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Speculation and rumors about next VF-related game

Discussion in 'General' started by Shoju, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Sounds like that rumoured VF vs Tekken game [​IMG]

    The Blazblue upgrade is getting a console release with even more additions over what the arcade got apparently. New stages and a new character among other things.
  2. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Cant believe it is, why should Namco/Bandai do that they dominate the market anyway. VF vs DOA is more likely.
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Zerochan last summer had an interview at Sega AM2 a few days prior to that I had one with the producer of the Tekken series.
    It was mentioned at both interviews.
  4. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    I see, sounds interesting. But don't get why namco would permit such a mix. If made well, it could really be a good addition. I prefer VF5R though.

    What VF really needs is all the stuff that was added in the older version which wasnt implemented in VF5 like the different gaming modes. They were hidden really well in 4EVO but they were there at least. All other beat em ups have modes like tag, force, story, arcade and whatever mode. VF just needs to copy some stuff from the other fighters. The other fighters did the same with a lot stuff that was unique in VF.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    They are probably more inclined to it now that Tekken6 failed totally at its home release.
  6. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    True, most Tekken players didn't like the changes. A friend playing Tekken said it seemed more like VF now, but he didn't want tekken to be more like VF. A mix will definitly bring the communitys more together. Problem is the core fans will still stick with the non mixed stuff.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    If they wanted VF, they'd play VF, right?

    I'd hate it if VF randomly became MvC.
  8. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Yea like I said, it would be a nice addition, but it isn't a replacement for 5R. There is no point in making tekken more like vf or vf more like tekken. Fighters are dying anyway, most players play shooters & mmos now. Perhaps sega should do a VF action Rpg with shooting and rpg elements ;P If you play Vanessa you'll have to shoot your enemies and if they come close u beat em up. I kinda imagined Virtua Quest like that. You play one of the VF chars shenmuem like through the Virtua Fighter story. With the tournament ongoing plus backgroundstory for the chars.
    Now that I think about it, we should do a Shenmue 3 and Shenmue online petition too. Does someone know what Yu Suzuki is currently working on?

    Sega should start making consoles again. A linux based "ConsolePC" so the arcade games dont need any work to run on it. And if sega really has money problems they should release the games steam like for linux.

    A game OS integrated on a Game DVD would be cool. No wasting the recources by starting the PCs OS. A linux based game OS for PC with hdd install would be nice too, windows wastes so much recources.
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    There you go with your Linux shit again.
    Linux on the boards is embedded and only there for some drivers and networking functions.
    And what to do with their games that do NOT run on Lindbergh since Ringedge and Ringwide actually use Windows imbedded.
    So does the Sega Europe-R arcade board btw, Windows AND a 3.46GHz dual core processor, 8 gigs of Ram AND a high end graphics card.

    Having Linux on your PC means two things(jack and shit)re their ability to run Sega Arcade games natively.

    And they definitely don't want to give up their security because it would mean arcades abroad would just download the images, make some adaptations and bingo they have a nearly free game that will bring in the money.

    You don't really seem to think your responses trough in a real life scenario.
    I see that you and others in this thread have this fantasized ideal in your head of what would/should happen and Sega are just a bunch of shitheads for not seeing things your way.
    But thats the thing, the world is NOT like your fantasies.
  10. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    lol its easy to piss u off ^-^ Yea I know some of my responses are fantasized ideal. But not all of them. If I had the money I would do a linux based gaming console myself. Arcades are dying anyway no point investing much in them. Best copy protection is a online game with key. I use linux all the time cause I dont want to mention win$. Even if I were a crazy psychopath, I'm one of the ppl supporting sega by buying their games. There is a saying: The customer is the king. If you don't sell stuff a customer wants he'll leave the shop without buying anything and if you piss one off he'll never visit the shop again.

    I bet without windows the europe-r would run the games with the same hardware as the lindbergh XD

    Perhaps I should write my idea more detailed:

    - Discard hardware copy protection (too expensive)
    - Implement Steam like buy & download of games (cheaper)
    - Games have a key and can only be played if the key is verified online (cheap & secure)
    - develeop a gaming os that runs with different hardware not only with customized hardware (on linux base since its cheaper)

    I think the idea is pretty nice, I would dev it myself if I was able to. It could be a software product that can be booted up via CD/DVD usb or installed on HDD. It would be very flexible, cheap to develop, wouldn't waste the recources and have a cost efficient secure copy protection. A small range of supported hardware would even be sufficient for the first version. Users could put their own system together or buy premade ones in smaller cases. There wouldn't be a problem with screwing up hardware wise like the DC, 360 and WII. It could even be used for arcades. No need of selling a console under its production cost.

    Also u dont need to be so high and mighty and spit from above. I and most others are no professionals we work with what we know but that dosn't mean I don't think through what I write.
    Haveing ideals being able to have imagination is very important because if you do not have any you will loose your way and forget what is important. For games such things are most important. I started playing games in CGA played every genre and have a lot knowledge about gameplay. The problem with most games nowdays is the restriction the devs are burdend with. I can still remember the quality of the games when they weren't influnced by money greedy speculators. Noone ever said "Sega are just a bunch of shitheads" We are just giving criticism and suggestions ignoring those would definitly make one a shithead. If a chef cooks his meals with too much salt and dosn't get any criticism or ignores it. Noone will want to eat his food and he'll have to close his restaurant.
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    You obviously have never seen the Europe-R board at work.
    If you had you wouldnt be saying that.

    -Hardware protection cannot be discarded because they need to actually SELL stuff.
    -This severely limits the market since a lot of people prefer a physical copy.
    -Same as the first point cheap and secure yet more people own illegal versions then legally downloaded and activated ones from the vast majority of games(famous example was an iPhone game(they need to be bought and verified trough ITunes remember) who sold a staggering 38 units first month yet over a 100k people had played his game online).
    -If you work of a non standard set you cant optimize the games, a OS itself is a restricting factor as well since it takes resources away for whats most important(the games themselves).

    On another note, the XBox360 OS works with taking less then 32mb of memory away from the games while the PS3 takes over double.

    In short something is NOT cheaper or more streamlined simply because its Linux.

    That and of course you spelling Microsoft as M$ shows your bias.
  12. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Sure it dosnt need to be linux, custom OS would do the trick too. I would say it depends on how well the OS is written to make the software protection effective. Physical copies are sill an option I never said to leave them out completely. I think a minimalistic OS for games is much better then the current PC OS. It would also enable small companies to sell their games. Isn't that what M$ Sony and valve(Steam) do. And yes I'm biased, but not without reason.
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    For games its best to have NO OS as simple as that.
  14. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Having no OS would restict them making them non/un flexible. A OS that uses low capacities wont hurt the games performace that much.
    If users do not have the option to reprogramm the OS to hack the games it really wouldn't need a hardware copy protection.

    After having spent a lot money on consoles that aren't worth their money I'd rather see games being devloped for PC again.
    Well it's just an idea and very offtopic so lets stop talking about it. If I happen to be rich enough someday to dev it, I'll let someone dev it.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    no offense MystD, but I don't think you can win this battle so can we get back to pissing Fishie off in other ways so he can slip up again (intentionally or not) about this new project that Sega is working on.

    Sorry I was having more fun following this thread when shit like that popped up.
  16. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Well a real martial artist does not fight to win but to train and gain knowledge :p Which I did by talking(writing) with Fishie. ^-^
  17. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    How is T6 like VF at all??? Outside the fact that Sega implemented their version of a bound system after T6 did theirs, the length of the combos are still different... The core systems are still different as well... Throw breaks are still easier in T6 than VF... I don't see any real similarities...
  18. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    It's what he said, but he's never played VF much just some hours. Perhaps he meant that it is slower than before.
  19. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    That's kinda strange- most of the people I talk to say that T6 is almost as fast as TTT... But there are some moments in where movement is slower...
  20. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Yes Fishie, can you tell us which characters from the Tekken series are going to be in the upcoming Tekken vs Virtua Fighter? Because that is the project that is being worked on, right?

    So will it be the entire 5R cast versus 19 of the Tekken characters? Maybe ten versus ten? Any word on the system? Fishie?

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