Tenshoshin (天翔神) Battle: Homestay Akira vs. Chinpan

Discussion in 'News' started by BLACKSTAR, Mar 20, 2016.

By BLACKSTAR on Mar 20, 2016 at 11:09 AM

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    This weekend, we were able to witness a new Tenshoushin battle! Hit the jump to come and watch the replay of some of the highest level of VF play in action.

    In a battle for the highest rank possible in VF5FS, Tenshoushin (天翔神), a.k.a. "Skylord", we have Homestay Akira, a 20 year veteran of the venerable Athena arcade, an exclusive Akira main, and one of the VF scene's most feared and simultaneously revered players. He takes on Chinpan (short for "Chimpanzee"), a flashy Jacky player known for his fancy footwork and movement cancelling, as well as his extremely solid playstyle, and brazenly loud personality.

    The rules are simple: fight until someone loses their rank. Come watch the merciless digital battle between two of VF's finest!

    BIG special thanks to @-nero- for the tip and the upload!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016


Discussion in 'News' started by BLACKSTAR, Mar 20, 2016.

    1. DK
      ChinpanJ is crazy
    2. Rodnutz
      Yeah he is and I love watching him play. As good as he is I'm kind of perplexed why his win ratio is so low. I'm guess he was a scrub at first like that loser @Lucky_GT, but due to his high competitive drive he put that work in and leveled up. Now he one of the best if not the best IMO. Not a Jacky fan, but always been a ChinpanJ fan from the bleachers.
    3. DK
      I would have loved to see a set between itoshun at his prime vs Chinpan now.
      BlackGeneral, Rodnutz and og23 like this.
    4. Stl_Tim
      Why the win ratio is so low, really? It's fs and not vf. We have been talking about low percent winning ratios for some time now.
      Even in the commentary, they mention he is more of a frame style player which translates to vf4 style thought process. Fs indeed is tekken incarnate that's why we the navf and javf have completely different players/audiences that play compared to vf4 era.

      I'm just too stubborn even to this day to accept the afterbirth known as vf5.
      Parasite_eveNZ likes this.
    5. LegendaryHero90
      does Chinpan play online? because i swore i ran into a japanese jacky with that exact same custom.

      Same with the All dark green Eileen player.
    6. leftylizard
      STHU, Tim,lol. Its probably(is) because of what Rodney said. And you going off on some tirade of vf being like tekken...wth. Tekken movement is very inferior compared to vf and tekken relies on spacing 24/7. Vf can be played in a variety of ways and is more fluid than tekken every will be. I swear sometimes I think you say stuff for attention.
      Last edited: May 13, 2016

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