Some floaters/combos for Lion

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Joespeed, Nov 8, 2002.

  1. Joespeed

    Joespeed Well-Known Member

    Hello again, my brother plays as Lion and he's not to good so I'm hoping you guys can help him out by posting ur favorite combos/floaters for him ?

    Thank to all for help /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  2. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    well, their's always that [2_][6][P],[4][6][P]+[K],[4][6][P]+[K][P][P].(MC I think)
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    my fave lion combo:

    [P]+[K] ~ [2_][6][P] ~ [4][6][P]+[K][P][P]

    not sure what stance, i have to check again, but it works on lights, and i think midweights too..
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I think he was looking for useful, reliable combos rather than flaky weird ones /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    The best basic float combo starters lion has are:

    bb+K,P+K (you have to press P+K immediately after b,b+K)


    (from crouch) f+P

    .... the first one floats if it hits all all, the opponent is still airborne and close to lion after the second hit. The second one only floats if the opponent is interrupted during their attack. It also leaves them pretty close.

    Some easy followups once the opponent has been floated:
    f,f+K, K

    A slightly tougher but more damaging followup:
    Hold [3_] immediately after floating the opponent with either attack, then press P,P. [3]+[P][P] is a two swipe combo that slams them to the ground. The reason you must start holding forward right away is because pressing df+P without 'charging' it a little will make lion try a ground attack instead of the two swipes.
    Finally, after landing the two swipes, dash forward and press df+P for the ground attack.

    So a sample combo might be
    [4][4][K],[P][K] --> [3_][P][P] ---> dash, [3][P]

    You can also add a punch in there for most situations for even more damage, for example

    [2_][6][P] --> [P] --> [3_][P],[P] --> dash, [3][P]
  5. Two_Bit_Mage

    Two_Bit_Mage Well-Known Member

  6. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    yay! it's my topic! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif (sorry)
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    ahh well, he did ask for favorite combos. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    it's a pretty rare one to see too, i've seen chibita use it once or twice, but noone else really.


    here's a quite relable one other than the ones mentioned before. [4][3][P] ~ [6][6][K][K] simple, standard & basic, it's not a floater, but it serves decent damage, and certainly one to mix around with the [4][4][K] / [2_][6][P] starters... enjoy training /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    oop, you're right, favorite combos...

    While we're at it then, besides b,df+P there's also ff+P -> ff+K,K.

    I meant to mention before that lion's u+K also starts combos, for example u+K --> DF+P,P -> ground punch.
  9. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Now your brother will need a place to start:
    2P = down Punch, etc.
    VF4 Seven Star Float String Starters
    1.)2P or 1P -> 2_6P
    2.)2K -> 2_6P
    3.)2P+K-> 2_6P
    4.)6P -> 336P
    5.)6P+K4 -> 336P
    6.)61P+G -> 2_6P
    7.) 2+P+K+G 8+P+K+G -> 2_6P (xaxak's Zap Roll & Float)
    #7 is fun to work with against human oppponents
    2_6P= FC_f+P float starter
    #6 is Lion's underused Catch Throw as a float set-up starter.

    "Big Ones" (ff+P; b,df+P; b+P+K; P+K; bb+K,P+K; d>b+P) - Ah, so why are these the "Big Ones"?... because they start some of Lion's only guaranteed combos in NON-MC situations.
    ? ff+P - Follow with ff+KK ... big fav of kbcat. A couple of considerations, though: plenty of time for a dodge, and Jo Shun mentioned, way back when, that expert level VF2 Akiras would wait for this move from Lions with glee: as they heard the "Nyeeah!", they'd unleash a bodycheck for l over 50% damage. Ouch. As well, with the number of auto-inashis, HP Sabakis, etc etc.
    ? b,df+P - Also follow wth ff+KK for obscene damage on one of the few LOW, non-MC combos in the game. Ick. Bun Bun Bui and I suffered greatly at the hands of Johnson's Lion.. It's pure evil... but elbow counterable... Jacky Bryant, anyone? Works particularly well after staggers.
    ? P+K - Slam = guaranteed ff+KK, the best reliable follow-up. Unreversible, un-sabaki-able, but high. Oh well. (bb+K, OSP (Option Selected Pounce) is too slow... the pounce can be avoided
    ? b+P+K - Crumple = ff+KK but there *are* other options.
    originally posted by BigCat.
  10. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Joe: here are few more that are fun and easy to do with a little practice they can become second nature.
    44K (b,b+K) (MC) -> P+K -> d/b+K
    44K (MC) -> KK puts Lion in good OKI position
    And old school that is easy to do after the kickflip throw
    2_6+P+G(FC_,f+PG)-> d+KK
    3K (df+K) -> 6PP(f+P,P) pushes opponent nicely (excellent near ring edge for RO)
  11. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    what's up with all them numbers?
  12. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Hey Calvin:
    One of the very cool features about this site is the search feature. It is in the ICON bar above all threads. if you go to SEARCH and input: <font color="orange">GLC </font color> there you will find an article that is "sticky" by GLC called Notation Guide. You should read it. Read all the sticky posts. Read the <font color="pink"> Sarah Guide</font color> posted by <font color="purple"> piccillo</font color> . There you will find interesting ideas for your improved gameplay. Now use search again and input: <font color="brown"> IMF</font color> , then; <font color="white"> hiro</font color> ; then <font color="green"> Myke</font color> . Read their thoughts on Akira and other characters and if you practice a bit their ideas will improve your game at a subconscious level. You will walk in the zone and have amzing super powers *cough* wait ignore that last sentence. You get what you deserve. Period. There is a good chance your opponent has already done this. Go to links section here at VFDC. Click on <font color="red"> NO MERCY Club. </font color> Download vids that have MetalButter or xaxak next to them to learn more about the evil <font color="#666666"> ] Mantis Seven Star black hand of doom. </font color> <font color="black"> Would to doom?
  13. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    it seems i really piss people off.
    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif and what are you mad at me about. i started using that search button more a while ago.I just wanted to know what those numbers meant.

    I am very sorry otherwise. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  14. Joespeed

    Joespeed Well-Known Member

    LoL, people don't like me either Calvin /versus/images/icons/frown.gif . Don't know why... Although I got some1 mad at me for telling them to use <font color="red"> [2] for down </font color> not <font color="blue"> d for down </font color> /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  15. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    I'm not pissed off. reread my post Cal. No Anger. Read with a smile. My words are not angry. My emoticon is wearing both a smile and sunglasses.
    /versus/images/icons/wink.gif VF4 is way cool.
  16. Pizhew

    Pizhew Member

    Wanna have some real awesome knowledge about a starter combo that cuts you opponent's health in half?
    Here it is:

    The second blow MUST be a counter hit in order to pop them in the air. The two kicks near the end must be done REAL quick. Works really well on light weight characters.
  17. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    easier one could be: (Midweights & [8]) fully charged [4][P]+[K], [K][K].

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