
Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Lectisternium, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. Lectisternium

    Lectisternium New Member

    Hi, (I know another noob)
    I usually use Pai and was planning on switching to Aoi and was wondering if anyone could give me the pros and cons of such a change...Thanks!
  2. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    you don't "switch" chars in vf, you just pick another. skills carry over, and you don't really forget how to play pai.

    there is no disadvantage to picking up aoi, however i don't think she's cut out for beginners.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hi there, welcome to a dying game /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif -- haha, just kiddin.

    aoi is well defensed, you can learn to attack and defend at the same time with her to be very intimidating and make the opponent scared of making decisions against you. she can use reversals on any attack high, mid, low attacks with no exception, and she has a strong throw game but weakish attack game.

    more work put in, but it depends what type of player you are.

    pai is very offensive, so if you have great reflexes, you can feel comfortable using a hand full of attack mix-ups to be effective, she is all about choices, so her throw game is weak in strengh, but high on the mind games.

    she has lots of hidden defense tricks to discover, but that requires learning the game furthur. imo, she's the best starting point.
  4. alphanumeric

    alphanumeric Member

    I love Aoi.
    She doesn't have many big combos, but most of her attacks hit quick and don't leave her open to much of a counter attack. Add that with the fact that a bunch of her moves are easily cancellable, which is awesome for messing with your opponents head, she has a strong throw game, lots of Sabakis and reversals, and an all around great defense.

    Because she's not as straightforward as other characters she'll take some getting used to, but she can be scary when you learn her.
  5. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    She can parry attacks when she's standing, she can parry attacks when she's laying down, she can parry attacks that hit her in the back of the head while she's facing away, etc etc etc.

    Great fun.
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I love Aoi.
    She doesn't have many big combos, but most of her attacks hit quick and don't leave her open to much of a counter attack.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that's a good thing about aoi, when she is vonerable to recovery, she has great attack reversals (sabaki) which means the opponent cant hit with certain attacks, or throw her when she looks like she is completely open. it;s an attack and defense at the same time /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif especially when some of her sabakis lead into crumple combos.

    the thing about aoi is that if you are a beginner that wants to learn how to use defensive stratergies, then aoi is perfect because that side of VF is very easy and user friendly for her. and simple to understand.

    it also give the player lots of freedom to use their own player reading skills /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  7. Lectisternium

    Lectisternium New Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    it also give the player lots of freedom to use their own player reading skills /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
    /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif Thanks to all who took the time to answer my question and thanks for the greeting BK__ !
    I pride myself on mind-games and reading my opponent's movements so Aoi sounds like a good choice. Thanks again!
  8. Lectisternium

    Lectisternium New Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    you don't "switch" chars in vf, you just pick another. skills carry over, and you don't really forget how to play pai.

    there is no disadvantage to picking up aoi, however i don't think she's cut out for beginners.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    By switch I meant altering my training to make Aoi my number one training priority...thank you for the advice.

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