Special items?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by lionrulz77, Sep 25, 2002.

  1. lionrulz77

    lionrulz77 Active Member

    My question is, what the hell are all these special items for?
    I keep getting them as either my second or third items but I can't work out what they do or how to activate them.
    1. How does that VF1 character thingy work exactly?
    2. How do you use the old win pose?

    Please please please tell me as it would help me a lot if I knew what they were!

    Thanks! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  2. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    Items are purely asthetic.... you can put them on in the Edit File bit.... some require real skill with the character but most you can just fix in VS mode....
    To get the VF1 char skin to work, you must hold [P]+[K] after you select your char, and you can let go when the level intro begins.... you have it until you quit Kumite/VS/Arcade... I think...
    The Old Win Poses - you hold either [P]+[K] (OWP 1) or [P]+[K]+[G] (OWP 2) during the replay of the final round.... until the win pose starts.... you can press start to skip the replay if you are holding down the buttons....
    ..if only you'd searched...
  3. lionrulz77

    lionrulz77 Active Member

    OK OK so I'm sorry for not searching around but I am very lazy and I simply couldn't be bothered, anyway, thanks for repying to my post and I notice that you are from Cheltenam, that's cool!

    Bye for now! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

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