Tell us about your rank and Quest mode info?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Coroo, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    i desided to make a topic about quest mode i wanted to know if anyone did the same thing i did about it. i stayed up for about two days to complete it. hehe i play as sarah. i'm using a friends 360 till i get my own. lol

    so far i'm a Conqueror.
    i have 540 Win, and 5 Losts
    my win ratio is 99.08%

    i defeated about 39.3% of the rivals. ehe i even seen myself. lol
    i have 99.4% of the items for sarah.
    and around 34.5% of the emblems collected
    so all in all i'm roughly over half way done with everything. tho i did complete quest mode it saying my completed time was 6.25.51 and the wins was around 516 but right now i'm around the 7 and a half hours into the game with 600 matchs
  2. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    hmm, definintely a ways behind Coroo but here goes..

    about 3 hours and some change into Vanessa's quest..

    around 250 wins, 12 losses
    just over 95% win/loss, (math anyone?)

    im 20% into the total rivals list, 50% into coast arcade..

    ive started to wander into other quest modes and its really cuttin into my Vane quest.. an hour into Akira already, started with the monk too.. bad red son, Bad!
  3. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    hehe i hear that. heheh it's making me work more for it. lol
    my percentage is going up abit more. heheh
  4. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    what difficulty are you on.. i had to turn it down to normal, for some reason it defaults at expert for me and thats just too much..
  5. Huzza

    Huzza Member

    925 Wins 15 losses
    Rivals defeated: 77.6%
    Items Collected: 100%
    Emblems Collected: 82.9%
    Overall completion rating: 86.8%

    The amount of loading is much worse then the PS3 version. I wish you could set an option to just play against people you have not fought.
  6. ShenlongBo

    ShenlongBo Member

    All I know off hand is that I'm a Conqueror, have loads of Lei-Fei's items, and have racked up over 100 losses. I've played some friends local, though, so there :p My win ratio is like 85%.
  7. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Try it on expert instead. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Loading is exactly the same as far as I can tell - PS3 version took a long time too. In both versions Jacky's stage, Goh's stage and the dojo take longer to load than the rest. That's how similar the loading times are.
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  9. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    yeah i agree with you on that it catches me off gaurd, i would always try to make food and by the time i get back it's waiting on me... i'm not used to that. lol
  10. DaleDough

    DaleDough Member

    defeated about 39.3% of the rivals. ehe i even seen myself. lol

    Did they make a Quest character based on you, or does it automatically create one copy of the current player?
  11. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    hehehe nice and no while they were making they had something for the fans, sega wanted to make copy of their fans. so i gave them my vanessa character. she's a forth dan if i remember right. she's hella easy in the ps3 version but in the home version she's harder. i love the throws i had to get out. lol
  12. RayBlade

    RayBlade Well-Known Member

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