Some advice regarding system mechanics?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Echo01, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Echo01

    Echo01 New Member

    Hey guys, just looking to get some advice from the VF vets. I'm in love with VF5FS, but frustrated at the same time. I hope I don't sound like a whiny little scrub >_<

    1) Getting up off the ground/Ukemi:

    Do some moves just guarantee an 8P, as in you can't perform a quick recover or roll immediately when you hit the ground? I'm hitting G or PKG on knockdown and half the time being forced to just lie there.

    2) Sidesteps:

    I'm coming into my 1st VF as an SC player predominantly, and at the moment VF sidesteps aren't making much sense to me. It seems that you can't cancel 2_8 immediately into an attack or throw, or guard for that matter, unless I'm doing something wrong. I'm just wondering what's the point of stepping at close range if your opponent's strings are able to track you and you can't cancel the step into anything, at least to my knowledge. I've gone a lot of matches without stepping at all over the past two days, as I just don't understand how to use it.

    3) Ringouts:

    On block, specifically. Again, coming from SC, this just makes me go "huuuuh?!" Since I'm not understanding how to utilise movement in VF, I find that if an opponent is pressuring me towards the edge, I'm basically done for. And speaking of pressure...

    4) How to stop aggressive opponents:

    Is 2P the only tool I have to stop the opp. from pressing buttons? I've spent so many matches just sitting there taking the hits on block because I'm not sure how and where to step/backdash out of pressure, and sitting there mashing 2P just feels...wrong to me. I main Vanessa, so perhaps someone can offer char specific advice in this regard?

    Again, my apologies if this sounds like I'm whining, I really am enjoying the game and playing as Vanessa, and I understand that I am coming into my first VF so of course everything is new to me. I just really want to level up my understanding of the mechanics so I can level up my play =)
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Hi Echo -
    Some moves do guarantee a pounce on you (you cannot do a quick recovery to avoid the attack - ie, input of [P][+][K][+][G] , [2][P][+][K][+][G] or [8][P][+][K][+][G] just as you land on the ground). A good example is Akira's [4][6][P].

    I'm not familiar enough with Soul Calibur to make comparisons on sidestep. As for strings "tracking you," below is a reply from my blog I made to someone asking a similar question relating to string attacks "tracking you."

    "Pertaining to linear moves tracking you after successful evade (Defensive Move with unique sound effect): The subsequent linear attacks from an attack string (or if the attack you successfully evaded have a very long animation before executing) will only "track" you if you entered additional command inputs after successful evade. The game recognizes your command inputs after successful evade and that causes opponent linear attack string to hit you. After successful evade against an attack string - try to do this:

    1. Successful DM evade - press attack button - opponent attack string will "track" you

    2. Successful DM evade - do not input any other commands - opponent attack string will not "track" you."

    Successful DM can net you a greater amount of frame advantage than just by guarding opponent's linear attacks. In addition, a successful DM will also put you in a side turned situation, netting you even more frame advantage from your strikes. Of course executing DM is riskier than just guarding against opponent strikes.

    I believe the last tutorial lesson teaches you how to cancel failed DM evade to guard.

    I suggest checking out the New Starter Section on VFDC as there are multiple sources to try to teach people the game: Sega's tutorials and UltrachenTV show with LA Akira. And yes this is blatantly advertisement of that section for the stuff I worked on :p - 5 Steps to Learning Virtua Fighter and Recommended Techniques List for Beginners. If it still does not make sense on how to deal with offensive pressure from opponent after reading those two threads, I will be more than happy to try to elaborate.
  3. Echo01

    Echo01 New Member

    Thanks for your help, and for suggesting the links to visit. Very interested by the explanation for 'tracking' strings, I have definitely been pressing buttons during a DM >_<

    Thanks again [​IMG]
  4. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    I also have been pressing buttons to try to attack after a successful evade. Thank you.

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