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SRK Network

Discussion in 'General' started by jinxhand, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    SRK Network

    I saw this early this morning and read what its about. It seems that SRK is trying to represent the FG community as a whole and not just SF or Capcom related games. They are also trying to help other sites grow and get noticed. SRK is a pretty big site. I was wondering if we eventually joined this network do you think it would help or hinder our very own community. I mean its been stable for quite some time and is still growing. The petition for vf5r helped a bit too. What are your thoughts on the SRK network in general? Are they doing too much? Let me know your thoughts.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    The only thing I'd want is for SRK to NOT set up a VF sub-forum and just have a VF sub-forum link directly to VFDC.
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    it would help... any exposure is good exposure for VF. To be honest some of the VFDC members would'nt have to go far to keep up with everything lol. Also when other srk members finish blabbing hopefully they could stop by and be interested in the inner workings of VF....

    On the other hand im loyal to Myke so Fuck em. they had a chance to join this one.
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Empnova that is actually a pretty good idea. I think they should do that with other sites, but the only thing that would be sort of a haste would be having to login to different sites constantly. Personally, having a sub-forum is a waste imo because you can't get all of the info you need. Its like drinking 1 drop of decaf coffee versus swimming in a tub full of espresso.
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Myke ftw. It's VFDC or bust.
  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    That's a dumb attitude. SRK has thousands of members that are constantly crawling that forum. SRK is also the outfit that happens to be mostly responsible for EVO. Working with them benefits VF more than working without them.

    The best thing would be for SRK to have a link to VFDC on the main page of the forums. Driving all VF related traffic and inquiries to this site.
  7. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I think some of you cats are getting the wrong picture. I'm not saying do some type of merger. Its just merely letting cats know about the site all while being a separate entity. Think of it like the petition that was started awhile back. Other sites put it up and was like "Hey if you wanna help out, sign the petition and blah blah blah..." Now its like "If you like VF and want to join the VF scene, or if you want to learn more about VF (past, present and future), come join the site" and then the link is right there for cats to click and BAM, they're at the site.

    We've got a section for new vf heads or old players returning to the game, but never quite joined the site. We're considered welcoming by a few people. I myself have helped someone get adjusted to our site after leaving another FG site that was straight cutthroat.

    I did ask for views and opinions, so I'm not going Hacksaw Jim Duggan on anybody... I just want people to know what I'm talking about without misconstruing it as something totally different.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    It'd be nice to know what "joining the SRK network" actually meant. Does it just amount to a link share? Does it mean we share/contribute front page news posts to SRK's site?

    The original SRK post doesn't go into enough specifics as to how this "network" will be implemented. It also seems odd to me that an AIM Screen Name is part of the "mandatory" info they're requesting. Seriously?
  9. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I don't know what the aim sn request is about... It could be a way to help the webmasters of each site get together and understand share common goals or ways to make the site grow. I do hope that more info gets put out explaining it further. I mean its not meant for SRK to swallow every site whole like Walmart and Bestbuy do other companies. I figure it would be a great opportunity to help the community grow...
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how many VF inquiries exist on SRK. If people really want to know about VF, I just picture them doing this instead.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Exactly how I find this place [​IMG]
  12. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Honestly, Plague, there are a lot of SRK members that will defend and promote VF on THEIR forum. It's kind of two-faced as well, considering they won't register here nor will they actually play the game. They also don't really know much about VF beyond a few buzzwords.

    We'd be better off without the flood of retards from SRK. Or even a slow trickle.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    SRK wants to be a hub for the fighting game community for the most part. At first I thought it was going to be like "web ring" kind of thing from back in the geocities days. It wouldn't hurt to see
    what it entails however. Who knows, it might not be as evil as our small community makes it out to be.

    Might....SRK is big business nowadays.
  14. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    It might bring alot of bad people people the added press might bring plenty of good people as well that never even heard of the game until they see mentioned at SRK. If we want to really make VF as big a hit as we want it to be then we must be prepared to deal with the many bad apples we might get along the way as well, the SF and Tekken scene has adapted to it we should be prepared to the same as well if we want Sega to really pay attention to us and bring us more VF games in the US and Europe.
  15. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Really? So we'd be better off without thousands of people visiting VFDC, going to tournaments, posting YouTube matches, and purchasing VF related things?

    Has SRK become crowded with new members? Absolutely. Are most new members competitive players? Of course not. But are those new members really hurting anything? Are they destroying the fighting game community? I honestly just don't see it. If anything SRK is going stronger than ever right now than it ever has and it is partly due to the huge amount of users visiting the site.

    Look how insanely huge EVO is going to be this year. Thousands of people are going to crowd Caesar's Palace and play fighting games. Some of the best players in the world are attending. Press from mainstreams VG sites and magazines will be there. EVO is going to be a big draw. You don't want VF to be part of that because you think SRK is full of "retards"?

    Stop treating SRK like the enemy.
  16. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    EVO is a great tournament that has done a lot for the FG Community.

    The less said about the actual community on SRK's forums proper, the better.

    I can see your angle man. VF getting more visibility would be great. It's just the kind of attention it brings that concerns me, which is what certain people failed to consider (or deliberately ignored) when SRK became the hub for all things Street Fighter 4. It basically did nothing for the other, less popular games. The sun is setting on ST, 3s, marvel, CVS2, and GGXXAC. So, no, I don't really see how hitching our wagon to a site that basically exists to promote only the current Street Fighter brand in all its permutations (merchandising included) is a good thing.
  17. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    SRK is major free advertising for VF. Everytime Reno or Keits posts something to the main page of SRK about VF, thousands of members see it. When VF5FS comes out those thousands of members turn into thousands of potential customers, players, members of the FG scene who are into VF.
    I disagree. BlazBlue doesn't sell as many copies as it does without SFIV bringing fighting games to the mainstream press and viewer's eyes. GGPO has seen lots of new members because of SFIV. Hell, look how many people own Sanwa sticks because of SFIV?

    Would you ever have imagined a few years ago that one of the highest selling console controllers of this generation would be a $150 Sanwa arcade stick? No one could have predicted that. Madcatz thought that the TE would be a low seller and they only made a limited run. You remember how much those things were going for on eBay? That Arcade In A Box had almost a half year delay on stick orders because of SFIV? The ease of obtaining quality arcade parts is because of SFIV.

    How many people here play VF with a Madcatz TE? To say that SFIV basically did nothing is a bit of an exaggeration. Are most tournaments filled with only SFIV players? Without question. Do many SFIV players simply not play other games? Absolutely. Does SFIV's success allow for larger tournaments, tournaments with more games, and tournaments happening more often? Yes.

    Without SFIV you have sparsely attended tournaments consisting of BB:CT, TvC, and Tekken 6BR leading the way. Those games are weak and cannot carry the FG scene. Fact is that the scene needed a bit of boost and it got it with SFIV.

    It's not like SFIV is taking away players in my opinion. Are most new players gravitating to SFIV? Yes. But some are also playing older games and newer games that aren't SFIV. Someone might play SFIV, like it, and try T6BR, or the person might install GGPO and get play Vampire or KOF or whatever. The objective should be to steer them towards VF and not say "go away retards" or whatever.
    I can't speak for MvC2, CvS2, or GGAX, as I don't follow those scenes really at all, but ST and 3S are doing quite fine and the sun isn't close at all to setting on either. ST is getting its own American themed community site (DontBlowThis.com), the Japanese scene is still hot as hell and persisting through every ST arcade closing down including Nagase UFO, and GGPO is doing fine as well. And that's if you discount HDR entirely which has also helped international ST a lot. I think 3S is having a 'world 3S tournament' in California before EVO, and 3S is still featured at almost every regional tournament, and it has 100 people usually playing on GGPO, and of course the Japanese 3S scene is strong. Both games are at SBO again this year (with GGAC) and were enough to convince Arcadia to hold a separate festival tournament so as not to exclude those games.

    SF:Zero is basically dead. SF:EX is dead. Killer Instinct is dead. But ST and 3S? Those games will always be played. Hell, Mike Watson is already fighting for ST to be a featured game at EVO for 2011. ST and 3S will never die. VF will never die.
  18. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I see your point. It might've been a bit too much to say 3s and ST were dying. I'm maybe too cynical when it comes to this, but here goes:

    We both work from the assumption that new players gravitate toward the most popular game. I just don't see people picking up other titles with the same enthusiasm as SF4 for a lot of reasons - nostalgia, availability of competition, misinformation, laziness, etc. etc. Admittedly, I'm missing part of the picture here, because I really only see the turnouts for majors posted online (and in person in the case of MWC).

    Still, thanks to what I see, I view SF4 as a special case -- It's a fad, more or less. The people who were here before SF4 and don't like it, have been marginalized in terms of mindshare as well as time, attention, and physical space at tournaments. At any rate, SF4's longevity remains to be seen, but I am very skeptical that any of these new guys are here for anything but the next entry in the series.

    The payouts and the size of tournaments may have increased, which is generally a good thing. But something has to give when you view it more concretely (space, time, cash required to run tournies), and first on the chopping block are games that don't get good turnouts.

    For example, why the hell is there a campaign to get vanilla ST into EVO in the first place? I mean, that's my glass-half-empty way of viewing it, but at the same time, you have a game that had a supposedly bulletproof spot in EVO getting dumped in favor of anime games and SF4. It's a rational business decision, no doubt, but one that doesn't seem to have much respect for the tourney's and series' roots.

    So, my point is that VFDC is its own thing, just like SRK and SF4 are its own thing. Mixing the two seems unnecessary, and could potentially make things worse due to the possible influx of bad posters who never play the game anyway.
  19. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Some of those games Empnova mentioned could very well be revived with a remake or a part 2, 3, or 4 for some of those games. I mean there's tons of people that want a new Rival Schools, and I know someone out there would like an EX4 minus the 3 on 3 tag function (2 on 2 would have been better, but it could have been really polished). Capcom re-established themselves as king of the 2d fighter, so who knows. It might be a repeat of the golden era of fighting games. They're still talking about a new Vampire Savior, that could very well lead to a new Plasma Sword, Red Earth, or a way better version of Capcom Fighting Jam.

    No one is combining the sites or the games, per se. If SRK made a whole new site based off of FGs in general with a different name, would that keep people from getting confused?
  20. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    You know what they say. Any publicity, good or bad is better than no publicity. I think it would be beneficial for us to join but like everyone else I'm skeptical as to what it all entails to become a part of their network. I think the reason we're so un-trusting to SRK is because VFDC itself is like a large family, everyone kind of knows everyone here. We kind of have that "We don't like your type around here" mindset. Yet we're always open and happy to help newbies learn and understand VF... I love this place.

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