Some problem against Pai

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Mister, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Ok guys, i need your help.
    In these days i'm sparring with a guy who uses pai, and i have really problem to beat her bokutai stance. That's because seems like i cannot touch her with high, medium and lows... So i have just to wait her to attack, but i'm not really good to predict what she can do.
    There's a way to beat that stance with some punch or kick i didn't think about?
    Medium never touches her, and low punch isn't close enough to block the many follow up.
    Bounding elbow is too slow so i don't really know what to do.
    Keep in mind i'm playing online, so maybe the perfect frame buffer answer cannot be a real answer :S
    Thanks everybody
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    if you have the space, back dash beats all of her auto options. if you have a pai player that is just applying Bokutai and mixing up the options then backdash kills the pressure.

    backdash into dodge (what some folk used to call linney)and then observe.

    The biggest issue that people have with bokutai is that they react too slow so by the time they try and beat out the stance options they're too far in the hole frame wise and she'll "get ya".

    Back dash beats sweep, her crumple knee, her mid punch follow up and carthweel kick. observing for the opponent's reactions (mindless patterns in some instances) will help you as well, remembering that the sweep into sabaki followup can be dodged in either direction. Back dash into dodge creates space to force whiff from fast bokutai attacking and delays.

    Pai's strength really comes from not applying bokutai but keeping it as a scary option once the opponent starts doing the above.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I would advice to take your distance and not try to interrupt the bokutai itself. Make her whiff and then punish that.
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    kinda what I wrote above.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You used more words [​IMG]
  6. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    Back dashing is good advice. I haven't tried it, but you may try to low kick with Wolf depending on how fast you can see the move that goes into bokutai. Pai is at a disadvantage from the moves that hit and enter bokutai. Knowing the move is important. For example, when Pai's pk hits Pai is at -3. This is unlike most VF characters that are at advantage when pk hits. If you got hit from kp, Pai is at -12. If you can't see the moves that go into bokutai your backdash might be too late.
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Just pointing out that most characters low kicks are slow, Wolf's [1][K] is 16 frames as are many others. This is why beating bokutai is a non-trivial matter especially when you factor in the delay in online before you realize she has entered bokutai.
  8. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    the only problem with attacking Pai out of her Bokutai is that you have to react right away. even if you want to discount online play (as you should)and lag it's just very difficult to react on frame. it gets even more complex if the pai player mixes up their options or doesn't commit to bokutai follow ups.

    The low kick might hit if you do it fast enough but even on a counter hit all you've done is create a neutral situation. Wolf's fastest move at this point is his high/low punch. low punch is a push if both players react at the same time. Obviously any what-if situation becomes "theory fighter" as the variables keep changing but that's why I think back dash is the best option if you have room.

    I can't fuzzy so I can't comment but if the frames support the ability to fuzzy guard and look for Pai to charge her K follow up (which can be dodged either direction) then that also becomes a strong option.

    with 95% of NA pai's you can tear them apart by simply back dashing and watching for their follow up from bokutai.
  9. PaulMartinKPG

    PaulMartinKPG Member

    The running moves that this guy does, and a big shoulder ram looking thing I think... can Pai or Aoi reverse them?

    Seems like an unstoppable brute to this Pai player lol, and of course, if I hang around holding the G button too long, I'm getting swung, back broken, tossed up and slammed etc.

    Another horrific thing he has Vs Pai, is this quick knee type of move that either pushes me down or crumples (can't remember which), then what is probably a low throw follow up, which takes about half her bar... it's sick!
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Aoi can reverse everything. Pai isn't so lucky and can't reverse shoulder class moves. Just block or sidestep and then punish.

    You can reverse the knee though. If you don't want to be low thrown put all the escapes in.

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