the toe 44P+K usually whiffs, and you are effed /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif )

    2. When 46P+K is guarded
    3. When 46p is guarded(I find this particularly useful :D)
    4. When 2p is guarded

    In these circumstances, you can counter opponent's puches and elbows. It is really weak against mid kicks or other launchers, so be careful.

    -Using OM when at disadvantage-
    Against Akira, some of Aoi's moves yielded a interesting results. When you are at disadvantage, you can use OM to avoid certain attacks.

    1. When you are at about -4~ -7, some moves, when guarded, let you avoid opponent's counter attack with OM. Not all moves allow you to do so though, so it seems to be depending on the particularity of each move rather than the frame.

    2. Using OM for evasion does not really work well with stringed attacks. For ex, PK and 46P+K are both -6 when guarded, but while it was possible to use OM to evade after 46P+K, it was not the case with PK.

    3. Depending on the opponent's counter attack, the direction which you OM to is different. Against Akira, most of the times OM to the stomach side was successful, but 2_6P+K(Akira's, not Aoi's) was more vulnerable to OM to back.

    It seems to be in accordance with black book's strategy, "6P+K-OM". I will briefly explain what it is about, since this site does not have English version of Aoi's black book strategy, apparently....

    "6P+K is 13fr half-circular(f.-) high attack. The string is guaranteed to hit so ppl usually tend to use G cancle a lot. However it is only -1 when guarded. It's +3 on NH, and +6 on CH, so it is interesting to stop the string at 6P+K and use other moves. OM is especially useful, since it even evades opponent's 2p when 6P+K is guarded(the direction will be listed later). Also, when 6P+K Counter Hits, fastest-input-throw cannot be fuzzy-guarded, so use it with hit-check.

    OM to back: LAU, PAI, LEI-FEI, AOI
    OM to stomach: Eileen, El, Akira, Jacky, Sarah, Wolf, Jeffery, Kage, Shun, Lion, Vannessa, Brad and Goh"

    4. When on open-foot position, sometimes OM whiffs opponent's half-circular attacks. When 6p was guarded, it was possible to avoid Akira's 46P+K with OM to Akira's Stomach(That's BS!)

    5. Unfortunately, if opponent delays their attack, it is useless.

    6. Moves that OM evasion works when guarded
    6p(WTH), 43P+K, 43p, 64p, 4K(WTH), 3K, P+K, 6PP, 3p, 46P+K, 2_3P+K, K+G

    Moves that says WTH were able to avoid Akira's 46P+K to his stomach.

    Akira's moves that were tested.
    To stomach: 66p, 46p, P+K+G, 2_6p, 2_46p
    To back: 666p, 2_6P+K, 466P+K(mostly does not work), 2_46p

    It was possible to avoid 2p to any direction when you were at advantage, and to stomach when you were at the disadvantage.


    Hope that helps!
  2. yusbang

    yusbang Member

    Oh, I'd love to know if you can avoid LeiFei's 66p(one of the deadliest move in VF5 I think...well at least at the wall.) with OM. If any of you guys are able to do some experiment on that, I'd appreciate it very much.
  3. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Lei-fei's 66p is his version of the standard 14-frame mid. All of the standard fuzzy/ETEG/reversal-TEG defensive techniques are designed to specifically avoid moves like that, you probably shouldn't be trying to OM when you need to avoid that move.

    Also, thanks for translating all that.
  4. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    So is Aoi the only one who can avoid moves at disadvantage with OM ? Can others characters do that too ? Or it is just Aoi's OM in particular ? I have to admit that I like spamming OM K after tech rolling, and I was surprised how many times OM K avoids somes moves ( even the full circular ones ) even if Aoi is at disadvantage.
    anyway thank you very much for the post ^^
  5. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Every character can avoid certain moves at disadvantage with OM. However, which moves in particular seems to be character specific. It seems dependent entirely on the particular OM animation and the specific hitbox of whatever move you're opponent used. Noone's been able to come up with any general rules regarding how OM evasion works (to the point that many people are convinced there actually isn't a general rule, and OM hitbox interactions are completely character specific).

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