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Soundtrack for VF5/R/FS coming May 2011?

Discussion in 'General' started by Titan, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Titan

    Titan Member

    Hi everyone, long-time VF fan joining the forums [​IMG]
    I came across this on VGMDB....

    It seems a soundtrack for VF5 is coming out after all.. in May, and apparently it will be a '2 disc set containing 60 tracks from all 3 versions of Virtua Fighter 5'. So finally the music from VF5R and Final Showdown will be available in a clean format! For me this is great news and I hope its true.

    Just wondered if anyone had heard about it or knew any more about it?
  2. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I'll buy it to add to my collection..

    Does anyone know if it's still possible to pick up the CD versions for VF4?
  3. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    Misread the topic title... am disappoint.
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

  5. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Would love to get this, I actually bought the VF4 OST for I think $15 from Tokyo Pop.
  6. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    This is awesome news and Ash thanks for that VF4 link being after that for ages.
  7. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Well i have vf4 and vf5 evo soundtracks :p then i guess i will continue to collect soundtracks [​IMG]
    Thanks for the news
  8. dkn29

    dkn29 Member

    Definitely looking forward to this.
  9. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Meh, Truesonic2k and other Youtubers have alot of the FS and R soundtracks up (albeit they contain some game sounds). Still nice to get the soundtrack without sound though.
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    =/ @ above

    Anyway, glad the soundtrack is finally coming out. Haha I might run some vf5 while listening to R and FS soundtrack, and then frown after an hour.
  11. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    VF5:R Snow Mountain WILL BE MINE!!!! [​IMG]
  12. Titan

    Titan Member

    ^Yah I too love that track ^_^

    Is it me or are most of the R tracks better than the FS stuff?
    Well, except for Kage's FS tune, for me, that one is great, can't stop listening to Truesonic2k's rip of it :p
  13. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I loved how the themes changed from version to version. VF1 was ok, VF2 definitely had a techno theme, VF3 had a more evolved and mature techno theme, and then came VF4 with rock+techno (rockno).

    Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE VF music, and 2 and 3 are the best in my opinion, 4 is still great, but they lost me at EVO. I did purchase the CD but alas only two songs on the entire disc were to my liking.

    I have some friends even that loved VF2 & VF3 but couldn't stand VF4. I will say that I definitely don't listen to more than about six or seven songs from VF4, opposed to the majority from VF2 and VF3.

    I do however look forward to purchasing the new VF5 disc, and maybe only because it has 60+ tracks from all VF5 versions. The reason I say only is because none of them stick out in my mind. Is it just me or are they not as memorable as the older versions? Maybe when I was younger I used to focus on the music more. But being a true music and game music buff I don't think that's it. Regardless of my preconceptions, I do look forward to buying this and finding out if I truly do enjoy some of VF5's music.
  14. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Aren't Sega gonna put a lock on it so you can only listen to it in Japan?
  15. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Yeah, and you can't buy it, only rent.
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    We should make a petition against it. I have on GOOD AUTHORITY (insider) that it will come SOON if we do so guys. Keep the faith you guys.
  17. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    As you already know, SEGA already registered the "final showdown" trademark, now this music collection. Could be it a hint for a upcoming(suposed) console release?
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to listen to vanilla VF5 soundtrack anymore until I get to listen to R and FS.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Didn't read what you quoted, eh?
  20. ChiefGutti

    ChiefGutti Well-Known Member

    Here's the track list for the CD. Info to be found on the Wave-master homepage:

    I will buy my copy off of Amazon Japan once it's released on the 18th. Haven't checked if Play Asia have it on their page yet.

    DISC 1

    Track 03 BEGINNING Ver.B
    Track 04 BEGINNING Ver.C
    Track 05 BEGINNING Ver.D
    Track 06 SELECTOR (VF5 Ver.)
    Track 07 STATUES (AKIRA VF5 Ver.)
    Track 08 STONE FOREST (PAI VF5 Ver.)
    Track 09 GREAT WALL (LAU VF5 Ver.)
    Track 10 SNOW MOUNTAIN (WOLF VF5 Ver.)
    Track 11 ISLAND (JEFFRY VF5 Ver.)
    Track 12 TEMPLE (KAGE VF5 Ver.)
    Track 13 AURORA (SARAH VF5 Ver.)
    Track 14 CITY (JACKY VF5 Ver.)
    Track 15 RIVER (SHUN VF5 Ver.)
    Track 16 PALACE (LION VF5 Ver.)
    Track 17 SHRINE (AOI VF5 Ver.)
    Track 18 DEEP MOUNTAIN (LEI-FEI VF5 Ver.)
    Track 19 WATERFALLS (VANESSA VF5 Ver.)
    Track 20 TERRACE (BRAD VF5 Ver.)
    Track 21 BROKEN HOUSE (GOH VF5 Ver.)
    Track 22 RUINS (EILEEN VF5 Ver.)
    Track 23 ARENA (EL BLAZE VF5 Ver.)
    Track 24 SANCTUARY (DURAL VF5 Ver.)
    Track 25 ENDING (VF5 Ver.)
    Track 26 BEGINNING JEAN (VF5R Ver.)
    Track 27 SELECTOR (VF5R Ver.)
    Track 28 STATUES (AKIRA VF5R Ver.)
    Track 29 STONE FOREST (PAI VF5R Ver.)
    Track 30 GREAT WALL (LAU VF5R Ver.)
    Track 31 SNOW MOUNTAIN (WOLF VF5R Ver.)
    Track 32 ISLAND (JEFFRY VF5R Ver.)
    Track 33 TEMPLE (KAGE VF5R VF5 Ver.)
    Track 34 PARK (SARAH VF5R VF5 Ver.)
    Track 35 CITY (JACKY VF5R VF5R Ver.)
    Track 36 RIVER (SHUN VF5R VF5R Ver.)
    Track 37 PALACE (LION VF5R VF5R Ver.)
    Track 38 SHRINE (AOI VF5R VF5R Ver.)

    DISC 2

    Track 01 DEEP MOUNTAIN (LEI-FEI VF5R Ver.)
    Track 03 TERRACE (BRAD VF5R Ver.)
    Track 04 BROKEN HOUSE (GOH VF5R Ver.)
    Track 05 RUINS (EILEEN VF5R Ver.)
    Track 06 ARENA (EL BLAZE VF5R Ver.)
    Track 07 SUMO RING (TAKA-ARASHI VF5R Ver.)
    Track 08 TRAINING ROOM (JEAN VF5R Ver.)
    Track 09 SANCTUARY (DURAL VF5R Ver.)
    Track 10 ENDING (VF5R Ver.)
    Track 11 BEGINNING (VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 12 SELECTOR (VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 13 STATUES (AKIRA VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 14 STONE FOREST (PAI VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 15 GREAT WALL (LAU VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 16 SNOW MOUNTAIN (WOLF VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 17 ISLAND (JEFFRY VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 18 TEMPLE (KAGE VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 19 PARK (SARAH VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 20 CITY (JACKY VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 21 RIVER (SHUN VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 22 PALACE (LION VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 23 SHRINE (AOI VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 26 TERRACE (BRAD VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 27 BROKEN HOUSE (GOH VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 28 RUINS (EILEEN VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 29 ARENA (EL BLAZE VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 31 TRAINING ROOM (JEAN VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 32 SANCTUARY (DURAL VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 33 ENDING (VF5FS Ver.)
    Track 34 AI WA TSUIENAI (BONUS TRACK from Pachinko VF)

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