Some Eileen Questions

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Genzen, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member


    So, I've been playing for a few days and I'm at that point where I'm thinking 'what can I actually do after each of these moves?'.

    Specifically, I have a few 'combo starters' from which I don't really know how to follow-up; what I'm looking for are nice, stable (preferably easy) combos that work on most (if not all) weight-classes from a few 'floaters'. I'm not fussed about character-specific or stance-specific stuff at the moment - I just want to be able to think 'right, I just landed the attack, here's my one follow-up that's gonna work'.

    The main ones are:

    [4][6][K][+][G] (the high head-crumple where she brings her head over her head)

    [6][P][+][K][P][P] (the knockdown thing at the end of the combo - kinda makes 'em stumble; not sure what the effect is considered to be)

    [4][6][P] (the one that evades highs and causes a flop)

    [2][1][4][P][+][K][5][P] (the thing where she hops back, then comes in with a gut punch - I think it's considered a gut crumple).

    [2][3][6][P][+][K][5][3][+][K] (Zenk, land, mid-kick thing; I think it's considered a stagger).

    And, of course, [9][K][+][G] (the jumping kick - her version of the Jeffry Knee).

    Again, I just want a decent, easy to perform combo for each of these that will land on everyone (or maybe list one that works on everyone up to Jeff and Wolf, and then a modified version for those two fatties).

    I have tried browsing this forum for combo lists etc, but I'm not really good at trolling through pages of information, and when I did look, I couldn't really find much info on what works on whom and which floats allow which combos, so I'm hoping some helpful fellow will give me a 'dumbed down' version that covers what I need.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I"m going to use numbered notation to answer you question cuz it's just faster to type out.

    46K+G or 214P+K,P [both moves put opponent in same combo state] >> 236P+K,K > 66K > 4P+K,214K+G
    or very simple 6P+KPP works too.

    6P+KPP >> 236P+KK > 66K > 4P+K,214K+G

    46P >> (easy version) 6P+KPP (hard version) P > 43P+K > _3P, 214K+G

    236P+K, 3K (you're looking for the stagger combo) > 3P, 236P+KK > 66K > 4P+K, 214K+G

    9K+G(9K same) > PP > zenk K > 66K > 4P+K, 214K+G

    If you're getting close to a wall you can do an alternate version 9K+G > PP > zenk K > 3K (wallhit) > 66K > 4P+K, 214K+G
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that - couple of follow-up questions.

    This [4][P][+][K], [2][1][4][K][+][G] - is the kick a 'cancel move', or is it just 'do one, then the other'? Just wondering if I have to wait for the [4][P][+][K] to finish its recovery before doing the kick, or if I can/am supposed to input the next part quickly.

    Same question regarding [P][P] > Zenk K. Does the Zenk come from cancel, or is it just [P][P], wait for the recovery to end, then Zenk?

    Lastly, after the [6][6][K] listed in combos, if I can't land the [4][P][+][K],[2][1][4][K][+][G]: because <span style="text-decoration: line-through">I'm horrible</span> of lag and things totally unrelated to my amazing skills, is there something easier I can do after the jumping kicks ([6][6][K])?

    Thanks again - it's always appreciated when people offer help (I actually remember you helping me when I picked her up at the beginning of the last game).
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    the 4P+K and PP moves are both cancelable moves so yes you are indeed canceling. Much like Ryu's low forward into fireball cancel (exactly actually). So there is no recovery period.

    After 66K an easier version is to use 1PK. Beware the K will whiff at some angles I believe if you start the combo from sideturned.
  5. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    Hello Genzen. Good questions. I'll list some easy and pretty effective things for you. I won't go into any advanced stuff but I'll leave a few notes. Because this isn't specific stuff, keep in mind that there are better things.

    EDIT NOTE: Because this took so long for me to write and I wanted to test some things, Tricky got first. Just keep in mind that what Tricky lists as harder versions is specific stuff that doesn't work on everyone. Very good tips though from Tricky he's our Eileen sensei pretty much [​IMG]

    For [4][6][K][+][G]:
    After this you can use [P] [P] [2][1][4] [P] [P] [P] for 63 damage. It's really easy and works well. Be aware that if the combo travels to a wallhit the last hits won't connect.

    Also, [2][1][4] [P] [P] allows a cancel (read: after second [P]). So if you want you can skip the last [P], and do [2][1][4][K][+][G]. The last hit of that will whiff on some characters though, so in those situations it will net you damage just below letting the [P] finish. Use this one on Taka though.

    [6][P][+][K][P][2][3][6][K][K][K] for 69 dmg. Another combo that gives you something to work with. If you're having trouble hitting the last [K] I'd suggest you stick to the above combo though. Surely this one does not work on Taka.

    For[6][P][+][K][P][P] "tumble":
    Followup with [6][K].

    extra info,
    [6][P][P][K] works as a followup in closed stance. I have not tested this against every character in every stance obviously, but I quickly tested it on Jean and Jeff and it works on both but seems to be stance specific to closed stance after the first [P].

    An easy combo would be just [6][P][+][K][P][P] because it works on the heavies too.
    [6][P][+][K][P][2][1][4][K]+[G] (for Taka)

    For[2][1][4][P][+][K][5][P] :
    Again, if your having trouble with the last [K] consistently just let the last [P] finish instead like the one below.
    A little bit easier combo: [P][6][P][+][K][P][P]
    [6][P][+][K][P][2][1][4][K]+[G] (for Taka)

    For[2][3][6][P][+][K][5][3][+][K] :

    Yes this is a stagger, so be weary if your opponent seem to get out of these struggles a lot. But if he's not even trying, you can pretty much do any of the things listed above and more. If you want an easy example, use [6][6][P][6][P][+][K][P][P]. Surely you can experiment if you want to get better stuff out of this, because it's a stagger you have to measure the struggle capabilities of your opponent before deciding what to do. Lots of options here.

    The above works against Jeff and Wolf in certain situations, to be on the safe side you can use this combo against them for more consistency [6][P][+][K][P][2][3][6][K][K][K]
    Taka, [6][P][+][K][P][2][1][4][K]+[G]

    I hope you learned some easy patterns here. When you go along you are going to discover other things that might be working and you can expand upon these things with minor tweaks against specific characters. Good luck, and if you find any errors in what I have written please leave a note. Hopefully I could be of help.
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the clarifications, Tricky; I think I understand everything you've offered now.

    Thanks for the additional information, Daydream. Those are some nice easy combos to which I can default if I find some of the stuff Tricky listed to be too difficult or problematic with lag etc.

    Wife's using the TV at the moment, but once I can get back on the machine, I'll try this stuff.

    Thanks a bunch for the help!
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I got to say this time around eileen's combos are a lot harder. She has a ton of stance specific and character specific stuff now. I forget sometimes how much practice it took to get some of her "easier" stuff in muscle memory.
  8. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Oh, there was one more combo I needed: [9][P] (the jumping two-hit thing). I use it when I predict a low punch, and I'm wondering what I can do from it.
  9. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You also got PP,214PP,214K+G.
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Been practicing a bit, and I'm noticing that, for some reason, 9K+G(9K same) > PP > zenk K > 66K > 4P+K, 214K+G isn't working all the time. The Zenk K (which I assume is 236P+K,K) isn't bouncing certain opponents. I noticed it particularly on Jacky, which stood out to me because I tested the combo on training mode and it worked on Akira, so it should work on Jacky too, right? It's not a stance-specific combo or anything, is it? I haven't been able to watch stance since the days of slow-mo VF4:Evo.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    you're either doing zenk K too slowly, or you're doing the first PP's too late. Either of those will cause the combo to drop against heavier guys.
  13. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Alright, so it's just a case of being less bad then.
  14. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    This other variant is what I have been using [9] [K]>[P][P]>[2][3][6][P]+[K][K]>[6][6][K]>[2][1][4][P] [K]
  15. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I've actually been using [9] [K]>[P][P]>[2][3][6][P]+[K][K]>[6][6][K]>[1][P][K]

    Whenever I try to use the 'proper one', only the first kick of the last part (the [2][1][4][K]+[G]) hits, and my combo hits for one point more (I'm assuming that the proper one is more damage if both kicks hit).
  16. Viq

    Viq Member

    Using 236K+G as the ender for the 'proper one' will both eliminate the problem of sometimes whiffing a hit, and do more damage. It's 2 more damage than if both hits of 214K+G hit.
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I actually don't understand the use of 214K+G. Less damage than Either 4P+K236K+G or 214PK and worse oki than 1PK. I think people just do it do look good.

    In other news, CHP+K, 4PPK works as a natural combo against Taka. It's worth sacrificing a little damage for the knockdown imo.
  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I'll have to try that, thanks.
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    If he dosen't tech after 4PPK you can bound him with 66K into 4P+K, 214K+G.

    The only use for the 214K+G combo ender is for the heavier characters because they don't stay in the air long enough for the 214PK to hit, or if you're at sideturned or backturned during launch. The 236K+G combo ender has terrible, absolutely terrible oki if they tech, but you can push them out the ring very easily if they're a lighter character. If I want the damage I'll go for it though.
  20. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Ah, that's good insight on the 236K+G ender, T. Cheesy ring-outs are always fun, and knowing all the options is useful so I can choose whatever one will work best.

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