Taka throw study

Discussion in 'Taka' started by Maxou, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Here are most of Taka's throws and my remarks about them.
    Some things in 1st post are nice to know but accessory, 2nd post is probably more interesting since it's not obvious stuff.
    1st post : Self explaining throws + Combo throws + Low throws
    2nd post : Taka's throws and the wall.

    Self-explaining throws :

    [P]+[G] : This throw will deal 40dmg and lay opponent at your feet.
    If opponent use rising K afterward you can step or use a well timed [6][K] to get a CH.
    If oppponent use rising 2K afterward, you cannot step (backdash possible) but a well timed [4][3][P] will take care of that.

    [6][P]+[G] : a 50dmg positioning throw. Use this to throw your opponent to your right and a little to your back. You may want to use an OM to get perfect positioning.
    Backdash will take care of most risings attacks.

    [6][6][P] : A 55dmg positioning throw that throw opponent in front of Taka. You can ring out with this throw and the animation is hilarious.

    [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G] : This throw will deal 80dmg and throw opponent to Taka's right whatever the stance Taka is. You can ring out with this throw.
    A well timed [3][3][P] will take care of both rising attacks.

    [4][P]+[G] : A 50dmg positioning throw. Throw opponent to your back. You can ring out with this throw or even wall hit into wall combo. But I'd prefer 2_4P+G to get a wall combo.

    [2_][4][P]+[G] : A 60dmg throw. Throw your opponent to your back but not as far as 4P+G. You can ring out with this throw, but use this throw to set up some very damaging wall combos (up to 110dmg on lightweight characters !). Check combo thread if you're at a loss to what to do for 2_4P+G wall combo.

    Combo throws :

    [6][3][2][1][4][P]+[G] : Best throw Taka has. Not only is it 80dmg against most characters, it carry very far in the ring and can setup some very interesting situations (wall hit, wall combos, ring out).
    After this throw Taka is at +15 so P+K combo of your choice (or 66PP if you want RO) is garanteed.
    What's interesting is that after this throw Taka ends up in closed stance.
    All Taka's [P]+[K] stance dependant combos need closed stance. So chose the best combo accordingly !
    Remark : [P]+[K] , [1][P][P] , [P] , [K]+[G][P] does not work against El Blaze after HCB P+G for whatever reason !

    PS : If you want to know what [P]+[K] combos you can do, go to this thread !

    [4][6][P]+[G] : A catch throw. I don't use it much, but it's not that bad of a throw though.
    You have a 3 way guessing game after this catch throw :
    - [4][P]+[G] : will throw opponent backward and deal 50dmg.
    - [P]+[G] : will throw your opponent backward and deal 40dmg.
    - [6][P]+[G] : will throw opponent at your feet and you can combo afterward with :
    [5] [1][P][P] , [6][P]+[K][P][P] - 65dmg - Eileen, El Blaze, Aoi
    [5] [1][P][P] , [6_][P] , [4][6][P] - 65dmg - lightweights except Shun
    [5] [1][P][P] , [K]+[G][P] - 64dmg - lightweight including Shun, Jean
    [5] [1][P][P] , [4][6][P] - 57dmg - up to Akira
    [5] [6][K][K] - 48dmg - Jeffry, Wolf, Taka

    Low throws :

    [2][P]+[G] : A 50dmg low throw.

    [3][P]+[G] : A 60dmg low throw.

    [1][P]+[G] : Low throw that throw opponent backward. It gives +15 adv. for Taka, so P+K or 66PP are your best choice. Very good ring out tool.
    After this throw just like HCB P+G, Taka ends up in closed stance.
    Sozos and bulbi like this.
  2. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Normal easy wall hit situations :

    You can get those situations with HCB P+G, or 1P+G.
    Against most characters, you can often get a wall hit from very far with :
    [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [6][P]+[K][P][P].
    You will have a free [3][3][P]+[K] after the wall hit for additional damage.
    So your HCB P+G throw will often be 89dmg !

    Remark : For the record, against Lightweight characters, although the range can be tricky to get, you can do :
    HCB [P]+[G] , [P]+[K] , [1][P][P] , [6_][P] W! , [4][3][P] , Tach'ai [P]+[K] , [6][K][K]
    It is not an easy combo to get, since the range is really hard to guess, you need to have a feeling to it.

    Here's a video (it's against Aoi, but it works against lightweights characters too) :

    Self explaining wall throws :

    [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G] : 85dmg wall throw. Rising kick can be stepped afterward.
    Sobers Shun 3DP.

    [6][6][P]+[G] : 70dmg wall throw. Apart from very cool animation, you may prefer 100% of the time the HCF P+G wall throw.

    Opponent with his back as close as possible to the wall :

    Things get a little complicated when you throw your opponent and his back is very close to the wall because the wall combos will be fence dependant.
    Indeed, the wall hit won't be the same if you're in a half-fence ring or in a full fence ring !

    Remark : I will talk only about HCB P+G, but obviously, it will be the same for 1P+G.

    In a full fence ring :
    [6][3][2][1][4][P]+[G] :
    [5] [P]+[K] , [P] , [3][3][P]+[K] W! , [6][K][P][P] - 86dmg - Eileen, El Blaze, Aoi
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [3][3][P]+[K] W! , [6][K][P] W! , [3][3][P] - 91dmg - El Blaze
    [5] [P]+[K] , [P] , [4][P][P][P] W! , [6][K][K] - 99dmg - Aoi
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [3][3][P]+[K] W! , [1][P][P] , [3][3][P] or [4][6][P] - 86dmg - Shun Di
    !!! : Sobers 1 DP. 46P ender is more consistant than 33P one but has a worst wake up game.
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [3][3][P]+[K] W! , [2_][4][6][P]+[K] - 77dmg - Shun Di
    !!! : Sobers 2DP. Because sometimes, it's totally worth to make Shun lose 2 DP.
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [6][K][P][P] W! , [3][3][P]+[K] - 94dmg - Lightweights
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [6][P]+[K][P][P] - 89dmg - up to Akira except Shun Di
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [1][P][P] W! , [3][3][P] - 80dmg - Jeffry, Wolf

    In a half-fence ring :
    [6][3][2][1][4][P]+[G] :
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [2][P] W! , [4][3][P] , Tachi'ai [P]+[K] , [6][K][K] - 107dmg - Eileen , El Blaze , Aoi
    [5] [P]+[K] , [1][P][P] W! , [4][3][P] , Tachi'ai [P]+[K] , [6][K][K] or [K]+[G][P] - 109dmg - lightweights, middleweights, heavyweights
    !!! : Slight delay against Shun.
    [5] [P]+[K] , [6_][P] , [1][P][P] W! , [4][3][P] , Tachi'ai [P]+[K] , [6][K][K] or [K]+[G][P] - 111dmg - Jacky, Jean

    So yes, half-fence rings are really interesting when playing Taka ;)
    And btw I talked about HCB P+G but this doesn't even need HCB P+G throw, P+K starter is enough !
    It can even work out of 4P+KP (but opponent must be one character away from the wall except against Wolf. Against Wolf you can be as close to the wall as possible.).

    I hope this thread helped. Don't hesitate to share if you know something new !!
    Pai~Chun and Sozos like this.
  3. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    1PP, P+GP works on Jean after 46P+G 6P+G, but oki will be sacrificed.
    Maxou likes this.
  4. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Nice stuff, I didn't check that ! That Jean hitbox is weird.
  5. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    I tried a lot of things to counter rising attack after P+G throw, because I think that throw kinda sucks for Taka since he can't backdash any rising attack afterward.
    Here's what I could came up with :

    [P]+[G] oki study :

    Eileen/El Blaze/ Aoi/ DS Vanessa/Lei/ Lau/ Brad/ Goh/ Jacky/ Jean :
    - Rising [K] : can be stepped
    - Rising [2][K] : cannot be stepped.
    Step 3[3G] to stomach avoid the two options. Free mix up ! Note that if you step to the back, you can have a free backthrow if they use rising K but you won't be able to avoid the two options.
    Still it is random, your best bet is to evade and hope he does rising K.

    Pai/Sarah :
    !!! : THIS IS RANDOM. If opponent doesn't hit his K at fastest timing but fastest timing minus a few frame, well you will get hit. This is why the P+G throw sucks against those characters.
    If you test that in training mode with CPU set to fastest rising attack, you will hit 100% of the time. Now try with yourself as opponent and Taka set to record P+G into 43P. Well, it doesn't work as well huh?

    - Rising [K] : Your [4][3][P] will CH them out of this option for a free combo. No timing in particular.
    A lot of options works here : [3][3][P], [1][P]+[K], [3][3][P]+[K] , [4][6][P]. They can deal very big damage (104dmg for 33P), but 43P is the safest you can get.
    - Rising [2][K] : The suck starts here. Use [4][3][P] with a little delay. It's a horribly strict timing but it will kill Rising K and rising 2K.
    If you miss, you won't be considered CH, and opponent will only be at +3 if he hits you.
    Of course, if opponents starts to spam rising 2K (because the meaty is really hard), don't forget about 8P or 8K. 8P allow for a free low throw mix up, and 8K allow for a free combo.

    OS Vanessa/ Lion :
    - backdash jump backward avoid the two options.

    Shun/Kage :
    - Random [4][3][P] can work. Problem is... if the randomness doesn't kick in, you'll get hit with rising [K]. Yay.
    Evade is your best option against Shun DO NOT PUSH A BUTTON AFTER YOUR EVADE ! Rising K has 100% full tracking if you push a button. Free 4P+KP combo if you evade.
    - Against Kage, his rising K after P+G throw is actually quite risky ! It's -21 on block , so you have a free 33P combo on evade and a free 33P+K combo on block.

    !!! : For the fun. Use [4][6][P] against Shun's rising [2][K]. You go through him and get a free BT mix up. Doesn't work on rising K alas and you get launched.

    Wolf/Akira/Jeffry :
    Evade works for both rising [K] or rising [2][K]. Free 4P+KPcombo on whiff.
    The P+G throw is actually good against them !

    Taka :
    Evade to his back (his feet after P+G throw) to evade both rising attacks.
    If you evade his rising K, you can actually go for OM to his back into free backthrow. Even better, you can actually go for [K] which will hit them Side hit CH. Very good damage.

    This is it ! That throw is actually surprisingly good against some characters !
    Nice to know... but the meaty still sucks. It all depends on when the opponent will press his button for rising attack.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  6. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Similarly to the main combo thread, one fix for this: [4][6][P]+[G], [6][P]+[G], [6][K][K] does not work on Jeff, the best thing you seem to get out of this is [2][P], [1][P][P] for 42 damage, or just [3][3][P]/[4][6][P] for 41 damage.
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hi Max,
    I wonder do you have any ideas or specific combs to apply 4P+K P near wall??
    The information of half-fence is crazy :)
  8. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    Anyone know what this combo is suppose to be? The inputs do not yield 89 points of damage. Thanks a bunch great post maxou.
  9. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I don't know how you managed to miss this part if you read the post all the way to that part you quoted since it's right at the beginning of the post, unless you were just browsing randomly or something, but:

    Which means that after hcbP+G throw you do that combo and manage to wall carry them so that the last hit of the 6P+KPP string causes a wall hit, you can scrape them with 33P+K for some extra damage, pretty common stuff really.
  10. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Ellis likes this.
  11. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    So if their back is to the wall, it's a good chance they will look to 6 break the two sick front throws, but you can just do the half circle back one, and go into a wall combo? Amazing threat.
  12. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    They should actually be looking to break 4, because the wall combos are far more damaging than the special animation wall throws on the 6 input.

    Taka's throw game near a wall is really scary. Reminds me of Astaroth from SC.

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