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Spider-Man 2

Discussion in 'General' started by Chanchai, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member


    Even with all the shamelessly blatant Sam Raimi signatures all over the place (a bit of Darkman here, a lot of Evil Dead there...).

    In just about every way too (yes, including the mocking montage in the film--"Raindrops keep falling on my head." It had a purpose, its mocking nature tied with the theme, and I found it funny though offbeat).

    Many people who watch the film at a theatre will probably see this, but I thought it was cute and kinda funny (even though I'll admit I have my own comic collection which I sorta treasure): In a scene where Aunt May tells Peter she gave away all his comic books... there was a moderate chunk of the audience that burst out with loud gasps! LOL (it was as if someone unexpectadly died in the film hehehe)

    Awesome movie... Just had to share.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to see this, the first one was fantastic. Sam Rami is really showing his worth as a director it seems. Give the guy a decent budget and he's capable of making blockbusters .

    Unfortunately it dosen't release here until July 15th....
  3. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member


    THE BITCH MUST DIE!!!!! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    blow the first one outta the water.

    totally caught off guard by the amt of time spidey had in the film.

    all pete n MJ story.

    then again, that's why we all loved the comic books when we were young...
  5. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    I liked this movie generally. It was witty , had good action, and some emotion at least. I know everyone is going to have positive things to say about the flick so here go my three negatives.

    I gues it should be expected but the amount of cheese that was spread all ove rthe film was borederline smoopy. By the end of the film I had to take a mint to get the taste of fromage from my pallet.

    My friend (whose knowledge is much better than mine when it comes to marvel and their BS) says it didnt stick to the storyline in the slightest (eg Aunt May liking Spiderman by the end of the movie)

    And from a writers standpoint, what purpose did the scene with the european girl and the cake serve? Does something happen with her later on in the spidey universe that might happen in the next movie? It seemed a bit out of place, prolonged and useless. OK that was nitpicking but it was a couple minutes that I could do without.

    All in all though, good movie and definitely worth a see. I give it a 7 out of 10
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I agree with Vith, there was too much melodrama, the movie seemed like it could have been half as long....

    But yeah, the action scenes are great, but it leaves you wanting for more since they are so cool. If you like spiderman action then it definitely much better than the first in that respect. The effects are also much more well done than before, they make spiderman seem much more realistic than the first movie, although the very last scene was kind of fake looking.... but everything else were very very well done. I just the wish the part in the trailer where spiderman was sliding on the ground in between traffic was longer than 1 second lol... I sat through the whole movie for that scene and I only got 1 second out of it...... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    same rating as vith /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  7. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    very well done movie, i liked the fight scenes a lot more than the first one. A couple of BS things tho-

    -The whole losing his powers because he lost confidence thing was gay... I thought they were going to go more towards the book when I saw that (in the books he cant shoot the web, he built things on his arms to do that), but it turned out to be gay

    -too many 30 second closeups of people's faces/eyes/etc. A lot of 'we're just killing time' scenes some places seemed to make the action scenes feel a lot shorter.

    All in all though, the movie was really good. A lot of things that looked like they were going to be really corny (people trying to stop doctor octopus on the subway, MJ behind doctor octopus in the final fight, etc) I ended up relieved with what happened.

    Also, JJ (the guy who peter sells the pictures) was a very funny character, if a bit overdone, it was well placed IMO
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member


    for the whole movie (1 n 2)

    a few things were really consistent with the comic

    A)love for uncle ben, aunt may
    B)love for MJ
    C)the guilt

    The rest are largely..'modified' to make the movie acceptable...kinda like LOTR

    Yeah, changes have been made. But it still turned out to be a pretty good movie.

    I suppose the funniest thing for me is seeing May smashing Doc over the head with her brolly...but in comic world, she'll do the same over spidey coz she hates him lol.

    But I still feel the changes were justified and were not 'dramatic' change.

    Plus, it's the movie version..if I want to see the real thing, I 'll stick to my 2D drawings.

    N btw, Alex Ross's opening artworks....I bow down to his dedication.

    Damn. I can still recognize it even thought I've stopped reading/collecting comics for the past 3 yrs.

    I still love comics. I just cannot fucking afford it anymore.
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    SpiderMan2 = YAWN
  10. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    He was emo in this one.
  11. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    stompoutloud said:

    He was emo in this one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFL . Yes... yes he was...
  12. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Despite how much it pains me, I have to agree with Eibert - this is the best superhero movie I've ever seen. It's a bit more impressive if you know that Spiderman was never one of my favorite heroes. They did a great job with Doc Ock and his arms. The way he moved around was especially well done. When I was reading the comic books, he never really struck me as an impressive villain, but after watching some of those fight scenes I have a little bit more respect for old Ock. If Victor von Doom (my all time favorite villain) ever makes it to the big screen, I hope they do as good a job with him as they did on Doctor Octopus. A bunch of storylines were mangled, chopped, distorted, bound, spindled, and mutilated to make the movie, but they almost always do that in movie adaptations of any literary work of any form.
  13. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    The only thing I had a problem with was the end of the train scene. That "identity issue" makes sense in other parts of the movie, but not in that train scene with those passengers.

    Overall: Great action, great special effects, great story. 4 stars. The videogame is equally amazing.

    The best super hero movie is "Kazaam" starring Shaquille O'neal.....Ok, maybe not.
  14. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DRE said:
    The best super hero movie is "Kazaam" starring Shaquille O'neal.....Ok, maybe not.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    no that's correct

    edit: the first batman
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    What's up with all the SM2 hating? What a fantastic movie. All you VF geeks just focus in on the fighting and action...but this VF freak was extremely impressed by the human touch that was quite frankly missing in the other superhero movies (except the Hulk...but that wasn't as acessible).

    - The pain of pretending to be normal (below average in Pete's case) when it's so easy to abuse one's own powers (Doc, Green Goblin)

    - The theme of dual identities. The good doctor and his dream for Fusion, Osbourne and the mask, Peter and Spiderman.

    - Trust in one human being to another. The train scene where his face was shown...absolutely brilliant. It shows just how frail he can be, but also how strongly people felt about him.

    - I also liked how they made Spiderman's powers fade as his sense of self faded. Life isn't always so simple--even superheroes have psychological problems!

    Overall, of course the movie was going to deviate from the comic book. Try squeezing a few thousand issues of character development into two hours! Ain't going to happen. Sam Raimi's liberties really worked for the medium and audience he's targeting, and that's why this movie is a success even for those who don't read superhero comic books!
  16. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Spider-Man 2: the GAME!!

    Has anyone here played the game yet?

    I bought the Gamecube version a few days ago and it's AWESOME. The level design, music, sound-effects and overall feel of the game is better than any movie-based game that I've played so far. In fact, I think it's the best action game I've ever played.

    The 10000000000000000 techniques in the game is like a spiderman geek's dream come true:

    1. Climbing buildings
    2. Jumping head-first from the tallest buildings and somehow surviving at the last second
    3. Multi-hit air combos
    4. Immobilizing enemies with the web (there are several techniques involving the web)
    5. SWINGING!!
    6. And many more!!

    The best part of the game is the non-linear aspect. It's just like GTA3 in terms of freedom. There are the obvious main missions, and then there are smaller "side-missions". The side missions usually involve chasing enemy getaway cars, rescuing someone hanging from the edge of a building, etc. Alot of the missions require hand-to-hand combat (obviously). There are also other missions that require spiderman to reach certain checkpoints within a certain time. All missions earn spiderman points which can be used to purchase different abilities in the shop.

    I've had a blast just roaming around NYC performing the most insane stunts possible. I've spent more time doing that than the actual missions!

    IMO, this is better than actually watching the movie. No other action game can compare to the feeling of swinging through NYC as spiderman. It's amazing.

    Best action game ever!!
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  18. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Spider-Man 2: the GAME!!

    Like urself...I have the game.

    I wouldn't call it a totally kick ass game...because there are still some issues that lotsa reviewers didn't bring it up...

    aka camera
    aka repetitiveness
    aka glitches


    It is the best comic to movie to videogame I ever played.

    I love climbing to the top of the some high rise building...

    then just JUMP

    n watch myself nose dive...

    spin a web at the last min n just take off...

    gives me great satisfaction.

    Like the movie, the sequel beats the the first game hands down.

    I finished the meat of the game in one night...now, down to just swinging, swinging..and generally..stopping crimes.

    Closest way I can ever hope to be like Spidey lol.
  19. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Spider-Man 2: the GAME!!

    Yeah, the camera is a little strange sometimes. I also got the feeling that the game could be completed quickly, but the fun-factor at least rivals super mario. That's my favorite thing about it.
  20. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    What's up with all the SM2 hating? What a fantastic movie. All you VF geeks just focus in on the fighting and action...but this VF freak was extremely impressed by the human touch that was quite frankly missing in the other superhero movies

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Simply because this was more a drama then a actionmovie imo. In a drama'esque movie you need two things:

    1) A good script. This was not it nomatter what you say.
    2) Good actors. Tobey Maguire suprised me by acting poorly imo, just going around and not expressing any emotion like he was sleepy, Kirsten Dunst can't act and in Spidey 1 you had the great William Dafeo as a bad guy which you don't have here. Hell; James Franco acted the best out of the bunch in his small sideroll. Alfred Molina ffs?

    What's wrong with you people? This movie is vastly overrated. Hell, the effects still looked like junk as compared to even the newest Harry Potter movie and there's no excuse this time around considering how much cash the first movie generated.

    It's all about timing, the right type of movie at the right time. This was the one (since nobody goes to see Troy anymore), that's all. A summerflick that will quickly fade away. A so-so movie; i'll give it just a 6 out of 10 ^__^

    /KiwE (Yes opinions are free for everybody so please don't kill me over this amongst you Spidey lovers /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif )

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