Tan !!!

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by scottsdaillest, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. scottsdaillest

    scottsdaillest New Member

    My Sarah needs a tan bad and I keep doing the balloon trick but can't seem to find it. So where can I find her different skin tones.
  2. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Slightly related to this. The other day I fell in love with a Sarah I had never seen before. I believe she was a C costume Sarah, but she had a pink top with very thin shoulder straps. I had a look at the items but I couldn't find it. The closest thing was the top shown in the image for the tattoo.


    Is the top I'm talking about hard to get?
  3. emperorofuall

    emperorofuall Active Member

    I've found them (the tans I have so far) through Quest myself, but sadly I haven't seen the balloon in FOREVER to abuse it for the rest of its itemy goodness. :-(

    Let's see, so far I have 'Tropical' and just regular 'suntan'. Unsure if there's a third or not... ugh gotta catch 'em all...
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Suntan and tropical are the only unlockable ones.

    btw, that tattoo should've been in there, that's cool.
  5. Darkfrog

    Darkfrog Member

    I belive you have to get the tan's from orbdisc's.... I might be wrong, though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif
  6. Pike

    Pike Member

    u dont get the tan from orb disc, i got it from a red balloon on the ps3
  7. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    someone please walk me through how to "keep doing the balloon trick" This is info i definitely need to know
  8. SmEh

    SmEh New Member

    I'm interested just to know what exactly the balloon trick is. Quite intrigued by this.
  9. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

  10. robdood

    robdood New Member

    Hehe - I realise it was a long time ago, but that could well have been mine! Sarah gets a C type upper body wear called 'No casual shirt' which mean you just get distract your opponents with her flappy chesticles.

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